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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/29/2023 3:25:01 AM

This game is no longer for average players.

I don't think this game can be saved. The fun factor is being stripped away and bungie is catering to the minority of hardcore players. While pushing away avenger players the desire to play is waring thin. This seems to be the end for most of us. This seasons different direction to combat area in pve has awful design choices.



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  • I just want to blow shite up and have a good time. It's called having fun, an escape. Anyone remember this concept? Why take a fookin video game seriously?



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    4 Risposte
    • Are you trolling? All bungie does is cater for casuals



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      9 Risposte
      • Modificato da More Power: 12/1/2023 5:59:01 AM
        [quote]I don't think this game can be saved. The fun factor is being stripped away and bungie is catering to the minority of hardcore players. While pushing away avenger players the desire to play is waring thin. This seems to be the end for most of us. This seasons different direction to combat area in pve has awful design choices.[/quote] Bungie forgot an important point when they left Halo. In Halo, every player could play everything offered by the game. The rank beginner, youngster, oldster, physically impaired, or just bad player could still enter every single activity and not be crushed. That’s what difficulty levels were all about. The elite had their game too in Halo, Solo Legendary All Skulls On would give the elite players what they wanted. Everyone else fit somewhere in-between Easy and SLASO. In Destiny, only the elite can see, experience and do everything. And, it’s so complicated that only a hardcore committed player who lives in the land of D2 can master everything. Finally, many of the great players can’t do the difficult content without watching videos (spoilers) first.



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        22 Risposte
        • The game is for no one beyond addicts. The story is a terribly written mess, the gameplay has become average and unfun, and the only thing ever new is in the cash shop otherwise it's copy pasted garbage. It's been this way for awhile but I'm glad people are finally figuring it out.



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          14 Risposte
          • I truly wonder if they haven't linked their drop in revenue to the increased difficulty because I would expect a company to pivot AFAFP to increase sales. Do they think there's some huge difficulty-loving market they haven't tapped into yet?



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            6 Risposte
            • It's just not fun. It is wild that they don't see the direct correlation between -45% and making the game a slog. So many casual players dropped. They aren't coming back now.



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            • I don't think Bungie has realized that a good chunk of the casual player base left during Lightfall, and they aren't coming back. This season also seems underwhelming so far and I can't see it being enough over the next 7 months to bring back any players who left this year.



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            • Modificato da Jet Set Willy: 11/29/2023 10:47:03 AM
              Lightfall is introduced alongside ‘bringing the challenge back to Destiny’. Player retention drops and earnings projections fall to 45% below expectations. Bungie responds by nerfing more things in D2. I’m not sure what they’re doing is going to positively address the situation the game is in.



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              2 Risposte
              • You are definitely right. Tried coil in a group, all lives gone by second boss. Dod it solo and got to final boss with 10 lives left but took 2 hours! Switched off and didn’t bother finishing it. Two hours to get to the end of a seasonal activity that then has mobs 20 levels above me? Errr nope! All the oncoming crap about git gud!, learn how to play, should be harder to get better rewards! Bs - and as for drifting apart modifier on a solo run? Another designed for streamer activity - they are welcome to it



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                6 Risposte
                • It would be nice if there was more user selectable difficulty like 90% of the games on the -blam!- planet. Open legendary day 1 and give it matchmaking or something. Give people who want harder stuff an option that doesn't punish everyone. What blows my mind is how Bungie's response to people who wanted harder but with no effort or imagination to do it themselves (use blue guns or something) was to ruin the game for people who didn't.



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                • Modificato da Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 11/30/2023 10:08:20 PM
                  It’s just not as fun. Their idea of increased challenge is either bullet sponges or encounters where you can’t really use cover because of the way the spawns are, and cheap debilitating modifiers that hinder what players are normally capable of. They want us to build craft but then it seems like they try so hard to shoehorn us into certain things because they are basically necessary by design of the encounters and modifiers. All but one of the battlegrounds GMs are just awful. The seasonal activities with those awful modifiers are just so not fun. Then we have incredibly inconsistent player agency for chasing weapon rolls. If you ever wanted to try out a dungeon weapon with a build, you may as well just forget it. You’re more likely to get an endgame exotic than a dungeon weapon roll you want. Playlist and world drops are almost as bad, as is IB. Outside of NF adepts because they are guaranteed with platinum making them reliably farmable, ALL my builds use either raid weapons or seasonal weapons because those are the only ones I ever get the rolls I want on. Why? Because they’re craftable. That thing that is built in bad luck protection. The best thing they ever added to the game that is the perfect balance of RNG and bad luck protection that they don’t use everywhere in the game. I have never gotten a single dungeon weapon roll that I want from any dungeon, ever. The last ritual playlist weapon roll that I got was before WQ. The only world weapons I’ve gotten the roll I want on since some time before WQ are ones that I bought from Banshee. The return to the “joy” of the random drop and bringing challenge back to Destiny are not it. I was having the best time with the game during the WQ year. I played more that year more than any other year. Largely because crafting meant I got to try out a lot of weapons with builds, but also the game was just more fun. It’s just not now. Even now I’m sitting in orbit struggling to get myself to play beyond the weekly story quest. I want to try out the new ritual sword with Gyrfalcon but it’s just a vanguard grind. I don’t care about the new dungeon beyond doing it once because of how fundamentally unrewarding they are. I’ll do it once just to do it because the reward of a first time run is experiencing something new. After that it’s just a helpless slog with zero player agency to get anything I might want. Then the studio has issues, we get the Final Shape delay, a bunch of nerfs that hurt the fun factor of the combat, no older raid weapon updates, no new exotic armor….. What exactly am I expected to look forward to at the moment?



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                  3 Risposte
                  • As someone that works 60 hours a week I feel this. I am actually having more fun in SWTOR than I do in Deadstiny



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • true this game is not for the ultra casual and bottom 1000% players for 90% of the imte



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                    • Let's agree to disagree but when you see someone die by running into ads or better yet, die to the same spike trap in the coil 17 times. It's not really difficulty, it's called not having a working brain. Coil is fine, if you use half a brain. Togetherness is cheeks though, I do agree



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                    • Saw another post where a guy is asking for The Coil to be more difficult.



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • Modificato da Honed: 11/29/2023 10:07:01 AM
                        the amount of dlc's you have to buy to play all of the content is crazy expensive, id rather buy a better graphics card then pay that much just for a game.. its definitly not for the average fans anymore, leaned to into the hardcore, and yeah the hardcore is happy, but I don't play this game for "the challenge" i play it for the fun and the gunplay and abilitys. and i always have, since the start of d1 and d2. making -blam!- harder just because doesn't = more fun for me, it = more stress and that to me is less fun. i enjoy blowing up enemy's with grenade spam in pve, not blasting a red bar with an auto for 4 seconds just to kill that one enemy.... its not like an rpg where you get stronger the more enemy's you kill and the more you level up, it will always be this slow, unless they change it.



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                        10 Risposte
                        • [quote]I don't think this game can be saved. The fun factor is being stripped away and bungie is catering to the minority of hardcore players. While pushing away avenger players the desire to play is waring thin. This seems to be the end for most of us. This seasons different direction to combat area in pve has awful design choices.[/quote] Thank streaming and simpletons that watch and support streamers. Its the beginning of the end now. Gaming is dying, soon you will all realize it's not just d2, it's gaming as a whole.



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                          9 Risposte
                          • Well, there’s always Borderlands, any looter shooter or just other games to enjoy.



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                          • Most pvp games are super hardcore now. On 1 hand that's fun if you're a competitive person, on the other hand, it's also why sbmm is a thing



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                          • 18
                            So my take on it is this. "Hard Core" and "Casuals" are advertising terms that the gaming industry introduced into gaming communities for marketing reasons and morons ate it up. Let me explain it using social media as an example. Avoiding getting political, you may notice we lived in an increasingly polarized world. How did we get there? Oh no, it is not a natural development of human behavior. There is a psychological phenomenon that, with a great deal of empirical data, establishes that if you put people who have a few topics of common interest, eventually, the vast majority will, little by little, start to generate matching thought patterns, even if these people started off having relatively little in common. And once you get people swarm thinking, once you figure out how to market to one of them, you've figured out how to market to all of them. So lets put it like this. List individual ideals, interests, traits, whatever, it can be anything you want. Lets start with 1-5. 1=camping, 2=hunting 3= interest in guns, target shooting, tactical gear, 4=survivalism and off grid living, 5 = a paranoid hate group that has convinced itself it's marginalized. The algorithm shows that 1 and 2 fit together like peas in a pod, 2 and 3 also fit together like peas in a pod, 3 and 4 also fit together very nicely, and 4 and 5 also have a lot of matching interests. So the algorithm puts all these people together, 1 - 5. 1 and 5 have NOTHING in common at the beginning, but 1 does correspond well to 2 and 3, 5 has nothing in common with 1, but it does have things in common with 3 and 4. Over time thought patterns begin overlapping, and your outside markets start to get along more with your inside markets, and pretty soon, you've got a target group that you can send advertising to that a fair number of people in that group will definitely be interested in. You7 can work this out exponentially with any group of people, if you don't think you're being manipulated in this way? I assure you you are mistaken. This isn't a conspiracy theory, this isn't an exaggeration, I'm just describing how marketing works in the modern age and anyone who works in the industry will freely admit it. So when you hear "Casuals and Hard Core gamers". Understand the reality is that neither exist. Period. People are all subject driven, they like what they like. You have an incredibly small group of people who like "extremely difficult and unrewarding content". Most of them don't have any real stress in their lives so it's their way of simulating it. You have a few people who's interest in gaming is that game they installed on their apple device and forgot about. The reality is that the average gamer plays games they enjoy playing. I like remnant 2. It's hard at times but the story and writing is amazing and it is actually extremely fun working out builds and finding things that work well together. I like warframe, because maybe the story is kinda meh but it's a lot of fun and theres a lot of variety, I like FFXIV because I like the art style even if the game play is dated, I like new world at least for now. I like a lot of different types of games, some hard, some not so much, and that is the vast, vast majority of gamers. But it's -blam!- hard to do marketing that way. So what they do is they convince you you're one of two types of gamers and if you don't like the kind of game that your group likes, you're a -blam!- loser. Here's the reality about Destiny. Of the people who play the "super hard end game content" like grand masters, raids, trials. Maybe like 5 out of every 100 players actually enjoy it. The rest are only after gear and if they didn't have to bend over backwards to do it, they would not care. Normal people don't care that they're the only one in the lobby that has the op raid nozzle, but all the people who get angrier and angrier as they continue to not have their efforts rewarded. Especially when the vast, vast majority of loot in the game is not worth having anymore. What you have in destiny is the perfect -blam!- storm of "people who care too much about gate keeping and sense of elite status, and people who are sick of wasting hours, weeks, years, never feeling rewarded or actually find something that is fun only to have it nerfed. Saying destiny cannot be saved is nonsense. There's nothing to save. It is a toilet for people who don't care enough about their wages to -blam!- their money into. Enough people will sit on the toilet no matter how bad it smells, so they have no motivation to clean it. What Destiny is, is the ultimate caricature of everything that is wrong with the gaming industry. Players who group think, don't care what they're buying, don't vote with their wallets, and developers / publishers who are just milking the cash cow while only feeding it enough to keep the milk coming out. Of course Destiny isn't for the average player. It isn't really for anyone. It's just a hole to -blam!- money into.



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                            9 Risposte
                            • Bungie forgets that there are new players every day. which is turning off many people. Why is seasonal content based on TEAMS? many of us do not play teams, why not Matchmaking? makes it easier for the solo player to get in the game.



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                              6 Risposte
                              • If you look back, can you remember when you used other assemblies? and where is the promised variety of builds and assemblies? the same weapon every season and exotic...



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                              • Hell I was a hardcore player and this year killed the game for me. Its just disgustingly boring



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                                2 Risposte
                                • this game has been catering to casuals for the last couple seasons and thats whats ruined it... PLZ SIT DOWN.. its fun for casuals. if you are not finding it fun you are looking in the wrong areas.



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                                • Yeah it's going to be a rough ride till the final shape.



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                                • I've not enjoyed this game since lightfall, season of the seraph was great, the exotic mission for revision Zero the difficulty was spot on in my opinion just playing to rank 100 season pass as I've bought the annual pass but after that it's farewell destiny for me



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