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postato inizialmente in: You have ruined 6v6 PvP
11/29/2023 2:59:15 AM
end of the day it is simple. You don't like it don't play it. Guess what they will wind up in a SBMM pool of their own making.



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  • Oh one more unfortunately some of that control from the end of last season ish with the abilities was probably a better fit to be in that spot. The main 6v6should probably have abilities. Then checkmate sped up and moved more where it belongs



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  • Will that be the part where people get what they deserve?????



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  • For the negative impact they have had on the game it would be a minor instalment



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  • Modificato da A_mo: 11/29/2023 2:59:15 PM
    There's something that some people don't understand about balancing opportunity. Good players should be given something that's partially there responsibility to grow. And otherwise be treated like crap in comparison. If they like it they should truly be allowed to prove it. It just gets to be obvious when it's obvious are coming with reasons to not even do that. No one ever said that thee pvp should not appear to be casual in nature. Or for casuals. Especially when all you have to do is say something to some of them. "There's just a playlist that might not be for you." How does that become so complicated? Other wise as far as the casual playlists it would truly be going back to when control was sbmm and they had the cbmm in the corner. It can just be like that but better. That's basically what a lot of pvp players are expecting. But with the shenanigans that would be taking place it's going to be welcoming to people looking for the game play.



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  • I would absolutely love there to be a season with two equally sized nodes that had rotating control and clash one with SBMM one without and a player count for the season given for each but I wouldn’t hold my breath for you know real data driven game design



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  • Modificato da A_mo: 11/29/2023 7:11:28 PM
    It doesn't to appear to be as data driven when you're really building what comes the revolution. Revolution brought about by Joe not the other one. PvP utopia is just going to really include something everyone really wants. You revolutionize that too. Just like he did the other one.



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  • Probably should be.



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  • That's what I did last season, I played normal control instead. But now there is no normal control because bungie is trying to force people to play the mode they like better.



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  • and I did stop playing lol...... and I will still not play. i meannn sure... I logged in to see what the new season was about, played for an hour, and now I'm probably not gonna touch it again till the dungeon is out... there really is nothing I want in this game anymore. they changed and ruined the fun I once had for this game. there going back to the start of d2 levels of restricted "fun".



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  • I quit paying them at lightfall. Didn't buy in the entire year. They can either earn players or they can maybe find something else to do as far as I am concerned.



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  • been playing alot of modded skyrim (nolvus mod list) and fallout 4 (storywealth mod list).. and im waiting for the elden ring dlc. hopefully that comes out soon, oh and xdefiant was fun in the beta test when i played it... but yeah, im not gonna be playing much of d2 now lol, too many nerfs, and a playlist in pvp id rather not play.



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