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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/29/2023 2:34:09 AM


Removing Rampage from Breakneck makes it half the gun it was and ruins the whole point of it. Give Rampage back to Breakneck.



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  • I saw someone made the joke “without rampage, it’s not even breakneck. It’s just neck.” Got a good laugh.



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  • With the return of onslaught, why does cascade point exist?



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    2 Risposte
    • Subsistence/Onslaught appears to be the best roll combo now. Rampage/Onslaught was nice though.



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    • So no reason to play Gambit still. Got it.



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    • Ah, the memories of Breakneck with the rampage spec mod. Absolutely ruthless



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      3 Risposte
      • The Godroll breakneck or crafted version should be put in my inventory for free without having to play anything. I grinded and earned it. And they took it away. I refuse to grind for or use it again.



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      • It actually can roll with Ramage still



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        • I had countless kills with that auto, it was one of my most favourite weapons. Not only sunsetting took it away, i cannot see it with it's original perks anymore. -blam!- that.



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        • Modificato da Lore Oradon: 11/29/2023 2:52:12 AM
          so, they give back BreakNeck, without Rampage? Oh now im P####! Dont Give Gambit any Content, Abandoned it, and they bring back the Best Auto Ever without Rampage! Again with a damn Middle Finger! I feel like they do this on Purpose.



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          3 Risposte
          • I was on the edge about the theory going round that bungie is killing its player base off to promote marathon but I always thought it was a ridiculous theory but now I'm not to sure because all bungie have done is alienate it's playerbase In destiny an concentrate more makeing addicts an neckbeards happy with non stop pointless nerfs



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          • I was genuinely happy to see breakneck make a return. To my surprise I was also disappointed to see rampage was off even though due to the new sandbox that perk combo wouldn’t have done as much. I was still genuinely fine. Although when you change a weapon I’ve had in my vault for years, that’s sunsetted. You’re doing too much. Sunset weapons should stay the way they are because well, they are sunset. Sad really. Now I’ll just have to delete it because I can just get another one with the same if not better roll. Terrible mistake I’m sure the community will jump on. This ALMOST makes me want to clear vault of weapons I believe will get the same treatment of changes.



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          • I have no issues with the reskin not dropping with rampage but I do have an issue with Bungie changing the perks of a ritual weapon in my vault. This needs to be reverted to the role it was.



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            1 Rispondi
            • [quote]Removing Rampage from Breakneck makes it half the gun it was and ruins the whole point of it. Give Rampage back to Breakneck.[/quote] Agreed. I checked my sunset breakneck in my vault.. Rampage was replaced by subsistence! I call shenanigans!!!



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              1 Rispondi
              • Wtf, they deleted a perk off a sunset weapon?! So dumb



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                4 Risposte
                • It was more of a Berf. Buffs: - Now has subsistence - Onslaught no longer decreases base damage while active. Nerfs: - No longer gets the rampage damage bonus (which wasn’t crazy to begin with after they nerfed its damage as onslaught activates) - no longer gains +10 reload speed per stack. It got off a bit better than some other reprised pinnacle perks. Reservoir burst got nuked by having its damage reduced and it now grants a counterproductive magazine increase. If you want to blame someone, blame all the PvP streamers making videos of them tearing up with it



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • Honestly, it doesn't even need rampage. Sure, it would make it better in some ways, but Bungie removed the damage penalty that onslaught used to give, so rampage isn't really even necessary anymore. Plus, subsistence is fricking great with onslaught.



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                  • I agree. I was excited when I saw it was back. An offering for me playing gambit regularly. Then I saw we couldn't get the original roll, and the excitement went away. It's cool, I'll still play gambit, cause I like gambit.



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                  • Modificato da Fur_Queue: 11/30/2023 10:15:24 AM
                    I have the old one in my vault. It was a killer PvE weapon. That was the main reason for getting it. It made it unique. Bungie seems to only stick unique weapons as Trials weapons these days. Immortal with target lock for example. They did this with Randy’s, re- issued it with multiple perk combos and the weapon lost all its character. They should never have been sunset. What’s next? Kindled Orchid? Without the ability to roll rampage and kill Clip together though.



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                  • Not only does the new one not roll with Rampage but the old Curated version had Rampage changed to Subsistence. AND if you had a Curated in your vault, that was also changed. I'm not going to bother getting one of these.



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                    5 Risposte
                    • why.. they nerfed it



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                    • They let Wendigo keep Explosive Light. They let Loaded Question keep Reservoir Burst. Why couldn't they let Breakneck keep Rampage/Onslaught? Bungie, if you are going to bring back these weapons that caused sunsetting in the first place, let them roll with the perks they had that made them unique. Otherwise, you're going to have a lot of unhappy players



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                      7 Risposte
                      • If a reddit post I saw was correct, Onslaught doesn't scale damage down anymore, so it arguably doesn't need Rampage, especially when it can roll Subsistence instead.



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • You already know the power creep excuse that's why I said bungie need to take more risk with perk combination then getting the same perks in the same slot on different models gets old and too common



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                        • You can get that roll out of your collections. You can use it in 6s or ritual play stuff. With all the crying about ARs people would have strokes if they allowed both perks to be viable in Trials or Comp. It would be hysterical though because it shreds in QP.



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                          3 Risposte
                          • Nope, it can roll with subsistence so it’s way better, it does not need rampage in the slightest



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                          • My question is why are some weapons sunset because of a perk and then the perk is available on similar weapons later on? Wasn’t the reason the weapon/perk sunset because it was “too strong” looking at you 21% delirium/killing tally



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