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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/28/2023 11:42:59 PM

Checkmate Sucks

TTK is too high, ability regen is too low. I’m fine with primary gunplay, but I like a faster experience instead of having to peek-shoot or lane cover all damn game.



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  • Modificato da Eye of Horus: 12/6/2023 2:23:30 AM
    Agreed. I believe the community wanted more PvP content, not a complete restructuring of the gameplay experience. This mode ruins the flow of destiny PvP combat, favouring passive play far too much, removing the dynamism that makes Destiny PvP feel unique. If some like the mode, that’s fine, provide it for them, but not at the cost of removing regular control altogether. In my view, these changes should not be imported throughout PvP as a whole.



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  • This mode is absolute trash. Why not play Call of Duty if you just want to shoot guns around? The entire purpose of Destiny is to “become legend” is it not? So why make a game with supers and abilities just to have a mode where you’re only allowed to use a BB gun? Because that’s what everything is now unless you have raid weapons because Bungie can never balance a game and leave it alone so that players can use whatever they want to enjoy themselves. I’m in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend who wants to control what I wear, where I’m going, what I’m doing, and who I’m with. It’s nonsense. Is it too much to ask to have FUN in a video game?



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  • This game mode is complete and utter trash. Such low regen on things. no special ammo. I run into a one on one just doesnt feel good at all. Making this mode the main thing for PVP is no good. Maybe a separate game mode but pushing it upon us like the meta that changes every season. Whats the next thing limit our kinetic ammo. Something gotta give in my opinion. Played alot of PVP this is becoming the worst state of the game.



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  • [b]Agree entirely.[/b] Look, is it really that hard to put a few extra circles on the Crucible page for more game modes? Why are no user-generated maps/modes available outside of private matches? Why can't we simply have more PVP maps/modes added without taking anything away? Why does the game feel more empty now than ever? I mean, come on...Destiny was made by the creators of Halo's Forge. It could be so much more interesting with an official PVP track (with specific rewards & competitions) alongside a freeform community-generated one. The amount of data Bungie would be able to gather from this is remarkable, and they could even adopt a community submission and make it official after applying their polish to it. Just seems like a lot of missed opportunities and I'm not sure Bungie keeps letting 'em slip. Odd, especially given their saga ends next year & people seem more jaded about D2's future than ever. Bungie needs to realize they have a golden egg here, not a goose. This could be an eternal game if handled properly, and it doesn't seem like they even recognize their own game's potential. We'll see. Cheers, Guardian.



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  • primary gunplay is better than shotgun guns 24/7



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    12 Risposte
    • The TTK in Checkmate is a problem because movement from enemies is too quick and lower uptime of abilities means you can’t 1v2 or 1v3 as often so you spend more time repositioning for a 1v1 but when you finally get the 1v1 it takes so long to kill that their teammates bombard you so you have no time to reposition again or regain health.



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    • Ability spam takes a lot of the skill factor away from the game. I’m personally really enjoying the game mode



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      2 Risposte
      • What a minority report. We’ve had 3 years of ability spam PvP. It was time for a change.



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        4 Risposte
        • They should have put normal control up next to it and seen which one was played more. The thing I'm enjoying the least is the thorn/hand cannon meta. All I can hear is the constant sound of thorn and healing grenades. I feel like my healing grenades have been nerfed.



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          2 Risposte
          • Modificato da BUFFALO THRILL: 11/29/2023 10:42:27 PM
            Checkmate is great idk what you guys are talking about



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          • Heck NO! it is fun. I have been kind bryant'ing folks that used to wipe the floor with me. Not fun when you actually have to use gun skill is it sir? Checkmate is the best pvp mode in existence. It exposes! It tells the truth about you as a pvp player. Can't hide behind meta weapons and Bungie aim assistance! When I see posts like this. I smile. I can say Bungie got this mode right. My recommendation ? Avoid checkmate. Even the name rings true. You lost and you didn't see it coming. Bravo Bungie Mic Drop Here



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            1 Rispondi
            • Checkmate is best pvp has been since the 30th anniversary



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              5 Risposte
              • 4
                Bungie still has not figured out that the core problem with Crucible -for years- is primary weps are too weak. That’s what forces people into special weps and ability spam. When it takes 3-4 shots over a second -on average- to get a kill, or 1 shot with immediate kill via special weps or ability/weps combo, it’s hardly a choice. Checkmate is just D2 vanilla rn. Buff primary weps by %10 and watch crucible become fun again.



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                3 Risposte
                • I like CM but it was a mistake to have it all week long with no clash or regular control.



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                • Modificato da a potato: 11/30/2023 12:28:19 AM
                  I'd just like to post an update that it looks like the dev team has heard our cries of pain on this. Normal control is being made available as an optional mode for future checkmate weeks, and they're going to be adjusting weapon TTK.



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                • If they really want to change, just keep the ability cooldown and revert back weapon damage and hp to normal.



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • We are headed back to D2 Vanilla.



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                    2 Risposte
                    • The worst is people just hiding all game never moving like why the F@@K did you even play the game if you just gonna hide.



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                    • TTK is terrible and it's people holding hands all the time. I've also noticed that my FANG OF IR YÛT is doing 43 to the head instead of 47 which make it useless. Also precision fusions cannot kill with 5 bolts which makes them useless as well. So you want to play this game mode you need to use only HC or a bow and team shoot... really disappointing...



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                      2 Risposte
                      • Modificato da Rev: 11/30/2023 11:27:10 AM
                        Checkmate was far from ready to becoming a Crucible mainstay and they decided to REPLACE Control with it?? Regardless of if it's on a rotator, it's clear they value us playing their variety of poorly-crafted game modes more than growing the dwindling population. The matchmaking is awful, the sandbox is awful, the game modes are awful, the spawns are awful, the large swaths of time between changes and improvements are awful, the queue times are awful, the connections are awful, cheaters and augmenters are still running rampant, their balancing decisions continue to feel uninformed and absent minded. It's time to return to basics, Bungie. You CANNOT afford to screw around anymore.



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                        3 Risposte
                        • I was getting more and more burned out Destiny and their lack of pvp support, so after a decade away from CoD i bought MW3 (which is far from perfect and also sweaty AF due to strict SBMM but i’ve still enjoyed myself for the most part) and was just going to occasionally play D2 pvp during this extended season, but i guess i’ll pass on that too if Checkmate replaces regular Control. It is so boring and slow, and plays way too much like vanilla D2.



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                        • Modificato da AppleSoda: 11/30/2023 4:55:58 AM
                          My problems with Checkmate is that it fundamentally guts all of the interesting parts of Destiny PvP. It’s fine as a side mode, but shouldn’t be the main one. Primary gameplay being encouraged is good. Why a TTK shift/health increase is necessary at all for this is unclear. Balance the primary sandbox we have now instead of having this garbage Checkmate one where we decide Hand Cannons must be 100% irrefutably the best in basically every situation as the core tenet of our “balance.” Less abilities is overall good, but again, you wouldn’t have to gut the uptime of all abilities nearly as much if you just balanced them correctly. Special ammo economy changes are interesting, but are too snowball-y imo. I honestly don’t see too much wrong with our current special economy. Crazy concept: balance outlier special weapons and you won’t need to change the ammo economy anymore. Basically tldr: Checkmate tries to take a scorched earth approach to fixing Crucible instead of addressing the core issues that could easily render these changes unnecessary. Slight nerfs to snipers (especially on controller) and some individual outlier specials along with adjustments to the strong/cheesy abilities along with some slight cooldown nerfs across the board are basically all you need. And of course these would be PvP exclusive (if checkmate can have ability cooldown modifiers, unique damage profiles, increased player health, etc. and not affect PvE or even standard PvP so can normal crucible). You don’t need all this Checkmate bs, but that’s just my thoughts.



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                        • It's great has a side dish, but not the main course



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                        • I lov it but it does need some adjustments the only thing that made it miserable is that it's Control 😒 like always I like way better then regular pvp with all the ability spam and shotguns it's damn near borderline mayhem



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                        • It's like a worse version of halo. People just wanted ability spam reduced, not an entirely reworked sandbox.



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                        • The Thorn spam is pretty obnoxious, ngl...



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