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postato inizialmente in: Already off to a disappointing start
11/28/2023 11:24:04 PM
Good points all around. Very accurate as well. At this point, Joe Blackburn needs to be fired plain and simple. This season is an embarrassment. No new exotic armor pieces? Wtf? Reskin after reskin. Old weapons no one asked for back. Difficulty still annoying... 7 months of this... this is actually going to be what absolutely kills Destiny for good. Lmao 7 months... They are over with.



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  • I mean I can't disagree. Joe has been back in D2 since 2020 and we've had 2 like really good upsides that weren't just rehashed content since then. We had the witchqueen release which was great. And we had the 3.0 classes which is good but are honestly hit or miss most of the time depending on how they are mangling the balance every season



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  • Actually it starts and ends with Pete Parsons CEO The Bungie Executive Team is rated a "F" and [b]led [/b]by [b]CEO Pete Parsons[/b]. Bungie employees rate their Executive Team in the Bottom 5% of similar size companies on Comparably with 201-500 Employees. Get rid of Pete and start fresh and see where this dead horse goes!?



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  • As if Parsons actually has anything to do with QoL in the game or seasonal content. That's all the job of the game director. I think you're confused about what a CEO does.



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  • Its not just Pete, its also JB. JB has been around for a few years now and the highest point destiny has had since he came back was the witch queen release. Everything else has been half baked at best or just rehashed content



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  • I am glad you have zero influence on what goes forward with this game. Keep the ranting going. Your points are dull and petty



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  • 🫂 I think you need it.



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  • You need a new game



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  • 🫂 I'm here for you. Talk little guy. I'm listening. Hate your life? Is that why you're so angry? Wish you were in a better place? Broke? Women probably aren't interested in you either by the way you attack in these forum's. I'm guessing you're an Incel. Very apparent actually. I'm here DM me and I'll teach you how to win in life 😉



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

  • [quote]🫂 I'm here for you. Talk little guy. I'm listening. Hate your life? Is that why you're so angry? Wish you were in a better place? Broke? Women probably aren't interested in you either by the way you attack in these forum's. I'm guessing you're an Incel. Very apparent actually. I'm here DM me and I'll teach you how to win in life 😉[/quote] There’s something designed just for this lemme find it [spoiler]🍼👶 You haven’t grown up if you’re talking like this, [i]kid[/i][/spoiler] You complain about an unchanging game and find better entertainment on the forums. Just drop the game. As for forums, you are a certain “s” word for attention, perfect for these forums, keep that up 👍



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  • What's firing joe going to achieve the problems ultimately involve suits and how they want their money spent and how quickly they want returns



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  • At this point they make a random forum dweller here look more competent than joe



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  • Modificato da K-Zero: 11/29/2023 4:18:28 PM
    Lmao no it's not at all. That's what you guys think in this community when in reality all of you know nothing about the corporate world and just regurgitate what you hear or read on online forums 😂 I'm not trying to be insulting but it's hilarious seeing all these kids calling out the "suits" when they work at McDonald's or have no job and know nothing about the corporate world. I'm not knocking anyone working at McDonald's but I think you get my point. It's Joe, it starts and ends with him. Period. Like I said he needs to be fired.



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  • I work in joinery thanks for insulting me but we've done this before with Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy by your answer then the game should be shut down then cause it's all of them every head that replaces will have the same approach



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  • To be fair, Luke had to go. Comparing an FPS MMO-lite looter shooter to a card game to try and justify one of the worst decisions they've ever made regarding game design that pretty much everyone with half a brain and a quarter ounce of common sense told them was a colossal mistake is beyond embarrassing. That's not even factoring in the massive conflict of interest that is working for a company that "makes games we would like to play" and then being caught paying people to play games for him.



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  • I'm not being insulting and I'm not trying to be insulting as I stated in the comment itself. If you're taking it as an insult then clearly you feel bad about your own life. That's on you not me. self improvement kid. Don't come in here if my comment triggered you saying thanks for insulting me. Do better for yourself. Thanks. 🙂



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