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postato inizialmente in: You have ruined 6v6 PvP
11/28/2023 7:52:47 PM
Lmao 0.5 kd Jim is mad 😂 Let me guess you enjoy mayhem buddy? 😂🤢



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  • I'm sorry but this game was designed for the guardians to be space wizards not soldiers. We are God killers with space magic not cpt price from call of duty. If u want gunplay go play a truly balanced gunplay game like halo or valorant. I play destiny because my abilities give the opportunity to outplay



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  • Modificato da BurningWidow: 11/29/2023 12:15:33 AM
    "outplay?" Cheap one shots is not out playing, it's just a broken mechanic. Which is fine if you enjoy that, but it's not really a fun PvP experience. There is no skill is two monkeies flinging their multicolor one shot poo at each other and little amount of fun that can be had doing this quickly becomes stale. But, speaking for myself, I go to other games for PvP. I have no reason to play D2 PvP outside of the odd quest here and there.



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  • In any video game u play something will be able to one shot u. Learn to play around it. Sure some are more skillful then others but the one shot capability is there in any game.



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  • Yes. One shots exist in other games. But unlike other games, there is no learning or skill involved in Destiny 2. Between all the abilities and weapons, the ratio of things that can one shot you in this game is also too high. Checkmate is a nice change up tho. [quote]Learn to play around it.[/quote] Yeah. I've learn that the game's pvp is mostly cheap kills/deaths. So to play around it i exit the game and load up Halo, Gears of War, Cod, BF, Apex, Titanfall, CS, anything else.



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  • I agree with u on that which is why bungo needs to quit trying with the competitive game modes and let the game run wild that way everyone can have fun without worrying about having to try so hard.



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  • This game only has one competent competitive mode, checkmate. Everything else, including trials, is ultra casual when compared to any other FPS. People have been running wild for years. Competitive modes are not the issue with this game. The PvP in D2 was only fun for a little bit, then it got worse and worse as more OP powers and OP weapons got added into the sandbox.



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  • I don't think u understand what I am getting at. Trials and competitive as seen as the top tier competitive modes in destiny. So this makes bungie ruin certain things because they are strong only in those game modes. Also I don't know if u played during forsaken, but that is what I mean by run wild. Let things one shot, let supers team wipe let us go fast again. This game should not be considered a competitive game therefore they should just have fun while balancing the crucible instead of trying to make it competitive. Buff 1 subclass/super per class a season and let people go crazy with it therefore everyone no matter the class can have some fun.



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  • Modificato da BurningWidow: 12/1/2023 4:22:41 AM
    Who ever considers Trails and Competitive playlist as top tier competition needs to go play another FPS because those game modes are uber casual. Everything that works in those game modes works better in other game modes. Out side of checkmate each pvp game mode is nothing more than getting one hit kills or dying by a one hit kill. That's not fun. Like i know video games are a waste of time, but they're not supposed to feel like they are wasting your time. And Destiny PvP has felt like a waste of time since taken king. If you consider what we have in pvp as competitive (or close to it), the best thing to do with the PvP would be to delete it. Because nobody is going to be happy at this point. [quote]This game should not be considered a competitive game[/quote] It's not and never will be. Only people who exclusively play destiny think that it's competitive in anyway. Competitive games have professionally held and fan held tournaments.



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  • The gunplay of this game is one of the best in the business and is one of the sole reasons basically every single long term player keeps coming back for, that dopamine rush of a headshot coupled with the sound of a guns reload/perk activating. The game has needed a semblance of balance around the ability-centric approach for years.



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  • You can be a “space wizard” in pve buddy. Pvp there’s gotta be some rules instead of ability spam.



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  • That's the whole thing this game can't be balance so let everyone run wild in pvp. The best pvp ever was, was in the year of forsaken and you know why? Every class had a super that could team wipe, every class was zooming across the map. Everyone was having fun because everything was strong.



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  • Super snowballing did get old pretty quick.



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  • No it didn't and u know why. Because the other team once they got their supers rolling had the chance to get back into the game because every subclass had a strong super, nothing felt too weak except maybe burning maul, arc staff and stormtrance.



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  • Nah stay in mayhem buddy. I grew up playing halo and destiny was perfect in the 2018 go fast update. They upped the ttk and made it 6v6 again. Ability recharge rate was actually good. My favorite era of destiny. Also no sbmm when that came out. I was dropping high 40/50 kill games.



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  • This also proves my point when guardians were the strongest was when everyone had the most fun. But trials ruined it.



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  • No buddy super and ability’s don’t make you a good player and I don’t have fun when it’s super spam. And trials is fun



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  • I never said either of those things u just stated. I just said it's more fun when u can use ur abilities a lot. Also sure trials can be fun, but you can't say it didn't ruin a lot of things in this game.



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  • Mayhem sounds like the playlist for you champ.



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  • Nah I don't like super spam, I like ability uptime. I like to outplay my opponents using my abilities.



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  • No such thing as outplaying with ability spam 😂



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  • Yes there is man I can use nades to push people out or hold positions I can use dodge barricade or rift to out play and charged melees can just out play people on their own. U just sit in trials and comp all day anyway I don't know why I am listening to anything u have to say.



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  • And I never said spam I said uptime. Completely different things. Spam would mean using an ability every single fight like hunter dodge, uptime would be like have my nade every 45 secs compared to trash checkmate.



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  • Right in forsaken when every class had a busted -blam!- super and people were getting 3-4 supers a game and killing the other team sometimes twice. That's why it was fun u were getting 40-50 a game due to abilities not gunplay. And nah mayhem ain't fun, but d2 gunplay ain't better then valorant, counter strike or even this new cod. If I want to shoot people with guns I'll stick to those and just not play d2 pvp cause it's bad.



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  • The go fast update was before forsaken. From my memory forsaken was meh yeah it cool with new exotics that actually dropped from doing activities not a damn quest but other than that it was meh. And no buddy look at my pvp kills I think for me super kills is my #5 slot. I’ve always focused on neutral game not supers



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  • That actually crazy ur super is ur number 5 slot. I thought u like gunplay and no abilities. Shouldn't u have ace, lw, spare rations and some more handcannons up there it sounds to me like u use ur abilities a lot if u like neutral game. Ur being very hypocritical here.



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