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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Stuka: 11/29/2023 11:34:45 PM

Bungie actually do not learn from their own mistakes at least 5 more shaders (4 in this bundle and one bundled with a weapon [i]edit: ornament*[/i]) yet again, locked behind a damn paywall with no way of paying with BD. Talk about being tone deaf, my god. This is the mindset that got them here and they keep doing this.



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  • Repeat after me. "I do not need to have every shader in the game."



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  • Modificato da Yellowgate: 11/29/2023 2:19:24 PM

    Non Active - 7/26/2024 1:06:43 AM

    Wait till you see the $15 "Starter Pack" aimed at the blueberries. It's shameful and sent Datto on a rage rant. Add in the fact that if you want the three Witcher armour skins plus the ghost, ship and sparrow it will set you back $85 and this companies greed is bested only by their arrogance and tone deaf attitude. And the $10 season is nothing more than recycled areas and weapons. And they'll be peddling more overpriced dross in a few weeks for The Dawning. I'm mad at CD Projekt Red for associating Geralt of Rivia and my favourite franchise with this car crash of a game.



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    4 Risposte
    • If your company income was down by 45% would you give away your efforts or products for free? Or would you look for any income stream you could tap into to save your business? Don’t like paying for it, don’t buy it. How many people will actually be mad enough to quit because a shader package was not free? If that is your “last straw” then you were probably going to leave anyway.



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      4 Risposte
      • I don’t care if cosmetics are sold for money



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        18 Risposte
        • The less people can get by playing, the less will people play. The less people play, the less they are inclined to spend. As long as pay is before play, they will not recover those -45%.



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        • Modificato da A_mo: 11/30/2023 4:08:46 PM
          Is this where I put that they just keep on foisting their power in people's laps. "Oh no Joe, I bet you probably thought you were going to be able to get away getting away from this again this time. No we see that you have over delivered." You've allowed us to survive, so we shall do the same for you." "Would you like some more power? Because that is not what this is about and that's why those other people had to get, pimp... slapped." *Gazes longingly out the window*



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        • Just wait for them to be available for bright dust... You only have to pay real money if you want them right now...



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          • They'll most likely come to the bright dust store next season? The last 3 bundled shaders came in the following season. This season has the Luminous Void shader from the lemon bundle. Seems like a weird thing to complain about.



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          • They never do man, say it with me; Death to Bungie🔥🔥🗣❗



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          • Oh no, they aren't tone-deaf, they just ignored the community because they only care about funding their other projects that doesn't seem to be going well either. I hope pre-orders drop a lot lower for FS that it wakes Sony up to realize their investment was a Huge mistake. 45% is a good start...



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            7 Risposte
            • Modificato da fangfireskull: 11/29/2023 9:39:54 PM
              You think that's bad? 6 of the 7 new weapon ornaments are silver only. At least according to todayindestiny The only one for BD is the necro one. Which, it's a nice ornament, but come on.



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              • Modificato da A_mo: 11/29/2023 2:50:10 PM
                People need real opportunities to feel connected to the game. That's what I'm I'm talking about right here. Is there hat rally only 800 for four of them ? Why is that is that really something being brought up? Oh I see what you're saying "Look at what happens to the game when people say they aren't going to buy it and cancel their preorders?" Look at what happens.



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                4 Risposte
                • [quote] at least 5 more shaders (4 in this bundle and one bundled with a weapon [i]edit: ornament*[/i]) yet again, locked behind a damn paywall with no way of paying with BD. Talk about being tone deaf, my god. This is the mindset that got them here and they keep doing this.[/quote] What mistake? The previous shaders made a lot of money, so they made more. They will eventually be sold for BD like the other shaders.



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                • This is one thing I don't mind, until it goes a step further. Better shaders with interesting effects and animated textures being locked behind silver for a season is imo no biggie. When (probably) in a year its change it so they never go for bright dust then I will be pissed. It's really sad how much video gaming industry has proved that the slippery slope isn't such a fallacy after all.



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                • [quote] at least 5 more shaders (4 in this bundle and one bundled with a weapon) yet again, locked behind a damn paywall with no way of paying with BD. Talk about being tone deaf, my god. This is the mindset that got them here and they keep doing this.[/quote] It's pay to win crap what did you expect



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                  5 Risposte
                  • Bungie needs to hire people that actually have vision and care Pretty sad how it went from a studio that cared about making quality masterpieces and setting the bar To whatever this is



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Modificato da MstrofPuppts: 11/29/2023 4:43:01 PM
                      Yeah you know it's sad when I got a prompt to check out the new armor set in Eververse... And for $20... I was like there is the reason people are leaving this game....



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                    • Bungle looks at the cash flow, not player feedback. It they make money this way they will keep doing it. Money is their only metric. Joe Blackburn is just the used car salesman they use as a player punching bag. The big decision are above his pay grade.



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                    • This is why I made the feedback that Bungie's yearly model is killing the game. Most of the content and Eververse packages are decided nearly a year in advanced, and though I believe Bungie does learn quite quickly from their mistakes they're also unable to alter their course outside of a spectrum of years when we need changes in months.



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                    • Modificato da Lore Lawyer: 11/29/2023 4:01:38 PM



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                    • It’ll be in brightdust eventually The galaxy shader is in rotation this season



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                    • Two reasons that this happens. 1: People keep buying it 2: The less that people buy things, the more stuff needs to get locked behind a paywall for the whales to go grab in order for the game to stay afloat. It's really just economics



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                    • They will become available for bright dust later Have you not sent the complaints about people buying them with silver only for them to sell at bright dust



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                      2 Risposte
                      • No we're not going to be having any of this. You don't have to buy it and if you don't it's not for you.



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                      • they ... normally sell the shaders for bright dust after the seasion ends...... tho for one shader it did take a full year.



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                      • Mistakes? Looks like this is a classic case of [i]“Working as intended.”[/i]



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