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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/9/2023 8:52:12 PM


Despite all company and community mayhem - I like this week's TWID. Well done, in particular the Crucible part. Looking forward to seeing the changes in action. Thank you!



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  • Well I wish they had a twid that focused as much on PVE changes, but the current and foreseeable future focus is on PVP. New strike maps 4 or more are needed New Gambit maps and improvements are sorely needed because it is the least played of the 3 ritual activities. Ignore it and we will also. New lost sectors, like a half dozen New enemy types and not just bosses like tormentors, Cabal with backpacks do not count. Stop the season activity and start making lasting content. (players stopped doing psi op and battle grounds and we will not be doing this seasons activities, in following seasons) Better seasonal story missions, visiting 4 or 5 radio chats and a lost sector for previous seasons is not cutting it! Much of what they are making is useless in following seasons and forcing it down our throats as nightfalls is not going well. I can tell you doing the spire as a nightfall will be ZERO fun! PVE needs as much attention as PVP if not more.



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    • I’ll give it a chance. But if it becomes stack after stack like the previous CBMM I’ll be done. We need CBMM solo queue.



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      2 Risposte
      • The TWID showed that first, they laid off employee's now they are laying off players. They should expect more layoffs in 6 months.



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        • To me, the TWID showed that Bungie was neither interested in tryna retain its current base nor tryna attract what they’ve lost. Yawn-worthy.



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          • PvP looks good as long as they keep the incentives to play there for casuals. Catering to sweats or frequent enjoyers (of various skill like myself) is well and good, but we need to keep those player numbers up! New Sword is interesting (hopefully they buff Caster frames’ ammo economy) Kinetic Slot legendary Trace Rifle caught my attention real quick. Hopefully there’s a stasis one from the dungeon or something too. I’ll happily grind trials for that. Idk, looked pretty solid to me. Hopefully it delivers ;)



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            6 Risposte
            • The trials changes in the twab still don’t incentivize me to play trials. Record is simply going to remain “no participation.”



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              3 Risposte
              • Modificato da PandaPapa146: 11/10/2023 2:50:14 AM
                [b]Casuals / Solo Players for PvP [/b] Until P2P is sorted, ie, upgraded to Regional Dedicated Servers, the lag / latency issues affecting PvP will still be present. As will ‘The Invincibles’…and the cronu$ / xim brigade. Trials - until an accumulated 7-wins over time regardless of losses along the way, happens, the relative handful of bounty / engram grinders will still be the only regular Casuals who will endure. Catering to the top 5% of PvP players will quickly reduce an already barren pool to a veritable mud hole. The focusing changes look attractive to some, ie, about 5%, but to the canon fodder, ie, Casual / Solo players, it’s just ridiculous. The 5% who could reach the Lighthouse with just a toothbrush don’t need any more special weapons with which to slay the cannon fodder; in fact, it’s quite the opposite, the cannon fodder need the better weapons to try beat the 5% with. CBMM / SBMM - see P2P comment above. Pandering to Stomper Crews - nah, Casuals / Solo players and other cannon fodder, simply stay away; ‘twas ever thus. Edited to add: Sparrow PvP - only if we get our horns back! 👈 Ease springs! 🫡



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                5 Risposte
                • I’m a casual PvP player and I like a lot if what they’re doing. PvP was neglected for such a long time and it’s good they’re giving it some love. I’m happy for PvP mains.



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                • This TWID is all about the desperate times Bungie finds themselves in atm. Good luck to them because this 7 month season will tell all



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                  • Waste of resources because the reputation is ruined, the game is at its last cycle and players who left, left for good at this point. Not to mention that non of the mentioned changes to pvp will do anything meaningful to bring fun back into the games pvp. It just shakes it up for a month or so and then everyone will be tired of the ability spam trash combined with cheese exos and SBMM turning every match into a tournament. These devs dont know pririties. Even their "loose SBMM" is strict af. Even call of duty has way more loose SBMM and that game is sweaty af and people complain. The game is done for.



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                  • Modificato da Vee: 11/10/2023 4:24:05 AM
                    Great to see all the crucible tweaks but can they address why my comp score gets trashed because one of my team mates is a big baby and quits? There should be NO loss penalty for losing a 2v3. Let the other team have their full win score I don't care, but don't screw me please. And let's have a big penalty for the quitter while we're at it.



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                  • Step 1: Trust Step 2: Retention Step 3: Revenue



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                    • Its not gonna change much if they dont change the big problems like sbmm and rating and mm in comp, reward structrue, less ablility spam etc. All those changes they talked about are basically useless.



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                    • Its a great TWID . The match making , more casual options for players who like to play pvp. Better balance ,sounds good on paper , guess we will see.



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                    • 1

                      your favorite hunters favorite hunter - vecchio




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                    • TWID ?



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                      4 Risposte
                      • I’ll know day one if the bullets register. If they don’t I’m throwing in the towel!



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • Agreed.



                          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                        • The PvP updates/ direction seemed good. Hopefully they can make all of those new ideas work well for the majority of players. Did you see, Sparrow Control!! How long before it’s 12 players just zooming around on sparrow’s without doing any shooting or capturing points. 😁



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                          6 Risposte
                          • Agreed TWID was bold in PVP changes.



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