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10/31/2023 2:01:27 PM
It's the best it has been, but it's still unbalanced. Subclasses are still unbalanced. It's probably because Bungie can't keep up with the new 3.0 and Strand changes. Weapon-wise, I disagree with you. I think all primary weapons are viable, and almost all special weapons are viable. While SMGs are strong, I attribute that more to how good Peacekeepers are more so than how good SMGs are. Handcannons are in a great spot, but they still lose when you catch someone outside of cover (due to their slow TTK). There are a lot of rewards for playing. You get 2 Mercies. You can keep getting Flawless loot once you get a single Flawless. The Practice Pool is a good compromise that protects players.



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  • I'd like to riase a counter to that. The most balanced it's ever been has been the D1 beta before fancy perks came in amd complicated the whole shtick. That was truly the best crucible experience. Also, all primary weapons are viable, you're right, but the engagement ranges are dominated by hand cannons and smgs (peacekeepers or not). Unless every other class has them, but that falls back to the titan kit, which is a lot more forgiving with a close range weapon in hand. Otherwise, smgs shred and hand cannons out duel most things unless they're caught in the open like you said. If they were all viable, we'd see more variety in the top ten, but we don't. They each have their niche, but right now it's dominated solely by the two given the maps, engagements, and how much easier it is to rush with a shotgun over pacing a with a sniper or fusion. If you're using a glaive, then godspeed. As for the "practice" pool, that is never active save for the one or two games you lose. If you're winning even a single game, you're in the challenger pool. I've never felt like I was in a practice pool even after losing several matches in a row. I get where they were coming from, but the practice/challenger variation is a hot garbage take. I thought it was going to be amazing until I tested the waters during their tests, but it was genuinely awful. I miss the freelance node that guaranteed an even keel of all solos. You can be on game one while someone has gone flawless four times over that week. The only way to play is stacking 3s or solo queing anymore unless your duo is sweaty/confident enough to carry a solo. I get where you're coming from, but the current setup just isn't a healthy situation. I enjoy a challenge now and again, but not when the challenge is the same brokeback method every single game.



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  • I agree that SMGs and HCs are the most used in high-end PVP (especially SMGs due to PKs), but in low and middle skill brackets, Auto Rifles are dominant. It just depends on which skill bracket you play in. I would also add that Pulses are often used in lieu of HCs when the map is big, so I don't think they're a bad option, either. Actually, the top 10 is not a good way to gauage the viability of weapon types. For example, if we only had access to a single Glaive option, then that Glaive would always end up on the top 10, regardless of how strong glaives are. SMGs and Handcannons are commonly used, but I wouldn't use the Top 10 list as the deciding factor for anything. Instead, I would use the weapon type kill counter. I think sniping and shotgunning are on par with each other. It just depends on the map. This is similar to how Handcannons and Pulses "trade" usage depending on the map. Fusions have always been a weaker option in high-skill lobbies, and it's especially bad now that slugs have been buffed. I know some players find success using them (mainly void hunters), but they require a very particular playstyle. Tbh, I have never played in the Practice Pool, so I don't have a good understanding of how it "feels" to play. Your judgement is more valid than mine.



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  • I'll have to check those numbers out. I'm looking at it through the window of purely trials when the post was made. Primarily because they're the "go-to weapons" for the activity. The problem with the two pools is that you never know which pool you're in. The game doesn't tell you, and there are no labels or anything. For all I know, the practice pool doesn't exist at all.



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