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postato inizialmente in: Stop With The Nerfs For PvE
9/28/2023 1:16:25 AM
I struggle to understand how PvP affected these abilities’ nerfs in PvE. The maelstrom thing only had an effect in PvE. The weavewalker change makes sense; it’s a get out of jail free card with the trade off you can’t damage anything. That’s how it’s designed, so small strategies that overlook this design are dealt with. I’m honestly surprised Bungie allows any type of arc soul-like ability to be used while in it.



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  • PvP is literally the ENTIRE reason strand warlock was hit. So either you're feigning ignorance, or you've actually been functioning on 2 braincells somehow this entire time.



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  • Leave it to the destiny community to insult their way in a discussion. The design of the ability is to be able to escape a sticky situation by sacrificing your ability to deal any damage whatsoever. However, there is a select few combinations that allow you to deal damage even in this state. I do not believe this was initially by design, so all I am saying is that the damage you can deal got tuned back in order to fall closer into the design the devs intended. Unless bungie comes out and says it was their intention for one to be able to do that while in the weave walk, that’s another story. That being said, this could warrant the devs to nerf if not outright remove this feature without even taking it into crucible. Can you understand my point now? Or are you going to devolve the conversation to opinionated barking?



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  • People wouldn't feel inclined to insult you, if you used your brain every once in a while before saying something. Like really, be serious. Not in a million years, would any coherent person come to the conclusion that warlocks did not receive these nerfs because of PvP. The mental gymnastics on display here is incredible..



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  • Clearly you can’t read so I’ll just leave this here. Btw, you can’t make friends acting like a child



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  • Modificato da Wolfgang5310: 9/28/2023 1:25:24 AM
    For the Weavewalk part, that is because of how annoying it was to deal with. Because of that, Bungie decided to nerf it overall. It was a cool strat to use in PvE and now it got the nerf thanks to the problems of PvP. It wasn't op in PvE as you still had to deal with the melee drain and you couldn't run Monte Carlo to give you your melee back. Just something to mess around with. There was also the melee when using a glaive thing, but that fix I'm fine with. As for Maelstrom, I never really play PvP, so I wasn't sure if it worked in there. If it didn't, then that just makes me wonder even more why it got "fixed" when it's only going to be here for one season. Can't you just let us have our fun Bungie?!



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  • I understand your points and agree with you to an extent. I’m just saying I understand from specifically a Bungie Developer standpoint given their track record for balance why they would make the changes they made, even without the consideration of crucible.



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  • Think about it like this too. In PvP, you are dealing with a mobile turret that not only shoots you in bursts with normal damage, but also fires off seekers that deal even more damage every time the burst hits you and has 90% DR meaning that you can't kill it before it kills you. Now the damage of both the burst and the seekers is reduced. Good, that can make it a bit more fair. Then that nerf also applies to the non-PvP side of the game, it screws with the people who wanted to have fun with that setup outside of the competative side and they would be less incline to use the ability as something they found fun is not as good as before all because of some problems in another part of the game.



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