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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Wolfgang5310: 9/26/2023 11:11:13 PM

Stop With The Nerfs For PvE

So I saw the latest patch was nerfing Weavewalker and "fixing" Whriling Maelstrom. I can understand nerfs being put into the game, but we all know Bungie can make changes to PvE and PvP respectfully. Why are we getting nerfs like these in PvE as well? I have rarely seen buffs for weapons or abilities and instead seen nerfs in their place, yet enemies have been growing stronger more and more to the point where even with Woven Mail and 100 resiliance, I am dying in a few sec. while dealing basically no damage. It has got to the point where I can't even complete hard activities like Legend Nightfalls with friends or stuff like trying to get Catalysts for quest weapons like Vexcalibur or Dead Messanger or completing even 1 run of trying for Wicked Implement. And before anyone says use Divinity or something like that, I haven't been able to get a full group for raids since Forsaken, so I can't even get exotics like that. The fact alone that Divinity is the only way to get a reasonable time to kill on a boss like that is not even close to okay to me. The most fun I have had in this game is when I get to use a new subclass or super for existing ones, or the weapon glitch 2 weeks ago.



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  • Modificato da CORPERATE COMMANDER: 9/27/2023 7:05:37 PM
    Blame the streamers you know which ones I mean since mentioning certain names now results in a ban for harassment iv found out lol one holds a belt for some raids and religiously asks for nerfs shortly after and secondly the die hard pve mains that probably got bored of speed running darksouls that need a video game to measure the size of their xxxxs I mean egos 😆 🤣 the same players that asked for difficulty increase over fun Or blame the pvp mains that cry about abilities in a space game but refuse to play cod or halo for pvp or simply the ones that cry about any ability that kills them . Between them all and bungie they killed of everything even exotics lol to the point that citans became meta a while ago 😅



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