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postato inizialmente in: Stop With The Nerfs For PvE
9/26/2023 11:13:53 PM
This is 100% a skill issue, the game is incredibly easy. The fact that you can put 6 very incompetent players in a raid and they’ll still beat it is foul. Same with GM’s and every other “end game” content. Stop complaining.



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  • Modificato da Hesh: 9/29/2023 9:38:14 PM
    Hoo boy! Just finished reading all of this. I find it increasingly hilarious how so little people can grasp that all this game is is the nastiest form of artificial difficulty. The whole thing is easy, except when it’s time to get spammed twice and shot dead in two hits. That doesn’t mean the game gets hard, though! Just means it’s more poorly designed than at first apparent! HAH!



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  • It’s a fascinating phenomenon to watch unfold. LOOK HOW HARD X,Y,Z WHEN YOU REMOVE THE RECOMMENDED PLAYER AMOUNT!!!!! SEE!?!?!?!?! Lost sectors are too hard, GM’s are too hard, Neomuna was too hard to do my patrols bungie pls nerf. Actually insane



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  • Modificato da Hesh: 9/29/2023 10:08:41 PM
    It boggles the mind. This game could be played by an amoeba. Its design is puddle-deep. Turning up a bunch of numbers on enemies and/or reducing the number of players in the activity makes it ‘hard’, but it’s the word ‘hard’ with a lengthy series of very heavy quotation marks on its sides. “Yeah dude it takes like almost an hooouur to solo the Ghosts boss” You’d think at some point, the difference between a game with well-designed fairly-balanced challenge and one where you alternate between beating anything with minimal effort and slamming your head against a wall repeatedly would be obvious. The saddest yet funniest part is that Destiny can’t really do anything else but the latter because it wasn’t designed around the former. It doesn’t even really have a combat system, it’s just going pew-pew-pew against either under- or over-tuned braindead enemies with the player either using the most unbalanced and overpowered loadouts or not. There’s so much more to go into than just that alone, like with raids and their “difficulty” coming not from full mastery of the moment-to-moment gameplay itself, but a middling series of puzzles that aren’t present anywhere before the endgame and are only limited in context to the raid those puzzles are in. No wonder the vast majority of players don’t bother with them once reaching endgame. Not like the endgame ever actually pushes you to them or prepares you for them. Twenty-something symbols just to complete ‘Vow of the Disciple’? And here I thought I was playing a shooter.



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  • It’s even better when the same people who bring up all these things don’t even do them themselves lol. You have no master raids!!! Oh you don’t like doing them cause they are pointless? You’re lying. The only reason I don’t do them is cause they are pointless but when YOU say it you’re lying. The cope is unreal, just admit it’s a skill issue and move on.



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  • Modificato da J Noir: 9/28/2023 12:17:04 PM
    [quote]This is 100% a skill issue, the game is incredibly easy. The fact that you can put 6 very incompetent players in a raid and they’ll still beat it is foul. Same with GM’s and every other “end game” content. Stop complaining.[/quote] Thank you for reminding me to block you. You're a broken record.



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  • Np



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  • Hahaha 173 replies now 174



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  • I have very passionate haters.



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  • It's definitely, DEFINITELY, not you and it's everyone else... If you meet an a§§hole in the morning, you've just met an a§§hole in the morning. If you meet a§§holes all day, you're the a§§hole.



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  • I’ve said nothing hateful



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  • [quote]I’ve said nothing hateful[/quote] It's not about hate. You just said things that are controversial and somewhat disingenuous.



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  • No controversy, games easy. And I’m very genuine about what is said.



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  • [quote]No controversy, games easy. And I’m very genuine about what is said.[/quote] Sure, and for you and others that say so, that is. And I knew you would say that. That's cool if you wish to that.



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  • Modificato da Olórin: 9/27/2023 7:07:52 PM
    I actually agree, the game is incredibly easy. But for the majority of the time its also incredibly boring lol I think thats kind of the reason why players rejoiced last week with the glitched guns, it was a bit of fun and most fun i had in PvE just looking at combos etc.



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  • We won’t get nice fun original things till d1 and old gen gets dropped unfortunately



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  • Drop old gen hell ya



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  • Modificato da Olórin: 9/27/2023 7:27:44 PM
    Shame really, it looked like a precursor for what could've been in regards to evolution of Destiny 2's PvE and how they could've built gameplay around it. A Destiny PvE experience where the majority of its Early - Mid game is an absolute blast and its Endgame - Hardcore is challenging yet a rewarding experience. Instead our endgame is basically just sit at the back of the map or ledge and shoot from afar until the boss dies.



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  • Can’t make things to intensive on the old consoles they’ll explode!!! Sadly I don’t believe in bungie to make the leap to bigger and better things like that, even if it’s the most logical step forward in a franchise that doesn’t plan on making another destiny after this one.



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  • Yeah, they should really move on by now to be fair, i mean... I aint gunna move on with Bungie because i dont trust them on how they lack delivery of their products. But Destiny is in its later stages of life and no, a D3 will not save it, for me a D3 would make me feel like the time spent is worthless. Times have changed and people have started to value their time and effort they've put into a game, Destiny 2 Vanilla made me realise how much i missed my old guns and to repeat that process again is Einstein's theory on insanity. It wont change anything except make Bungies pockets bigger and keep the majority of the playerbase addicts.



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  • It’s been almost 3 years, consoles on both sides are no longer being scalped (not that xbone ever was they sold like 6 xbones total since release) mainly just PS. Both consoles have even been on sale, the excuses are non existent for players and developers alike. Time to move it forward



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  • I dont really care much for console statistics, there's clearly people that play on both so i feel that its okay to disregard the console stats. The fact is Bungie has moved on and eventually will move on, people who want to continue the Destiny franchise have a valid reason to do so and thats because they love the series. Even i love this franchise but its necessary to realise that Bungie uses Destiny as a money syphon for its bigger upcoming projects, after Final Shape it will be a side piece for Bungie.



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  • [quote]This is 100% a skill issue, the game is incredibly easy. The fact that you can put 6 very incompetent players in a raid and they’ll still beat it is foul. Same with GM’s and every other “end game” content. Stop complaining.[/quote] I agree with this statement. It's not about new players being bad or good. Anyone can accomplish anything with a bit of motivation. Can't be bothered lfging div? Watching a vid? Getting a sherpa? I don't know what to tell you. Enough people are experienced enough to teach new players. And yes there are bad experiences on lfg with weird people. But even completing gms with lfg with no communications is doable if you run and grind the some good loadouts you can -blam!- from youtube. It's all about time commitment and being motivated enough. Nothing comes to you for free. Most people don't realize how good they have it with subclasses 3.0 compared to the first 2 seasons of grandmaster nightfall. Same with flawless raids.



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  • Entire game has been power crept to all high helI. Literally a joke right now, not that it’s ever been all that difficult.



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  • Many people wouldn't survive d1 or the forsaken Era after all this nonsense hahaha



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  • Gotta fly to the forums to cry tho.



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