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Modificato da mannequin: 9/26/2023 9:34:33 PM
At this point they should make weavewalk a blink ability that unravels tartgets in its path, similar to how astrocyte weakens foes, it would be worth running with 1 fragment.



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  • I'd rather it be like What Bakris does, not a Jump blink but a Directional Dash



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  • And have it spread like poison and something similar to the exotic chest for the arc warlock I can't remember what it is called but that would make it easier to deal with when you solo stuff you know.



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  • Idk about it having it intrinsically, you can kinda do that with necrotics and the needle melee. You could unravel them, kill an enemy with necrotic melee and spread poison that way plus spreading the unravel to other targets, each poison tic re procs unraveling. I think having it intrinsically is a bit O.D.



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  • Over doing it a bit yeah I can see that but that's with the grips I mean like the arc warlock when they get close it blinds them is what I meant when put your rift down, so instead of blinding on weave Walk you can unravel them and after they unravel they send out thread leans to do damage to the next set of enemies that are close proximity.



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  • That would be interesting.



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