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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
9/26/2023 6:46:39 PM

Update doesn't provide any server updates/info

I get that the server issues are probably very complex. However, they are so unstable, many people can't play the game. Your continued silence on this is not good. The last we heard was last Tuesday's DDOS attack. Are you making any progress? Are you considering extending the season so that players can catch up? Alternatively, will triumphs/challenges have reduced requirements due to lost play time? And to any future responders if Bungie posts info on Twitter... I don't have Twitter. The app has a News tab... it isn't unreasonable to expect Bungie to use its own news tab to share info like this.



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  • Bungie are a 3 billion dollar company, but can't handle a bunch of unemployed virgins DDOSing their servers. 😂😂😂



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    2 Risposte
    • Modificato da Bjorn: 9/27/2023 4:18:16 AM
      They said they adjusted the ads on mars GM well we seen zero difference . Maybe at the final boss fight but it seems like the same crap GM as before to us. Super boring playing back so you don't wipe while one invis hunter runs the balls is not fun bungie its mega boring. Seriously this needs removed from the GM list its hot garbage.



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      1 Rispondi
      • Catch up on what? Getting glimmer? The only thing you’d miss out on is like igneous and master raid challenge which both come back in a few weeks. And we still have 2 months give or take in the season, I think we good.



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      • Catch up on what? You still got 62 days till the season is over. 🤦 Just say that you want a handout, we don't need all that drama



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      • [quote]Your continued silence on this is not good. The last we heard was last Tuesday's DDOS attack. Are you making any progress? Are you considering extending the season so that players can catch up?[/quote] Me? Us? Who are you talking to? This is a forum for everyone but Bungie devs. Get that through your head because we don’t decide what the game does. You’re talking to the traveler



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      • At the very least they owe the annual pass holders 3 weeks and counting of the final shape .This game was unplayable and they do owe those people who paid for it and got no service during this time.



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        4 Risposte
        • if you played the game you can see that they near fixed all servers problems started this week



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        • Modificato da The Hermit IX: 9/26/2023 9:08:11 PM
          Say they started doing things to address the server attacks… Why would they announce what they did? It would make zero sense to make it public under the circumstances. They have already stated they don’t talk about it openly due to security measures on their end. The only reason they said anything to begin with is because half the community are perpetual whiners about everything. The tinfoil hats came out in droves over it.



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        • I see no reason to extend the season tbh..there is nothing to catch up



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        • How stupid would that be? "Hey, everyone! Let us tell you exactly what we're doing to catch these people and protect our servers! While we're at it, we've made all our game code public so everyone can just write scripts as they see fit!"



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          1 Rispondi
          • Servers been working fine all day for me, not one issue. No contacting destiny servers or error fides at all. No need to be told there ok.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Extending the season?



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            • Telling us it's a ddos attack was a one off thing. It won't be happening again. They even said that in the post.



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            • Any further communication on progress or server stability will only give attackers an underdog advantage against it- staying quiet on the subject is an effective choice



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            • Chances are that they are not wanting to release a bunch of info about the status servers so that the attackers can't easily figure out where the servers are at. Should probably be more info soon in the TWAB.



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            • Servers are down the update made things worse. And the saga continues.



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            • Most likely we will get an update in the TWAB but still, that's just laziness... In the future I hope they will be more transparent regarding this errors and what the heck is going on



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            • Like I said ,they will do nothing and over time the issue will fix itself. Probably a clan of members that log in. After a period of time they synce the timing all at 1 time and we get thrown to orbit. What sucks is a login query or the such will not help as its the very players working together to make it happen. I don't blame them in respect to Bungie not shutting down the weapon glitch and getting it fixed. This basically ruined anyone with a flawless, solo, raid clear, gms ect as any half wit could do it. So now the stats mean little. Personally, I would have preferred Bungie to take down the game for 2 days over us getting dos out of everything for what 7 days now...I have noticed the issue increases during peak times. So untill they feel better this game will be unreliable to play and I for one consider the game broken regardless of the updates and find Destiny to be more successful and frustrating than ever. I really don't find getting to the end of a gm and getting kicked to orbit, or about to finish a raid encounter any fun at all. I will dip in the little stuff but the game is trashed atm.



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            • Well the problem is that you don't know when this is ddos attack will happen and so until they come up with a solution to it and -blam!- is behind it, ( which an individual in Russia had claimed to be doing this), but not sure because people can be crazy some look for attention, so until then I'm sure they are going to keep silent about it until they have a solution and really know who is doing it.



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            • That's not typically how DDoS attacks work. The entire domain under attack is brought to its knees when it happens, and that would certainly include any messaging on any apps utilizing said domain's network traffic, and that includes web sites hosted remotely that might pull data directly from any internal resources within the organization. One thing that *could* be useful to combat DDoS in many cases would be to have multiple mirror sites for failover protection, but I fear in this case it is untenable in even the slightest...



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              4 Risposte
              • Why would they address an issue in a patch notes? There’s nothing for them to patch FFS, try thinking before posting next time.



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              • ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Bungie just pushes past walks to the podium and talks about things they want to tell us. Pre order the final shape, get a broken exotic to play with. We are amazing and have done such a good job. That elephant.. nah don't worry. Things are great here. See you next week.



                Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

              • Never heard anything about fixing the hunter trials chest piece (ornament) either 🤔



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                1 Rispondi
                • Why would it?



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