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postato inizialmente in: Compensate players
9/25/2023 10:09:43 PM
Compensate you for what?? Lol!! Your guys....I swear man.... Who's asking you to log on and play? Who's MAKING you do so? You want them to chew your gum and wipe your butt for you too? Go play something else until it's fixed!?!?! Ffs mf's will find anything to cry about!! 😂



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  • Modificato da maleficent054: 9/29/2023 10:47:15 AM
    Yeah it’s like accidentally ordering the wrong food and going upto the counter acting like an Karen by demanding and yelling to see the manager. and bunch of vegan Karen’s walking into five guys and shouting at everyone that eating meat is murder so they want you to eat cardboard. spite cutting down trees is also murder



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  • Omg, some people man, they don't understand that they don't own the game.



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  • Indeed! It's not that serious!



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  • Right?



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

  • [quote]Compensate you for what?? Lol!! Your guys....I swear man.... Who's asking you to log on and play? Who's MAKING you do so? You want them to chew your gum and wipe your butt for you too? Go play something else until it's fixed!?!?! Ffs mf's will find anything to cry about!! 😂[/quote] Exactly. The posts that pop up saying that Bungie MUST compensate us for something like this is funny and sad. They don’t have to do -blam!- if they don’t want to. I’m glad it has at least one sane player in this community other than myself.



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  • Because that's how you treat players who pay $100 a year, right? Giving an unplayable game with no sign of fix or compensation for their screwups. Even Warframe that is nicknamed as bugframe is much more stable than this game



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  • I don't even approve of Bungie's methods, and STILL say they don't owe you or me a dime. If we're the fools that spend the $100 on this game, knowing how it is.....that's on YOU 🤡. Go touch grass. I'm sure you've played you $100 worth of this game for the year already.



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  • I doubt it when you pay $100 just to grind, other games give that for free and knowing bungie, I'm not spending any



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