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9/25/2023 8:15:14 AM
Have you ever taken notice of the number of posts from players declaring they ALWAYS have the worst matchmade teammates? If every one of them are 100% true, then that means matchmaking is set to guarantee that the best players are ALWAYS teamed together. Does that sound probable to you?



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  • [quote]Have you ever taken notice of the number of posts from players declaring they ALWAYS have the worst matchmade teammates? If every one of them are 100% true, then that means matchmaking is set to guarantee that the best players are ALWAYS teamed together. Does that sound probable to you?[/quote] They are 70% of the time. If my elo is so low shouldn’t I get high skilled players to carry me if I’m bad? Why am I outperforming all higher elo players then?



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  • I'm not engaging in this discussion anymore. People are going to believe that the game is designed to ruin their personal matches and nothing will change that, so I'll leave them to justify their record whatever way makes them feel better.



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  • [quote]Have you ever taken notice of the number of posts from players declaring they ALWAYS have the worst matchmade teammates? If every one of them are 100% true, then that means matchmaking is set to guarantee that the best players are ALWAYS teamed together. Does that sound probable to you?[/quote] That is how it’s going lol. Look at the elo of each team. Do you think the lower elo teams are winning? At what rate a lower elo beats a higher elo team?



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  • You want me to show you my screenshots or how often it happens. Even youtubers like falloutplays and coolguy have called their team balancing out as well



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  • No, I don't need to see your screenshots (although I'm curious to know if you have shots of EVERY match you play), and I'm not interested in what streamers would have to say, especially since from their perspective every teammate they get is probably sub-par. What I asked was, is it likely that so many people consistently get the worst players on their team? And at risk of starting an argument, I've also noticed that the people who make posts like this frequently claim to "carry the team," only to be called out by someone who checks match stats and say otherwise. I'm not saying that this is the case here, nor am I saying you don't ever get rubbish teammates, but saying it always happens just seems unlikely and people have 'off' games sometimes.



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  • Modificato da CatnipKitten (Adept): 9/25/2023 11:29:23 AM
    Lol get over yourself and your complex...your 3rd rate opinion is just that. Sometimes, it does feel like teams are stacked and that the player is in a set tier for pvp. I can do all I can in my power for trials, for example, and I always end up being the one farmed, so they go flawless. I've had endless 6 win games and lost the last 3 no matter what. I've had streaks of great games, and the end is always the same. It's an observed experience. Not a cry cry one. Someone brings their experience to share, it's because they want to discuss, its not to have a plebiscite like yourself sit with your two bit cells trying to scrutinize. You really aren't contributing to enrich the gaming experience. Wow. Yall are something else in these forums lol



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  • Hey, smart*ss, how do YOU discuss things, one side is right and anyone who presents an alternative possibility has a 3rd rate opinion? I don't have a complex (about a stupid video game, anyway) and I sure as hell don't need to get over what a random no-name such as yourself may have to chime in with their own biased opinion has to say. If anyone needs to get over themselves, it's an arrogant clown like you bringing in their half-baked tale of woe hours after the conversation has ended. You're right, "Yall ARE something else in these forums lol"



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  • Biased opinion lol Typical when the message flies over your head. Your insights are empty. We are giving valid examples of our encounters and you brought zero value the first time with op and s2nd time to my reply. The simpletonness is showing. You aren't even a novice. Apprentice is more like it. Lost in the sauce as they say. Hilarious.



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  • I did just check myself as well, and what I said definitely holds up. I can count maybe 2 times where the teams were balance evenly, 2 times where I was on the opposite end of a stomp, and all my most recent games, and the majority of my games in general haven been as I described, where I'm on the opposite side.



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  • You can check my match stats, I ain't saying I carry, I'm saying the game expects me to. Which is extremely hard with the teammates I get. I'm a good player, but I'm not a God who can 1v6. The number of times I lose a crucible match is definitely higher than when I win, especially in typical control.



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  • I don't know what to say, then. By your accounting and that of plenty of others, the matchmaking in the game is specifically designed to sabotage players that fit into a particular bracket, I suppose. The alternative would be to create a fireteam, although that's not the popular suggestion for people to hear. Sorry to take up your time.



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