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9/24/2023 11:36:17 PM
Let us know how it goes brother.



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  • Well I can't send a DM on Twitter because I'm not verified and I'm not going to be verified because I'm not giving Twitter my phone number again... long story. So I just tagged them in a post. I have no doubt they already know what I suspect, but as I find more data on my side of the connection, the more I just really want to tell them. Just in case ya know. I've tried doing some things to reduce the size of the traffic, but I think it's a bit more complicated than that. But, I can tell you that Friday night out of a 6 person fire team all of us were booted 8 times except 1 person and they have T-Mobile for her ISP... so that started my thought process.



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  • Ayo my one buddy who has T-Mobile also wasn’t suffering from errors codes.



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  • There is something different about that connection and I'm betting it has to do with the IP settings. So that's why I was trying to restrict my connection while keeping my Nat type Open. But then when I was poking around in my settings I found these huge data requests at the times that I was kicked. Then I started to wonder, how in the world does a Ddos on a server like Bungies happen anyway. They throttle traffic when it gets high. And there would be a massive increase in player accounts right? But if my IP is already connected to their server, and the attack is from MY IP address... you following me?



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  • Modificato da Týr-Skadi: 9/25/2023 11:49:21 AM
    [quote]And there would be a massive increase in player accounts right?[/quote] Dunno if that's true. Lets try to see it this way: if you try to make use of an app you arent logged in, it still has to tell you you are not logged in. If ten or hundred thousands of those requests need to be answered by the app, there's a problem, never mind if they have accounts or not. I'm not a rocket scientist in networking and stuff, but i've been told that they attack the battleye's authentication part of the game. Which is why you get kicked out of activities every time, but not out of the game. (Although some people did get kicked out of the game, due to connection timeouts and so on) Dunno if that's true, but maybe it'll change the thing a bit, knowing that. Also, if they ddossed the -blam!- out of the darn thing and you cannot make a connection because of that: wouldn't your part of the game try to connect time after time anyway, before you got back to orbit, therefore generating a lot of (unanswered) requests and data for a short while? I mean: just because your system did a lot of requests doesnt mean they have been received or processed by the server. It could as well be only outgoing data that never reached anything, because you were without connection to Bungo allready. Never the less, I also noticed some people not getting kicked out and others do. Sometimes if your quick enough you can rejoin activities. Very often it (indeed) seems just 1 guy did not get kicked at all. But i think experts can tell better stuff. I'm just brainstorming.



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  • Yeah that's what I was doing too, brainstorming. It was really bugging me cuz she said to us, like damn y'all getting kicked and I'm over here running T-Mobile. The only reason we stayed in the game was because of her. But in my logs I could see that my console IP, not my network IP, made a massive amount of requests, and then there was an error after that called [Heartbeat]. And when my son and I were playing together those errors were duplicates. And both of our consoles are port forwarded. Not to mention I created an IoT for him so that we weren't killing each other's Nat Type. Whenever this happens my Nat type changes from Open to Moderate. I don't think it's a log in attempt because my error would be a "looks like you're trying to log in somewhere else" and it's was not that but still random. Some would get kicked to the log in screen, other to orbit but still in the fireteam and then automatically rejoined, and some completely from the fireteam. There was no comparison between M&K and console connections. But, I truly think that our IPs were cloned in game and the data bottleneck happed on our side of the connection just based on my logs from my IP and my console IP. So I tried to minimize the size of the packets, which is where I broke out PowerShell, and then I started getting a different error. So once again, my side of the connection. So it's like they are maybe cloning my characters actions in game and duplicating them somehow. Think like if you were in a 6 man activity and suddenly there is 3 of you in the activity. Then the team is technically and 8 man team and their system don't know how to deal with that, how would it react to you? I don't think the attacks are just one thing like that. For every different error code we get, it's a different action they are doing with our character. Can you say rabbit hole?? And yeah, I do get a little bit "Beautiful Mind" sometimes.



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  • Modificato da Týr-Skadi: 9/25/2023 1:33:11 PM
    I think it's what i thought. Your network did not have connection to Bungie and your console did a bunch of unanswered requests before kicking you because of a timeout. Yesterday i got a 30 seconds period of lagging and stuff in the game before a timeout occured. So who knows. But like i said: experts know better. Contact them. Dunno if they will read your thing: but you never know.



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  • I reached out to them, but we'll see if I hear back. No doubt there are plenty of people with tech backgrounds sending in their own advice. I'm going to consider what I could do on my end to prevent it. I know I can publicly hide my IP, but then I'm sure Bungie would have a problem with that. I'll keep thinking.



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  • Modificato da Týr-Skadi: 9/25/2023 1:55:58 PM
    Good. I think they're busy right now, but indeed we'll see. And dont get yourself banned dude. Just wait till it's fixed. Lol.



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  • Oh no, I don't think I could mess it up that bad. 😂



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  • 😂



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