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postato inizialmente in: Thanks for the great servers
9/24/2023 10:43:05 PM
Blame the piss babies who are DDoSing them.



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  • [quote]Blame the piss babies who are DDoSing them.[/quote] Bootlicker, do you really think they’re getting DDOS immediately after they installed the patch to fix the funny guns? Pull your naive head out of your….



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  • Yes, actually. It's clear that the butthurt neckbeards are behind the attack because Bungie took their glitched guns away.



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  • The supposed ddos attack didnt start till tuesday late in the afternoon, the funny guns had most of the perks disabled sunday night, the attacks would have started then if it was a ddos. Bungies intern that they told to patch all the funny guns broke something in the code and now its non stop errors, further more a ddos attack would prevent you from playing the game period, as in you wont even get past the loading screen



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  • Tuesday evening would be the best time to attack because they would have affected a lot more people. Tuesday is weekly reset and it started around when most people get home from work. So they disrupted the servers when they knew a lot more people would get mad since there'd be more people online. And if you believe a Bungie intern actually said that then I have a bridge to sell you. I bet the source of that bungie intern BS is "dude, trust me." And no, a DDoS won't prevent you from getting past the load screen. Most of the time they just cause disruption of gameplay to where you can log in but will get nothing but error codes when attempting to play. Or you just get hit with an obscene amount of lag. Try knowing what you're talking about instead of making asinine and objectively wrong comments.



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  • Bootlicker. Now that's funny. When exactly did Bungie become the Government?



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  • Modificato da Phil__Boss: 9/24/2023 11:09:27 PM
    I'm starting to believe the ddoser is Bungie.



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