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9/23/2023 7:10:50 PM
I don't know, maybe go take a break and play something else since this has been happening? So funny to see yall do this to yourselves yet still -blam!- and moan that the game isn't working. FOMO must be really hitting the Addicts in all yall 😂



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  • they want to play the game they paid for, its not their fault bungie is so pants on head -blam!- that they are focusing the majority of their efforts on games that aren't even out yet. Seriously I used to love this game but between my hunter's armor, weapons and exotics being deleted from my collection and the CONSTANT server issues I have all but abandoned destiny 2. Bungie has no idea what they're doing and its showing.



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  • So, people are not allowed to complain because the game is unplayable when the game asks you $100 a year to have a semblance of content? There's no reason this game worth $100 a year and no reason to play this over another games that don't have that much problems like destiny have



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  • Boggles your mind that people are complaining? But here you are complaining about people complaining. Let me guess, you're a vegan, lgbtqrstuvwxyz, juststopoil, feminist, woke, snowflake, uwu cosplay dressy up boy. Give your head a wobble



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  • Modificato da Clint: 9/24/2023 12:50:39 PM
    You have to wonder why you decided to add all of that as if it's supposed to be an insult.. Let me guess, you're a -blam!-, try-hard, conservative, republican, unemployed cis incel who lives in their mother's basement? Edit.. it censored a word that means you're scared of other people's life and gender choices



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  • Found the bungie rent boy



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  • So I'm right on all counts.. good to know.. How to say you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin.



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  • Why, you wanting to be my first? Anyways why are you so concerned about my pee pee? Knew you were a rent boy, I could tell by your brown nose.



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  • Your mother approve that did she? Besides, you're clearly 12



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  • Virgin jokes and the man thinks I'm the 12 year old... Why are you asking a 12 year old if he's a virgin anyways? Are you prince Andrew in disguise?! Have fun on Epstein's island did you, you beast! Hahahaha



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  • Modificato da Clint: 9/25/2023 7:26:38 AM
    It definitely wasn't a joke or a question.. do you often have trouble with reading? also, notice how your original reply has been removed?



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  • [quote]So I'm right on all counts.. good to know.. How to say you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin.[/quote] I’m curious, calling someone a virgin, is that suppose to be an insult?



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  • Not at all.. statement of fact



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  • [quote]Not at all.. statement of fact[/quote] Not sure how it is a statement of fact but least I now know it wasn’t suppose to be an insult as let’s be honest, labelling someone a “virgin” as an insult, doesn’t make any sense. Thank you for clarifying, enjoy rest o your day please.



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  • 😂👌🏻



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  • [quote]I don't know, maybe go take a break and play something else since this has been happening? So funny to see yall do this to yourselves yet still -blam!- and moan that the game isn't working. FOMO must be really hitting the Addicts in all yall 😂[/quote] Just want what we paid for Tex.



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  • Ya ya ya same here but you don't see me crying wolf like 99% of the comments and posts. Boggles my mind.



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  • [quote]Ya ya ya same here but you don't see me crying wolf like 99% of the comments and posts. Boggles my mind.[/quote] It's called bringing attention to a problem, if only one person posted an error, Bungie would not even bother reading it, but if the error is a large one, then making your voice heard is the way to go. I appreciate you don't care about other people's frustrations, but we have to let them know we are unhappy or nothing gets done.



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