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9/22/2023 10:35:57 PM
I honestly don’t know what to believe, but being Devil’s advocate, where’s the proof it’s actually DDOS attacks other than a tweet telling us? Be a weird thing to lie about honestly, but they should be using their money and resources to get it under control. And if they are doing that, they should give us a heads up or little more communication. If they just kept us in the loop a little better, maybe we’d be more understanding. I’m not goin to call out Bungie for lying or bash them, or threaten to quit or whatever, but I’d appreciate better communication on what’s happening and how they plan on rectifying the situation. It’s the weekend now, people want to play. So it’s understandable to be upset.



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  • We can assume through the times the servers are playing up its not random issues. Normally when bungies servers start going bad they play up after maintenance (kinda expected actually) or after big updates (again should be expected). Those times are normally between 6pm and 7pm GMT (currently daylight saving -blam!- gonna be between 5pm and 6pm GMT when the clocks change) and are normally stabilized within an hour after the servers have been on long enough to function properly. The servers currently are worst at 8pm-9pm GMT and 1am-3am GMT (at least from my experience with 1am-3am being the worst by far) every day since tuesday, which seems too punctual to be random errors and malfunctions in the servers themselves.



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  • Burden of Proof is with the prosecutors, if you think they’re lying it is on to YOU to prove it. Not us. Nor Bungie. Innocent until proven guilty thing ya know.



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  • This isn’t in the court of law. This is amongst the community and a video game. Calm down. I’m not looking for a debate in criminal law, I can do that anytime with my job. And if you really want to go that route. They are accusing someone of crime, which is DDOS. They have the burden of proof if it were to goto court. Anyways… Regardless of this silly argument, I’m not blaming Bungie or asking for proof. I was simply just bringing up a point. Looking at both sides of an argument is good…ya know. I just want more communication. That is literally my only complaint in this whole thing. That’s it. You’re just looking to argue because you’re bored.



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  • Modificato da mdcaimbeul: 9/23/2023 12:38:01 AM
    We have zero information on the DDOSing, we assume they’re getting ddosed via what we’ve been told. Bungie isn’t accusing anyone, they could be getting any number of things happening to their servers. They’re telling us what they’ve found already. But you can not extrapolate off of that. That would be [i]speculation[/i]. We have again, zero background for what Bungie is seeing/receiving. The burden of proof between Bungie and this supposed DDoSer is a separate burden. But ironically, since people are accusing Bungie of lying. If Bungie proved someone was DDOSing them. They’d have to then prove Bungie was lying still as one does not satisfy the over. Also a burden of proof does not only apply to law.



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  • I don’t care what you’re really on about because I really only care that they keep us updated via communications. The rest of what you say is just looking for an argument and I’m not really interested. Take care



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  • Me explaining to you why they do not need to prove something is not arguing and you feeling that way is not my fault.



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  • You’ll be alright.



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  • Oh, it's not on me to ask for proof to the accusers? I had no idea. I thought asking for proof meant just that. ASKING FOR DAMN PROOF.



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  • Well I mean, if you’re sides with Bungie, as in you believe them, you don’t need proof that they’re innocent. It’s already assumed they are. It’s the other side burden to prove they’re guilty/lying. Them asking for proof is just non-sense. Unless they can shift the burden by bringing up a mass of evidence showing Bungie did something.



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  • If this was any other time, like when D2 first launched or whatever, I'd be inclined to agree with you. But there's been transparency recently, even during this whole crafting fiasco. If we asked for more, we'd be in their offices, in their Zoom calls, in their meetings. The only thing I think is giving people doubt is how they said they won't give more info about the DDoS for "security reasons." Which... yeah, that makes sense! If Bungie talked about how they planned to combat it, it would give the attackers information on ways to counter those plans. But no, we can't think that way because that makes us "shaft riders," "shills," and "trolls." We gotta be angry and "hold Bungie responsible" or whatever... ugh. This community, man...



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