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9/21/2023 11:30:08 PM
It wouldn't even be that much of an 'effort', since the Infinite Forest already exists and it's just something they would need pull out of the 'vault'. It's not as if they had to build it from scratch. But, no. They will not. However, I bet the 'Upgrade The Event Card' AD will be shoved under our nose every time we'll browse around the Event's menu. Lest they forget to ask for more money....



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  • Modificato da Obi-Juan: 9/22/2023 12:58:17 AM
    If pulling infinite forest out the vault and into the current sandbox was easy we would've had Whisper or Zero Hour added to the exotic rotater. Instead we got Presage. A mission which was created post Beyond Light engine changes. Chill with the misinformation



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  • Well according to Bungie, cause they "upgraded their engine," pulling things out of the vault requires manually rebuilding it from the ground up during the port. This is actually something you can find in a TWAB or SOTG recently. Excuse me while I tell you how this is a huge lie by Bungie. A) The 2001 engine they use is already at it's limits, you can't upgrade something when the overall threshold is already reached. It's like, you can put a turbo on an automatic car but it can't do much since the transmission is tuned to an engine without it. You can't "upgrade" a Windows 98 computer by throwing ram and harddrives at it and magically run Starfield, it is LIMITED BY THE FACT IT IS OLD AS -blam!- AND CAN'T HANDLE ANYTHING MORE. You would have to create a new engine at this point, not upgrade the bloated one they have. Hense why Epic makes Unreal Engine 5, cause like, they accept when they have to stop and start over anew cause limitations are limitations. B) If they upgraded the engine (again, isn't possible) to the point they can't even port old maps cause it is so new and different, THEN WHY DOES THE DESTINY CONTENT VAULT EXIST HUH? I read ex employee reviews years ago. Three things I learnt. 1) All 160 of those ex employees claimed Bungie was the most toxic workplace they saw. 2) The engine and tools are so old, that just to move a pillar 2 metres, they had to leave the map loading over night and prayed it didn't crash when they come to work tomorrow. 3) I been claiming on these forums for years before anyone knew what Marathon was that Destiny was actually going down hill cause all the talent was being moved to something else. No one believed me for so long till Marathon was announced and streamers FINALLY started realizing this is going on. But who cares? These people on these forums also are stupid enough to think Bungie actually upgraded Tiger engine (not you).



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