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9/21/2023 7:15:19 PM
Titans when they have OHK abilities in PvP: Bungie sleeps Warlocks whenever they have literally anything that’s strong in PvP: WE’VE AWOKEN THE NERF HAMMER



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  • SO true. Cue titans complaining about how many nerfs they get yet still failing to see that it just goes to prove how OP they are and how even after that they still need nerfs........oh wait.....they're already here.



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  • Cue other salty classes, which I see no end of in pvp instead of titans, complaining that the grass is greener over there cos they can't counter something.



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  • Haha whatever kid. Anteaus wards are getting nerfed for a reason even after the other nerfs they have had. Why? Because they have been absolutely cheese for ages.



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  • Are you on drugs? Titans have been nerfed in one way or the other about every six weeks or so for the last 18 months!



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  • [quote]Are you on drugs? Titans have been nerfed in one way or the other about every six weeks or so for the last 18 months![/quote] Yet they’re still crazy strong in PvP, curious.



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  • They really aren’t



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  • Yes they are. Go look at trials reports for the last several seasons, who is always sitting at the top dominating everyone? Arc Titans. The same applies to 6v6 Arc Titans have been at the top since nearly the beginning of Season of the Plunder. Titans deserve the nerfs they receive because they’re so brain dead easy and powerful, I’m literally soloing Lightfall on Legend with ease BECAUSE of Arc Titan. The fact I can’t even do that with my Warlock or Hunter speaks VOLUMES of how strong they are, so miss me with your salty Titan copium please.



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  • If any of that is actually true it’s is just desserts as hunters literally dominated PvP in Destiny for the best part of a decade so it’s about time someone else got time at the top!



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  • [quote]If any of that is actually true it’s is just desserts as hunters literally dominated PvP in Destiny for the best part of a decade so it’s about time someone else got time at the top![/quote] “It’s not true and if it is, then it should be” What a sad hypocritical Titan main, absolutely pathetic.



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  • Lol no comment on how it was just fine for hunters to be as ridiculously overpowered for as long as they were without any action! Also being called pathetic by you makes me happy.



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  • Titans don't have any ohk melees unless an exotic slot is wasted



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  • [quote]Titans don't have any ohk melees unless an exotic slot is wasted[/quote] Been 1 banged by knockout soooo many times.



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  • Plain knockout won't ohk I run titan even running knockout I've never ohk a guardian without either a damage boost or exotic.



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  • Agreed, if anything needs the nerf it's that cheese



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  • 3
    That's literally impossible. Knockout only adds an additional 50 damage now. Even at 0 Resilience it can't one-shot.



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  • [quote]That's literally impossible. Knockout only adds an additional 50 damage now. Even at 0 Resilience it can't one-shot.[/quote] It also heals you and gives you more melee range than a -blam!- Wyvern jumping up and landing on you. Add synthoseps or ACD feedback fence and you’re even more OP Also did you forget that Thunderclap can ohk in pvp, and it doesn’t even need to charge up all the way??



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  • 1
    I wasn't disputing any of that, only that it doesn't one-shot. Don't move the goalposts.



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  • I didn’t move the goalpost dipass, I added more context and mentioned that thunderclap can OHK.



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  • 1
    That's exactly what you did. The subject was Knockout, nothing else.



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  • Modificato da SlingshotNerd: 9/22/2023 10:05:07 PM
    [quote]That's exactly what you did. The subject was Knockout, nothing else.[/quote] No the subject was about Titans having OHK abilities as per me: The OP comment. “[i]Moving the goalposts' is also considered a logical fallacy in which, according to Wikipedia, “evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded[/i]” According to wikipedia, you most likely failed High School English class where you should’ve learnt about logical fallacies.



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  • 0
    Not every comment thread needs to be related to the OP comment, you understand that, right? You don't dictate what the responses to your comment must be about. The comment I responded to was a response to another comment which was a response to yours; almost three layers of digression. The subject of which was Knockout's potential as a OHK ability, literally nothing else. What I stated was a fact: Knockout cannot possibly OHK anyone without additional augmentation even when the target is at 0 resilience. The subject was Knockout specifically, not the broader topic of OHK abilities. Your attempt to supersede my comment by digressing to the other effects of Knockout, augmenting Exotic armors, and the unrelated point about Thunderclap is patently moving the goalposts, A.K.A raising the bar, A.K.A setting a higher standard. And it's "learned" in this instance, not "learnt".



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  • Requires peregrines. But I get it, titans are very powerful in pvp



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  • Full charge thunderclap though it is almost 2 seconds of standing still



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  • Modificato da SlingshotNerd: 9/22/2023 5:20:33 PM
    [quote]Full charge thunderclap though it is almost 2 seconds of standing still[/quote] And you want to know the hypocrisy about this? HANDHELD SUPERNOVA WORKS ALMOST IDENTICALLY except of course it does NOT one shot in crucible…and it has less range, no exotic to buff its damage (realistically speaking nobody is using Verity’s Brown in PvP), and requires a whole ASPECT to use it.



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  • Uhm you stand still during thunderclap, quite the nuance.



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