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postato inizialmente in: I suppose the DDOS is back?
9/21/2023 1:11:24 AM
Yeah its ddos for days now . Some cheater hacker didnt like getting owned this past weekend in trials when his hacks couldnt save him from the auto rifle's . It also could be someone is upset bungie took away there unlimited ammo grenade launcher . One things for sure we didnt have this problem until the bug weekend. So it could be any number of players doing it. If they catch them they could face up to 10 years in prison .



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  • And will never have access to the Internet again or computers they'll have to get permission before they can even do anything on the net that requires it.



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  • My suggestion was a little bit more violent! I suggested they get every Mortal Kombag fatality performed on them. All of them. At the same time.



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  • Lmao they'll probably get a pat on the back when they get to prison but yeah they should.



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  • Yeah, because why treat criminals like the scum they are, right? It's not like there's evidence all over the place that the game is getting DDoS'd or anything. Why do any of that when we can blame Bungie for LITERALLY everything? Because... uh... *looks at scribbled writing on hand* "corporations."



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  • Lmao this is true, and some deserve to be there and to never be let out, others just made wrong choices and understand what they need to do to fix themselves. Corporations can be just as bad as the criminals if not worse.



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  • Yeah, but when the ACTUAL criminals get off scott free (or worse, get LAUDED as if they're heroes), that's crossing the line. That's the REAL clown world.



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  • Yeah that's for sure.



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  • Modificato da TheGr4veM1nd: 9/21/2023 1:36:42 AM
    And people here somehow STILL doubt that and just wanna blame Bungie for everything. The game's discourse recently has become increasingly hostile.



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  • Bro, they lie all the time. Here is just a short list of the stuff they've lied about. Trials not being half baked. Refocusing on PVP. Eververse would be used to pay for exotic weapon quests. "Your time you invested in to your stuff should be respected" only to Sunset most of the weapons and armor. The XP throttling and playing it off as a glitch in their system. That they can use the new game engine to balance crucible and pve separately only they admitted back in D1 they could already do that but they didn't because they were just effing lazy. In summary, I wouldn't trust Bungie if they told me the sun would rise tomorrow.



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  • Modificato da TheGr4veM1nd: 9/21/2023 4:47:02 AM
    Okay, hotshot. Here we go. Strap yourself in. "Trials not being half-baked." I don't play Trials. But the few times I did, it's full of sweatlords. I think Trials is fine. "Eververse would be used to pay for exotic weapon quests." Excuse me, WHAT. In what reality is THAT a thing? Because in the real world, that's NEVER happened. Eververse has ONLY been used for cosmetics! "Your time you invested in your stuff should be respected." And it is. You're just still mad your Midnight Coup with a static roll isn't relevant anymore. "The XP system throttling and playing if off as a glitch in their system." Again... WHAT? I don't remember that ever being a thing. "That they can use the new game engine to balance crucible and pve separately only they admitted back in D1 they could already do that but they didn't because they were just being effing lazy." Except they HAVE done it in D2. Multiple times, in fact. A lot. Like... a [i]lot,[/i] a lot. In summary, you're full of it. Go back to whatever subreddit hole you crawled out of.



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  • yea, think a year or so after D2 dropped, they throttled XP like crazy. Got caught red handed and they went 'oopsie dasies'



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  • It amazes me that people are still offended by that as if it happened yesterday...



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  • "I dont play trials, but when I did it seemed fine" First of all - Huh? Second of all, your experience (or lack thereof) is irrelevent to what actually happened with Trials. Win-trading, hackers, bugs, connection issues, Trials was never half-baked, it was raw. So yes, Bungie lied. "Eververse has ONLY been used for cosmetics!" Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you naturally this way? Eververse as in the sales from Eververse. "And it is. You're just still mad your Midnight Coup with a static roll isn't relevant anymore." Nothing says respecting your time like vaulting the stuff you grinded for. Also, there is a big different between a weapon becoming irrelevant because something better came along and having your weapon forcefully retired and being shoehorned in to using something inferior for the sake of "variety". "Xp throttling I dont remember that being a thing" Just because you dont remember it, doesn't mean it didnt happen and thus doesn't invalidate what I said. About the balancing PVE and PVP separately, did you even pay attention to what I posted? They said they were changing to a new engine so they could balance PVE and PVP separately but they admitted to already being able to do that back in D1. Hence why I said they lied. Judging by your responses you clearly didn't read through what I posted well enough and just flat out ignored documented incidents and just reflexively responded out of cultish fervor and rage. You're obviously Bungie cultist, Bungie can do no wrong. Tell ya what champ, why dont you unholster Bungie's shaft from your throat and come up for air. Maybe the extra oxygen will help you think more clearly.



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  • Gold 🤣



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  • This is why I don't like discussing the game with others anymore. This right here. I can't even talk about builds or weapon rolls without cynical pieces of trash like you coming up to air your grievances about the game as if it came in and shot your pet hamster or whatever. God, I hate this community...



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  • ""The XP system throttling and playing if off as a glitch in their system." Again... WHAT? I don't remember that ever being a thing." ""Eververse would be used to pay for exotic weapon quests." Excuse me, WHAT. In what reality is THAT a thing? Because in the real world, that's NEVER happened. Eververse has ONLY been used for cosmetics!" - "But it does help fund ongoing development of Destiny 2, and allows us to fund creative efforts we otherwise couldn't afford. For example: Whisper of the Worm's ornaments were successful enough that it paid [dev cost-wise] for the Zero Hour mission/rewards to be constructed



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  • Eververse funding exotic missions is just a no-brainer. Money = resources, and resources = manpower. Beyond Light gave us Hawkmoon and DMT. Witch Queen got us Dead Messenger and Revision Zero. Lightfall gave us Vexcalibur so far. It wouldn't surprise me if expansion purchases also factored into that. I'm not seeing how that's a big deal or some """controversy.""" So far, the only "lie" I'm seeing here was the XP system throttling. Which wasn't as big of a deal as people are making it out to be because leveling up back in D2 Year 1 was practically pointless. So lemme give you some advice: Take the L already. You'll feel a lot better when you do.



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  • Nope, none of those examples you gave are accurate. Witch Queen didn't give us Dead Messenger and Revision Zero - players had to buy Season of Defiance season pass to get Dead Messenger and Season of the Seraph to get Revision Zero (and still need to buy them to access them in the exotic quest rotator). In fact, in the State of the Game, Bungie stated that despite players paying for the game, season passes, dungeon keys, and Eververse cosmetics, it is unrealistic for players to expect there to be resources to make things for Destiny 2. "leveling up back in D2 Year 1 was practically pointless" I see you still have no idea what you are talking about. Leveling up gave you Bright Engrams which is how players got Bright Dust to buy things in Eververse. There was no buying cosmetics directly with Silver in year 1 - you could only buy Bright Engrams with Silver. We know that the xp throttling was a big deal because Bungie went through the effort of doing it in order to force players to buy Bright Engrams instead of earning them. You were also wrong about everything else you posted. I just picked the 2 things that only a fool would claim never happened.



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  • Ugh... this is pointless. I don't have time for this. All you're doing is trying to justify these pathetic delusions. I'm done here.



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  • Wow. That's a lot of text that just amounts to, "WAAAAAH! BUNGIE DOESN'T NOTICE ME! WAAAAAH!"



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  • You do realize that Bungie doesn't hand out silver and head pats for D-riding.



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  • You can't logically argue with the bungo fanboys man. Their nose is to far up the bungo bunghole.



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  • People like you are why I feel uncomfortable talking about the game in any capacity...



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  • Its fun though, you get to see how far they are willing to bend over backward to defend this company. I wonder if they have little shrines in their closet and pray to Joe Blackburn.



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