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9/20/2023 1:57:11 AM
They’re being DDoS’d, probably by whiny -blam!- like you who were mad Bungie “ruined their Trials weekend”. The funny part about this entire weekend is that ppl would’ve been as mad or more if Bungie had -blam!- the game off for all this. Anyways, this one isn’t on Bungie.



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  • If someone was mad that Bungie "ruined their Trials weekend," why didn't they DDoS Destiny 2 during the weekend or Monday? Why is it that all the new problems started right after Bungie patched the game during Tuesday's reset? Just because Bungie claims something is happening, doesn't mean that it is. Bungie has never took responsibility for anything wrong with Destiny 2 and this latest claim of a DDoS attack is just another deflection.



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  • Because more people play after reset than they do Trials because of the new weekly story. So they waited until the most people would be online so the most game time was disrupted as possible and caused more upset people than there would have been over the weekend. Use your brain for once in your sad life.



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  • So you think that someone upset with Trials being ruined because of the weapon glitch are going to DDoS Destiny 2 to keep players from the new weekly story instead of DDoS during the weekend when everyone was enjoying the Destiny 2 weapon glitch? That's some special kind of thinking there.



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  • No I think that the people doing the attack are tilted about Bungie fixing the glitch and decided to DDoS them. Because again, there would be far more people online for Tuesday reset than there would be for Trials. Work those three brain cells you have left, I believe in you.



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  • I think it is amusing that you went from "players being upset with Trials weekend ruined because of crafting glitch so they DDoS Destiny 2" to "people upset with Bungie fixing the glitch and decided to DDoS them." It is also quite funny that you think that Tuesday 10am PST is the highest traffic time for Destiny 2 during the day/week, especially this week with Master Crota's End releasing on Thursday. It is heartwarming that you think blocking players from the week 5 story mission is the ultimate way to punish Bungie. You must of really loved the week 4 story mission and have been eagerly awaiting this week's 10 minutes of content.



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  • It's like you're incapable of reading comprehension. I said that the DDoS happened on reset because there would be more players online. It's abundantly clear the attack was done because Bungie actually patched out the majority of the bug. I never once said the reason was because of Trials weekend being ruined. I literally said it's pretty clear they did it because the crafting glitch was removed. Crota's End was ORIGINALLY going to release at reset but was pushed back because people were still managing to get glitched guns. And they did the DDoS when the most number of people would be online because they knew that people would immediately just start saying nasty things about Bungie having awful servers and they were right. People's immediate reaction was to get mad at Bungie. In the future, try actually reading what people post. Because all you did here was make yourself look like a giant idiot.



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  • "I never once said the reason was because of Trials weekend being ruined." You jumped in when I said the OP was wrong with claiming the people DDoS Destiny 2 were doing so because they were upset with the crafting glitch ruining Trials weekend. You probably should stay out of threads if you cannot even be bothered to understand what the OP said. Hate to burst your bubble, but 10am PST weekly reset is NOT the time when the most people would be online. It is laughable that you think Tuesday morning/afternoon is when Destiny 2 is the busiest. You actually think players are taking time off of work for the weekly story mission? If Destiny 2 is being DDoS and the server problems are not the result of a major patch being implemented, why is it that just about every time the game is updated there are server problems? Did you miss the TWAB where, after 6 months post-Lightfall of Bungie blaming players for connection errors, they described to us the steps they were taking to fix the connection problems they caused with Lightfall (and how great Bungie was for fixing them)? It is amusing that you keep claiming that the supposed DDoS attack started on Tuesday at reset when articles were talking about connection issues after the first patch came out Monday.



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  • I swear, does it hurt to be as dumb as you are?



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  • I was thinking the same thing. Could you imagine the level of screeching if they took it offline. 😂 You could probably hear it on the ISS! Bungie could turn off the game, demand first born children to turn it back on and they’d wake up to find a nursery on their doorstep 🤣



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  • OK, I completely lost it when I got to the "nursery on their doorstop" line. My wife had to check to see if I was having a heart attack I was laughing so much.



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  • Nothing bungie will do will make these people happy. They could cure cancer and solve world hunger and the forums would find a way to complain about it lol



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  • It´s because Bungie doing really not much! Servers are bad long time ago,there´s minimum new content for the amount of Money they want us to pay,no new maps,no new Strikes... But as long there are People like you why should they,you are happy with everything !



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  • Doesn’t stop them from trying. I’ve always loved the work they do with St. Jude’s. It’s the one thing not related to video games they do I like.



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