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postato inizialmente in: Don’t give them any more money.
9/19/2023 10:35:33 PM
Giving them money or not is not going to change how broken this game is. Just like everything else most of you just accept, this will be adjusted until it happens again and things will go on as usual. Look at how fast the post disappeared about the shards 😂🤦‍♂️



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  • Modificato da justin_giver: 9/20/2023 2:33:21 PM
    And why I find it very hard to believe this DDOS excuse at this point. The weapon glitch and then follow it up with a ddos attack takes all the heat off bungie and the shard issue. They gave us a glitch weekend and then its not their fault someone else attacks them. I find it far to convenient. Could it be true. absolutely.. it could also be as true as some of the other not so true stories we have heard in the past when -blam!- hits the fan.. Auto rifle nerf? xp nerf? ritual armour ever dlc? shard removal is to balance the economy? need I really go on. We all know the issues bungie has significantly stretched.. possibly even outright lied to us. When you maybe start telling the truth, people will still have a hard time believing yuou.



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  • Bungie is not the only business being affected by these attacks. Search the web and you will find other reports. What is surprising is that major news services have not produced any significant stories yet. In today's video by Rick Kackis one of the viewers reported his company was DDOSed by an attack originating from Russia.



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  • IF bungie decides to involve the police then I can believe this nonsense however, if they choose not to.. why are they letting a significant crime go unreported? I can give you one answer.. because it doesn't exist and filing a false police report wouldn't go over so well.



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  • Modificato da Wintermute 2050: 9/22/2023 5:23:16 PM
    How are the Washington state police going to assist Bungie with a cyber attack that originates from Russia? Bungie would not have released their statement unless it was factual. They were aware that the story would be circulated and scrutinized. If it was false information, someone would have discovered this by now. Moreover, read the news stories about attacks or the viewer comment I mentioned above. Ignoring attacks doesn't make them false information.



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  • weird how FBI, Interpol etc would then get involved IF it was stemming from Russia. You might even get homeland security in on it if they felt there was a risk to the Country. If companies are actually being DDos'd for days on end, absolutely they need to report to police and have it dealt with to 1. stop it and 2. potentially prosecute those responsible. See a crime, report a crime. pretty simple.



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  • I fully agree, they are lying again to cover their tails. Use to love this game I’m so sad to hate it now…



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  • [quote] When you maybe start telling the truth, people will still have a hard time believing yuou.[/quote] This has become an issue and part of the reason why the community is the way they are. This business created the toxicity and had the nerve to blame the player base for what they caused. They are just a bunch of disrespecting people and they deserve what they get. I've never known any business that lies as much as this one has and will continue to do because that is who they are.



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  • It's funny you bring up shards. The Bungie excuse is to balance the economy. I plan to spend them on cores. Can't wait till Bungie says the core economy is broken. Lmfao



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  • Dude, they don't even know how to balance a scale 😂



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  • Lmfao



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  • Buying 5 per day at 30 per is 150 shards per day. I can literally buy 5 per day for nearly the next entire year if I gain zero ever again.. Infact, by the time we have TFS I will barely have hit half of my shards.. while I continue to earn them over the next few seasons.. Likely by then.. my shards will have increased by another 10k, I will have hundreds of cores and as you say.. they will look to make changes to that economy as well.



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  • How do I buy 5 per day? I have 39,000 shards and 4533 cores but I feel like I need to spend them on something.



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  • And you can hold 999 per inventory slot. Cores are next just a matter of time.



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  • Absolutely. I already have 4 stacks of them..



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  • [quote]It's funny you bring up shards. The Bungie excuse is to balance the economy. I plan to spend them on cores. Can't wait till Bungie says the core economy is broken. Lmfao[/quote] To balance “the economy” my rear end. Another one of their sorry excuses



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  • [quote]To balance “the economy” my rear end. Another one of their sorry excuses[/quote] Yep, and I wonder what nonsense they will pull next.



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  • I know, just repeating their BS.



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  • The only balance is that the material is removed completely as if it doesn't exist. It may help the game developer with the community at a certain level of parity however, it doesn't actually balance out on the balance sheet for the players at all.



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