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9/19/2023 6:33:39 PM
Same. Pretty sad this has become normal for weekly reset.



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  • It was definitely made worse by the glitch babies going crazy with those glitched guns. Good job that bunch did in having "fun" at the expense of others.



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  • really? you're going to blame the gamers for using the tools provided rather than the giant company who breaks the game every week?



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  • Those glitched guns required network manipulation and caused the issues prior to the DDoS attack, so yes, I blame those who felt the need to further break the game...look at facts: prior to the weekend, game was playing like it usually does with a few bumps here and there, glitch is found everyone who exploited it went nuts, because of those weapons doing things they weren't supposed to, there were issues then the DDoS attack topped it off 🤷🏽‍♂️ it is simple, you gonna blame Bungie for players exploiting? Come on man that's like blaming a shark for biting some fool who was in their territory looking like a seal, you don't blame the environment (this case the game or devs) for things that occured beyond their control, they made an attempt to rectify the problems caused by the glitched guns, but then some fools went and DDoS'd the game, you wanna blame that on Bungie too I bet lol



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  • you think simping for Bungie is going to fix the game for you quicker? that's sad



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  • Simping? Pull your head out of your a**, you even know what a -blam!- is? Nowhere in my reply to you did I say Bungie was blameless nor did I say they're the greatest thing alive you foolish child, you must have a hard time thinking of facts which is why you attempt to insult someone smarter than you 🤣🤣 go play Fortnite, CoD, Roblox, or Minecraft kid



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  • Well yeah it's still an exploit instead of letting them make those guns they should have just shut the game down and take the guns and disable the enclave, until they could fix it properly.



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  • I guess you're ignoring that they break this game weekly. nearly every update bricks some part of the game. you'd think they would get better at this...



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  • No I'm not ignoring that issue I just believe they should have done it a different way but here we are.



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  • I suggest you stay off Destiny 2 until they are done fighting off the DDOS attack. Or live with the pain of being disconnected intermittently until they do.



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