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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
9/5/2023 1:10:04 PM

Void Warlock Melee Buff Or Bring More Melee Abilities

When are we going to get a better void warlock melee abilities? It has been 4+ years now with the same low range and damage ball that can't even finish one shot opponents and get outclassed by all other melees in the game. We need newer abilities that is offense-oriented and cause more damage similar to solar/arc melees or buff to the current melee to the range and damage to also match the solar/arc melees.



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  • I’d just like a melee that doesn’t mess up all the time. It’s not terrible in PvP, but it’s extremely mod in PvE. How about: Energy Drain - Void Warlock Melee - A close range melee that siphons the target’s Essence. Weakening them and increasing your grenade recharge rate for a moderate duration. Final blows extend the duration. - weaken is just the void 3.0 verb, lasts 5s at base. - Energy drain grants 2.5x Grenade ability recharge for 5s on hit and 10s on final blow. Just my thought, updating an old ability.



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  • Still better than smoke bomb, it's only possible to get a pve kill if you equip khepris.



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    2 Risposte
    • This melee is awful but i have the perfect solution: let us consume it to activate devour.



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    • In my opinion the warlock void melee that regenerated health with full charge was the best it helped in those situations where you are surrounded by enemies on a slither of health



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    • No, you guys already one tap with the pocket singularity, don’t be greedy, us void hunters only got something more tool than melee while you guys got a beast of a melee, that is ignoring Titans



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      16 Risposte
      • Modificato da Soul_Eater_42: 9/6/2023 10:54:06 PM
        They should bring back Atomic Breach as a second melee, or make Pocket Singularity into a melee you can charge up, like Striker's Thunderclap, where the longer you charge it, the more damage it can deal, and the further it can push enemies. Fully charging it up makes it do a full-damage (slightly higher than base melee damage), AoE blast on impact that spreads Volatile, and pushes surrounding enemies.



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      • So many times I hit players in PVP with the melee and it doesn’t even move them or it someone blast them right at me and they kill me with one melee or shotgun. The void melee is not even a melee it does about half bar damage on shields. It’s only good to finish off a player that is about a half of health left. It may finish them off if your lucky. I really don’t understand the choice of this melee. Even if I hit them with a melee and make them volatile there’s very little payoff even if I happen to hit them with a follow up void weapon. Make the melee suppress or something so that a Titan or Hunter can’t one shot me or jump so we warlocks at least have a chance to finish the other player off!!



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      • The fact that the melee sends enemies airborn makes it sooo good.



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        1 Rispondi
        • Will warlocks have the most powerful solar melee, that mini nova they do on there melee isn't mad but if your asking for a buff then a Hunters melee has always been rubbish to me that needs a rework. Titan melee on void well.. shoulder charge got nerfed and the throw shield as a concept is stupid because the super does the same thing but I think that melee with the shield needs a damage buff too. So far as to say warlock hunter and titan need a buff in that department



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        • Voidwalker should have a charged melee ability.



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        • All subclasses in my opinion should have a minimum of 2 melee's.



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        • Void Warlock and Stasis Titan both need new melees.



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        • I'd like to see a close quarters melee, like hit an enemy and get a volatile explosion. Similar to chain lightning.



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        • Bring back life steal from D1 and atomic breech



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        • Would be cool to have options - maybe a little beam and a close range one as well (bring back the slap)



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        • Modificato da pcln3806: 9/6/2023 7:16:33 PM
          I want more low damage ranged melees that apply status effects!!!!!!!



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        • [quote]Void Warlock Melee Buff Or Bring More Melee Abilities[/quote] Both but specifically the latter And same with the latter for all subclasses with only 1 melee ability or super



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        • I miss atomic breach 😮‍💨



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        • Low range? Lol Voidlock melee tracks around corners and physically moves players. It's very strong when used correctly in PvP. Could definitely be buffed in PvE, though



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          14 Risposte
          • All warlock melees are essentially choose your flavour of status ball



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          • How about tone down Strand abilities. Every game nothing but hit by Strand held up in the air, hit by some Strand whatever around every corner.



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          • Lmao they can have a better Void melee if they nerf Child of the old Gods first on Void Warlock…



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          • Seriously, they took away atomic breach for that garbage.



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          • The literal least they could do is make sure it pushes opponents back instead of launching them at you.



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          • Yeah not sure why bungie just nerfs everything warlock melee is crap . It made the game boring with all the nerfs. Just like there raids all the mechanics make it no fun to play them. And had to laugh at there new crotos end raid weapon , its not a auto rifle its a smg , 35 range 720 rpm why would they call that a auto rifle silly . Not interested in another smg to add to the pile of smg's. Seriuosly Bungie the majority of players just want to play the game and have a little fun . Dump the heavy mechanics raids or have 2 versions. one for the guys that like all that mechanic junk. And a match making version without it. For the players that want to have fun.



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            1 Rispondi
            • 4+ years? did I blackout for almost 3 years?



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