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Modificato da SonicFusion: 3/26/2023 8:08:50 AM

What is the toughest thing in life you've ever experienced?

Hi y'all I'm 35. What is the toughest thing in your life that you've ever had to deal with? Why was it so hard? And did any thing good or bad come from it? I've had a fairly easy life save for being born with a messed up Mitral Valve. They recently went in and repaired it. Until now I've never had a Mitral Valve that worked properly. For so long I was lethargic, easily fatigued, and always felt out of breath from the most simple of tasks. I use to get super cold easily as well. Since the open heart surgery many of these issues are gone but while I'm recovering the road has been filled with thorns. I played Lightfall once before Surgery and once after I was finally released after a week in the hospital. The incision site is along the middle of my sternum and some times it feels weird. My primary symptoms post surgery include nausea and vomiting, but in my case the vomiting is the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. Not only does it put pressure on my incision site but it also has wrecked my health. I can barely keep simple things like soup, water, and apple sauce down and my stomach is always in constant pain. I've lost sleep and lost 25lbs since before surgery. I am some what sleep deprived and extremely thirsty. I can keep tea and water down but when I tried Gatorade it came up within minutes. I have been distracting myself by focusing on Iron Banner but soon it will be over and I will be left alone with the madness of my pain. This current experience is the worse thing I've ever experienced and I would not wish this on my worse enemy. Playing Lightfall after surgery felt like motion sickness and over stimulation, it was not pleasant getting my Titan through the story but I did it in honor of Lance and I intend to try to play my Titan more often in honor of his memory. This has been Dr. Azoth Who sending you her best. May peace and love follow you all the days of your lives, may you dwell in the house of the gods forever. Goodnight. I pray I sleep soon. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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  • My oppo from Bosnia took his own life in 2010. We did three tours together in the nineties and while I came through it pretty unscathed he was haunted by what we saw. And we saw a lot. Bosnia was a pretty -blam!- civil war and we did tours as UN Peacekeepers while in the military. I was visiting him when he did it. I had gone out for a bit of a shopping trip, he stayed in London and I am from the frozen wastes of Scotland so I had a shopping list as long as your arm, and when I came back to the flat he had killed himself. I found him in his bedroom. The note he left apologised, he said I was the only one that he thought could take finding him. He didn't want to have his family find him. We had been in the pub a few hours earlier and he was in pretty good spirits. Looking back signs were there but he was one guy I never thought would commit suicide. With the note was a Ouija board. He wanted me to have it so we could keep in touch according to the note. if you're military or ex mil you will get the humour. If not, you wouldn't understand. Whatever, he's at peace now. He's not hurting anymore. The Ouija board is on my wall, framed.



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