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Modificato da SonicFusion: 3/26/2023 8:08:50 AM

What is the toughest thing in life you've ever experienced?

Hi y'all I'm 35. What is the toughest thing in your life that you've ever had to deal with? Why was it so hard? And did any thing good or bad come from it? I've had a fairly easy life save for being born with a messed up Mitral Valve. They recently went in and repaired it. Until now I've never had a Mitral Valve that worked properly. For so long I was lethargic, easily fatigued, and always felt out of breath from the most simple of tasks. I use to get super cold easily as well. Since the open heart surgery many of these issues are gone but while I'm recovering the road has been filled with thorns. I played Lightfall once before Surgery and once after I was finally released after a week in the hospital. The incision site is along the middle of my sternum and some times it feels weird. My primary symptoms post surgery include nausea and vomiting, but in my case the vomiting is the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. Not only does it put pressure on my incision site but it also has wrecked my health. I can barely keep simple things like soup, water, and apple sauce down and my stomach is always in constant pain. I've lost sleep and lost 25lbs since before surgery. I am some what sleep deprived and extremely thirsty. I can keep tea and water down but when I tried Gatorade it came up within minutes. I have been distracting myself by focusing on Iron Banner but soon it will be over and I will be left alone with the madness of my pain. This current experience is the worse thing I've ever experienced and I would not wish this on my worse enemy. Playing Lightfall after surgery felt like motion sickness and over stimulation, it was not pleasant getting my Titan through the story but I did it in honor of Lance and I intend to try to play my Titan more often in honor of his memory. This has been Dr. Azoth Who sending you her best. May peace and love follow you all the days of your lives, may you dwell in the house of the gods forever. Goodnight. I pray I sleep soon. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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  • My oppo from Bosnia took his own life in 2010. We did three tours together in the nineties and while I came through it pretty unscathed he was haunted by what we saw. And we saw a lot. Bosnia was a pretty -blam!- civil war and we did tours as UN Peacekeepers while in the military. I was visiting him when he did it. I had gone out for a bit of a shopping trip, he stayed in London and I am from the frozen wastes of Scotland so I had a shopping list as long as your arm, and when I came back to the flat he had killed himself. I found him in his bedroom. The note he left apologised, he said I was the only one that he thought could take finding him. He didn't want to have his family find him. We had been in the pub a few hours earlier and he was in pretty good spirits. Looking back signs were there but he was one guy I never thought would commit suicide. With the note was a Ouija board. He wanted me to have it so we could keep in touch according to the note. if you're military or ex mil you will get the humour. If not, you wouldn't understand. Whatever, he's at peace now. He's not hurting anymore. The Ouija board is on my wall, framed.



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    • I doubt anything I even mention really compares to what others have been through.



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      • Modificato da SometimesIDrinkCoffee: 3/26/2023 1:31:33 PM
        I'm afraid I can't top that. But I did get a root canal without novacaine. That was fun. Good luck on your recovery.



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      • Lost two close friends, brothers really. One of them was a fellow mech, he was the life of the party, always blasting music and pissing off our superiors. He ended up at a bad place and time and got gunned down in a drive by shooting in East Los Angeles. If I hate Los Angeles and never have to see it again then good, I hope the San Andreas faultline ruptures and slides all of LA into the godd[i]a[/i]mn ocean. The other was a pilot and Major, I always called him sir. He had the most confirmed kills dropping warheads on foreheads than any man I have ever met. Crazy mofo, you wouldn't know if you met him, he was the nicest man and most modest and quiet man I had ever seen. He was driving home late one evening and his truck flipped off the road. He didn't survive. Loss sucks, loss of fellow brothers sucks, especially since we never deployed down range, but I guess death finds you even when not in a warzone...



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        • Probably when my mother died from stage 4 lung cancer. That and now being a new(ish) dad helping to raise my 1 year old daughter.



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          • Car accident about 10 years ago. I still have ptsd from that. I was coming home from work and someone pulled out right in front of me. I was driving about 30 mph, they pulled out about 10-15 ft from me and my car had drum brakes and i skidded right into the side of the other car. Completely totaled. What was so traumatic about it was my car was a 1965 mustang that my parents bought me as a project when i was 15. I grew up rebuilding that car with my dad, it had always been my dream car, we had finally finished it with new paint, interior, rebuilt motor and i only got to drive it for 2 months before the crash. Its been tough, but if i learned anything, its two things, One dont take anything in life for granted because it can be taken right away and there's nothing you can do about it. And two, if you're ever rebuilding a vintage car, always always always switch out the drum brakes for discs.



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            • Modificato da kerrick2: 3/26/2023 3:32:25 PM
              1)father getting colon cancer 2) as a kid my aunt used me to get info on my parents when she was suing them(also the rumors she spread to the rest of the family ruined our connection with them)been almost 20 years



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              • 😌 being a white person God it's a struggle. But seriously? Manic depression, somedays I can paint the world , other days I wanna eat 9mm



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              • How your recovery goes well <3. To answer your question the toughest part of my life was probably childhood, weirdly. Until I was 12, I lived with a mom that tried go kill me a few times, in addition to the usual physical/verbal abuse. Also lived pretty much the whole time at or below the poverty line during that time, not having electricity or even water wasn't too uncommon. Life was bleak, and I definitely still have things I need to resolve from back then.



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                • Once after my mother gave birth the hospital called my father (who after the baby popped out had to stay home with my siblings and I who were pretty young at the time) and told him my mother was bleeding out. I was only about 12 and apparently the umbilical cord had raptured from the placenta and they were losing her. That was a rough night for me but thank god she turned out all right, a blood transfusion saved her life. Than my most recent baby brother almost was a miscarriage and that was scary but not quite as bad.



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                • Modificato da Ricochet 049: 3/30/2023 7:49:03 PM
                  It oddly gets broken up at different times. The most emotionally difficult thing I was dealing with was from 18-24. The most physically difficult things were from 24-30. At 11 I was circumcised but it really didn’t take any effort on my part, but it’s still the most painful thing I’ve experienced. 18-24 my family was stealing my money and threatening me daily because I had a girlfriend they didn’t approve of. (Hard to deal with because I wasn’t financially capable of supporting myself and I grew up so isolated I didn’t know how to do anything, it’s some strange abuse that I went through) 24 I made my escape but I had to take a drastic turn that was previously told to me “impossible” but I joined the Marines. That was a challenge. I served my contract got my feet under me and am now free in the world.



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                  • the legs of a 500 pound man those poor things



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                  • The loss of my parents. My mom died in 2010 and dad followed 4 years later. Still hurts almost every day but it has gotten easier over time. I wish you the best in your recovery gaurdian, eyes up!



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                  • Having to go without Destiny 2 for more than one day



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                    • 16 years ago, on March 15th I was in a car accident, a hit and run that threw 2 of my sister's out of the vehicle, and my friend with injury my mother and baby brother as well were all in the car so 8 of us in total vehicle rolled 4 times and came to the stop on the shoulder upside-down thankfully only have a few bad injuries with all that happened but it gave me a new passion for life at the age of 14 it really knocked some sense into me that life can end at any time and focus on better the people I meet and helping others over worry about money or power its crazy to think I survived without any injury I'd post photos if they weren't graphic disturbing just imagine a suv half the height and length then your getting close to how it looked And to finish off if you ever think you have it bad somewhere someone has it worse then you so because of that always help just my 2 cents love you all can't wait to see how God uses this peace see you star side



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                    • Existing.



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                    • Probably the years from 2017-2019 starting with being diagnosed with type one diabetes and continuing with a plethora of other bad things



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                    • Living in my car / being homeless (sans family). Don't really see the point in me going into detail beyond that, but yeah. It's been rough, but I have a job with more pros than cons for once and I'm posted at a site that has little going on beyond receiving residents packages, so at this point all I really need to do is stack monies and I can get out of this situation.



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                    • Life



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                    • My grandma, kitten, and uncle dying in the same year. My grandma and kitten within the same quarter of the year. Not great. I pray for your health and recovery.



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                    • I wish you a speedy recovery. Be proud of yourself for every day you get through — each one is a step closer to your goal. How long do the doctors think it will take for things to settle down? One of the toughest things I’ve experienced is severe depression. The good that came out of it was that I learned how to manage it and subsequently became a much happier person, able to appreciate how lucky I am to be alive — most days anyway 😄



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                      • I went through a rejection and several bad things happened that caused me a mental breakdown and deep-rooted depression and anxiety that still sort of plague me to this day.



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                      • Modificato da CosmicMerauder: 3/26/2023 1:06:13 PM
                        2010. In a snowboarding crash I ruptured one of my kidneys and bruised my spleen. They had to give me 7 pints of blood the first night. You have like 8 to 10 in your body. Said I was losing it faster than they could put it in. Told my family it’s likely I wouldn’t make it through the night. I did and the next morning got a helium ride to another hospital to have my kidney removed. During a last second ultra sound they noticed one of the two lacerations had clotted. So they held off and it healed. Spent about 14 days in ICU. Had a button to push that would give me morphine. Which put me in a cycle of sleep, then waking up in extreme pain and hitting the button which made me go back to sleep. I kept having this recurring dream that I was in a car pulling out from a stop sigh and would get slammed in the drivers door by another car. Then I’d wake up in the hospital very confused from the morphine and in pain. Those dreams were one of the worst parts of it. 2018. Kayaking with a group on a challenging white water. At one of the three large crux rapids a younger paddler (19) flipped and swam from his boat. He became entrapped on logs that were jammed on rocks underwater in the rapid. We weren’t able to recover him in time. It took about 45 mins of extreme effort and complicated rope systems to retrieve his body. Those thoughts and sights will forever be burned in my mind and haunted me for a bit. Had something very similar happen on a different river while commercial rafting this past year. 17 girl fell out and got stuck on logs. Force of water was too much to pull her up. I watched her life fade in her eyes/ So I stomped incredibly hard and pushed her underneath the logs to which she popped out on the other side of the rock. ( I was very familiar with the spot and dynamics) Then were able to get her to the side and successfully give her CPR! She was only gone for 2 to 3 minutes. For your lack of sleep and ability to hold things down. Try Mary Jane if you can where you live. It helped me so much with those same issues when recovering from my kidney. It won’t cure pain, but it will help you manage it mentally. It also helps me sleep a lot by repressing dreams.



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                        • There is no way I'm going to ATTEMPT to top that. I will however hope for your speedy recovery, Guardian.



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