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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
1/17/2023 9:09:54 PM

Control and Clash Should Not Be in the Same Playlist-- and Why Control should be Comp Choice instead of Rift

As part of Season 19, Control and Clash are in a playlist that Guardians choose to engage in it as randomly selected. Clash, of course, is Team Deathmatch, and Control is about controlling zones to gain a multiplier for each team kill. This came alongside some other tunings that would be made to SBMM. [b]Splitting Control and Clash[/b] Leading up to Season 19, there was a lot of (warranted) discussion on having Clash as a mainstay, because people craved an accessible TDM that wasn't on rotation. As a result of that, many people looked at Control as Clash With Extra Steps. For Control purists, such as myself, it setup many games where people would only go in for TDM-style gameplay and ignore Control points completely. With Control and Clash in the same playlist, let's be honest-- the playlist is just Clash, which is hard to work with for people like me who need Control points to be able to control the flow of the game, and have a better playing field. I was excited about the rumors of Clash being brought back on a more permanent basis in Season 19, until I read that it'd be placed alongside Control. [b]Control as the Competitive Standard[/b] Control has [i]far more[/i] going for it as a mode of competitive gameplay. There is far more that goes into a Control match than simply killing the other team with two zones: - Understanding spawn dynamics based on what zones are controlled. - Utilizing killboxes to control zones from outside the capture area - Understanding rotation to another zone versus recapture of a taken zone - Maximizing map advantages to control where fights happen - Deciding on guarding heavy vs. a zone, and allocating Guardians based on the heavy ammo timer In my opinion, Control has the highest skill ceiling between all of the match types, and certainly far more than Rift. I understand the desire to bring less prominent match types to the forefront, but I could see Rift and Clash being a better pairing in a playlist than Control and Clash.



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