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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Kd: 11/19/2022 2:02:36 AM

Control and Clash in a playlist with quit penalties is not going to work.

Being stuck playing a mix of modes when generally - I’ll just want to settle into some casual nonsense control; AND having a quitter penalty is a recipe for entirely avoiding crucible - my PvP fix will go to COD or another shooter entirely without penalties that are destructive to my time and enjoyment of the game. The relaxed SBMM is likely a step in the right direction, the description in the TWAB for casual PvP sums up perfectly how I see crucible and the competitive changes are perfect to address that, giving people their competitive fix where competition is the focus. But understand, when I play crucible it’s not just to do sweeping bounties in whatever PvP is going, I play control because it used to be chill and enjoyable , dynamic in ways that clash isn’t. Don’t make the same mistakes other games have done with penalties, forced playlists etc. like rocket league, a fantastic game with a diminishing playerbase since introducing penalties in casual, if everything is about to get too competitive and anti-choice for something I do to wind down after work, I’m hard out. Fun, above all else should be the focus outside of pure competitive modes. Trials and comp should be those modes. Let the rest of us also have our place and retain choice. Also worth mentioning, rotating playlists etc only artificially raise all numbers, when in reality losing rumble for 5 weeks should actually be counted as 4 weeks with 0 players in rumble, not 4 weeks with additional players in other modes because they would otherwise have been playing rumble. Choice is important.



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  • This, clash (or let's call it what it really is...) Team Death Match just isn't my kind of game mode.... Yes I know Control isn't that much different but having an objective you can go to when you do not see an enemie, and having zones where you HAVE TO fight is just infinitly more enjoyable to me when compared to just running around and shooting guardians....



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  • I completely agree. I play control for the same reasons, and my enjoyment of winding down in a game of control is what keeps bringing me back to Destiny.



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  • 4

    Hmm... - vecchio

    90% of you sweat lords play control as clash anyway so what the issue?



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    1 Rispondi
    • Why can't Bungie just give us both Control and Clash permanently with their own seperate nodes like people want,I'm pretty sure Clash and Control were in the one playlist when D2 launched and people didn't like that idea back then either.I'm glad Clash will be available more often but would prefer to have the choice to play them when I want.



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      1 Rispondi
      • I just want a separate Control playlist. I don't understand why they couldn't both have a separate playlist for it and have a playlist for Control and Clash. It's literally the only pvp mode I play and only so often. Add into that the limited amount of f2p content and it seems like Bungie is just saying "stfu and give us your money so you can get the whole game until the next pass comes out, nerd." Destiny is probably the only game I regularly take big hiatuses from because of the drip feeding and pay walling of content. But that's just me. By the time this comment is even read I'll probably have unistalled it again, maybe for good 🤷‍♂️ I'm tired of playing an unsatisfying boring grind fest. I dunno how you guys keep playing but I quit asking a long time ago



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      • I’ll abuse it on purpose lol



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      • They plan on removin the penalty when the population slows down on leavin matches. It became rampant recently. They mentioned it in the twab.



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      • Control is litterally clash with circles. The objective if control is to get kills.



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