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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
8/28/2022 5:44:28 AM

Dad of Destiny - Day 1 Raids

I'm a Destiny 1 Vanilla Veteran. As of late a day hardly goes by where I don't play Destiny 2. I've been there for so many firsts. I've played as the game has evolved and changed. I took a break after Destiny 2 was released as life got busy. I returned briefly when Warmind was released but went on hiatus once again. I've been an active player, almost daily, since the middle of season 10. With the rumours of the return of King's Fall I had been doing all I could to prepare. King's Fall had been, and remains, my favourite Destiny Raid. I was as Day 1 Raid ready as I could be. I had saved up bounties to get a jump start on artifact levels for the seasonal mods, my incredible wife set things up so I'd have the whole day to play, but life popped up. 3 days before the Mighty Taken King's return a miracle of life, the birth of my son. It was a week and a half earlier than his due date and we're loving every precious moment. Time was already limited for 2 reasons, our son is our 5th child and I'm a full time Dad. My kids are my life. So to have a whole day to play games requires mountains to be moved and my wife to keep the kids away as I'm yelling at the TV about lag and Aussie internet connectivity. Many of my clan mates are also parents and run into the same time constraints; our kids and most importantly our spouses are top priorities in life. I write this to vent some frustration and I honestly have no solutions to volunteer. I would love to have a day 1 Raid completion. I had some time with the Vow of the Disciple launch but nowhere near enough time to commit, even with the extension of contest mode. You see, PVE is my jam. I'll play PVP and I've gotten to the lighthouse here and there, but the challenge and grind of PVE grabs on and keeps me coming back for more. I loved it when dungeons were introduced because I have time for Day 1 Dungeons and they are a fun challenge. Day 1 Grasp of Avarice was the most fun I've had in Destiny, EVER! All the spike traps had me in stitches; even when it was my Guardian getting hit. I wish and hope for that kind of experience with a Day 1 Raid. I don't know if anything can change in my life or with Destiny 2 to make those mountains move again but I'll continue to play as I'm well and truly hooked. Here's to week 1 completions and babies.



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  • I mean its a solid reason to not be able to do the day one raid, but I do think Bungie focuses in the wrong areas. They create a game that is live service, and due to costs alone it needs a large playerbase, so everything should be built around the majority of that playerbase in skill levels, time commitments, fun, etc. But then we see things like 18% completion on King's Fall, and 21% on Vow, and the predominant problem I see is its just not being built for that base. That's over 80% of players just unable. People have to engage almost at full time job levels to keep up with everything, so its really only being built for the most dedicated. A live service can't survive on dedicated players, it needs the large numbers, and it just seems like its built in no real way around people's lives, or built like a live service, so everything struggles. It would be so much better if they would balance and build to where 70%-80% could complete any given raid. There's no reason for it to be exclusive or anything, the game is for fun right? To play a story, to experience everything. So I just can't find an excuse why most activities can't be accomplished by most players. It would be nice to see those numbers rise significantly, but it has to be adjusted for the significant numbers, which does usually mean less requirements, less time, and lower difficulties. That shouldn't stop them from creating hard versions for those who truly want a massive 24 hour challenge or something that regularly takes 6+ hours to complete though.



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