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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da WormChi: 8/19/2022 5:08:09 PM

Arc Lock not getting Blink is a huge miss

Us blink mains have been asking for blink on a second warlock class for years. Not only are you bringing it back to Hunter, but you’re redesigning it for them? Where was this love in Void 3.0? Additionally, blink + dodge will be absurdly broken. It will be the best movement kit in the game. Once again giving hunters everything they want while ignoring Warlocks for the 3rd rework in a row. Bias is so obvious it’s cringe.



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  • So hunter should have void blink too? I don’t understand the logic behind this. Locks didn’t have arc blink in d1, hunters DID. Locks had void. But why care so much about it? Why create problems before anything has happened? All this complaining is going to do is lead to all of blink getting nerfed, not just hunter. Who cares that they just now buffed it, why not take the damn W? This app proves no matter what, bungie can’t win with people on this app. Cry for no news, bad news, GOOD news. Damn people. You/we’re all still playing for a reason, if it’s not for enjoyment wtf is the point!?



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