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Modificato da Bore: 8/18/2022 11:03:57 PM
[quote]Us blink mains have been asking for blink on a second warlock class for years. Not only are you bringing it back to Hunter, but you’re redesigning it for them? Where was this love in Void 3.0? Additionally, blink + dodge will be absurdly broken. Throw in stompees there too while we’re at it. It will be the best movement kit in the game. Once again giving hunters everything they want while ignoring Warlocks for the 3rd rework in a row. Bias is so obvious it’s cringe.[/quote] This is genuinely stupid. Void lock has blink. Void hunter doesn’t. Arc hunter has blink. Arc warlock doesn’t. Where is the bias?



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  • I think all hunter and warlock void, arc, and stasis subclasses should have blink to be honest.



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  • Modificato da Grim Eats Cake: 8/20/2022 1:19:44 PM
    The bias is that blink should have been improved years ago if not in void 3.0 at the very least, not when hunters get it back. Bungie blatantly stated that they ignored blink for [i][b][u]4 years[/u][/b][/i]. There's your bias right there.



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  • Modificato da Bore: 8/20/2022 6:43:38 PM
    [quote]The bias is that blink should have been improved years ago if not in void 3.0 at the very least, not when hunters get it back. Bungie blatantly stated that they ignored blink for [i][b][u]4 years[/u][/b][/i]. There's your bias right there.[/quote] People who think Bungie is picking favorites are just stupid. No way to sugar coat it. Bungie has previously improved blink inside of Destiny 2. With the biggest improvement coming via an exotic back in season of opulence. Blink will still be best on voidlock. The base version is getting a buff since the ability will be more relevant. This is the same trend seen with various grenade buffs.



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  • The stupid one is you...go back and re-read the damn arc 3.0 reveal. And I quote, “Blink hasn’t really been touched since Destiny 2’s release, and never quite reached the heights of its previous reign of terror,” Humbolt said. “We felt like this was a good time to walk a few of the tuning changes back a little and bring Blink’s potency at baseline up without needing an Exotic equipped.”  As per the [b][i][u]HUNTER[/u][/i][/b] section of the reveal post. Get your facts straight and don't come for me unless I send for you. You are dismissed.



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  • Modificato da Bore: 8/20/2022 7:07:20 PM
    [quote]The stupid one is you...go back and re-read the damn arc 3.0 reveal. And I quote, “Blink hasn’t really been touched since Destiny 2’s release, and never quite reached the heights of its previous reign of terror,” Humbolt said. “We felt like this was a good time to walk a few of the tuning changes back a little and bring Blink’s potency at baseline up without needing an Exotic equipped.”  As per the [b][i][u]HUNTER[/u][/i][/b] section of the reveal post. Get your facts straight and don't come for me unless I send for you. You are dismissed.[/quote] It has been adjusted a few times. You can go through old patch notes if you want specifics. Their previous big change was adding an exotic, which obviously would only work for one class. Similar situation to tripmine grenades, which saw a very large buff with the release of solar 3.0. A grenade that was nearly unusable without an exotic was buffed when added to classes that didn’t have that exotic. The exotic still makes it significantly better, just like how astrocyte will work with blink. Again, people who think Bungie is picking favorites are genuinely stupid. No way to sugar coat that. It doesn’t matter what class you play or what class you’re complaining about.



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  • Why don't you link those other patch notes since you're so adamantly contradicting a direct quote from an actual bungie developer lmfao The fact that you think adding an exotic counts as buffing the ability when nothing was actually done to the ability itself is laughable at best. I repeat one more time since you're a little slow: "[u][b][i]Blink hasn't really been touched since Destiny 2's release.[/i][/b][/u]" So about those links to previous patches where blink was improved/adjusted before or since astrocyte was added to the game? We're waiting.



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  • [quote]Why don't you link those other patch notes since you're so adamantly contradicting a direct quote from an actual bungie developer lmfao The fact that you think adding an exotic counts as buffing the ability when nothing was actually done to the ability itself is laughable at best. I repeat one more time since you're a little slow: "[u][b][i]Blink hasn't really been touched since Destiny 2's release.[/i][/b][/u]" So about those links to previous patches where blink was improved/adjusted before or since astrocyte was added to the game? We're waiting.[/quote] It isn’t contradicting anything they’ve said. They said it “hasn’t really been touched”, not that it has never been touched. Again, if you want the exact changes they’ve done to blink, you can back and look through patch notes to find them. What the changes that have been made to it are have zero relevance to the post. Buffing abilities using exotics isn’t exactly anything new bud. It’s been done a lot over the years. I can explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you.



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  • It's up to you to prove your point. I've already proven mine. If those patch notes exist then you should have no trouble finding them and linking them. Otherwise you're just talking out of your a$$ and blatantly lying at this point. The words of an actual developer are right there in front of you and you're still looking for semantics and loopholes while providing none of the empirical evidence that you claim is there. I don't need to go back and look, I've done my research. Where's yours? We're still waiting. If your next reply isn't a link to said notes about blink then don't bother as they clearly don't exist.



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  • Modificato da Bore: 8/20/2022 7:38:03 PM
    [quote]It's up to you to prove your point. I've already proven mine. If those patch notes exist then you should have no trouble finding them and linking them. Otherwise you're just talking out of your a$$ and blatantly lying at this point. The words of an actual developer are right there in front of you and you're still looking for semantics and loopholes while providing none of the empirical evidence that you claim is there. I don't need to go back and look, I've done my research. Where's yours? We're still waiting. If your next reply isn't a link to said notes about blink then don't bother as they clearly don't exist.[/quote] Good lord. The exact changes it has gotten over the years are irrelevant, but since your so hung up on it, here you go. [quote]Significantly reduced the length of time that Blink disables your radar and HUD[/quote] [url=]Forsaken Patch Notes[/url] The most relevant change ever done was the introduction of astrocyte in season 7. This was a massive buff to blink and will still be the best way to use it. It will just now be viable without it (presumably). Adding an ability blacked around an exotic to other classes is pointless, hence it no longer “requiring” the exotic. It’s common sense. Same deal happened with tripmines.



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  • As I said before. An exotic is not the same as tuning an ability's intrinsic perks/strength. It's funny that the best you can come up with is reduced time the hud/radar is disabled. That did nothing for blink itself as it still wasn't used until astrocyte came out and still wasn't used afterwards bar a very niche group of warlocks. So basically other than astrocyte verse this one line is your best attempt at saying bungie buffed blink several times over the years? I advise you to use blink right now with and without astrocyte. Then on Tuesday use it again, and use the hunter version. Then come back and tell me bungie isn't biased.



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  • Modificato da Bore: 8/20/2022 8:06:12 PM
    [quote]As I said before. An exotic is not the same as tuning an ability's intrinsic perks/strength. It's funny that the best you can come up with is reduced time the hud/radar is disabled. That did nothing for blink itself as it still wasn't used until astrocyte came out and still wasn't used afterwards bar a very niche group of warlocks. So basically other than astrocyte verse this one line is your best attempt at saying bungie buffed blink several times over the years? I advise you to use blink right now with and without astrocyte. Then on Tuesday use it again, and use the hunter version. Then come back and tell me bungie isn't biased.[/quote] If you want to see every buff to blink since the launch of D2, you can look through patch notes yourself. I’m not wasting any more time on something irrelevant to the discussion. [spoiler]I mained blink with middle tree void for year 2 before astrocyte. It wasn’t exactly unpopular either. Especially in season 4 after its buff.[/spoiler] Bungie has buffed abilities using exotics multiple times in the past. Blink is just one example. There’s other examples in Ahamkara and falling star. If you disagree with that approach to buffs, that’s up to you. Every class has had it happen though. There is no hunter version of blink. Blink is getting a flat buff across the board. The ability was previously balanced around the exotic, which is class specific. It’s the exact same situation with tripmines. It wasn’t biased to buff those either. The best way to use the abilities will still be to use the exotic. Every bot thinks their main class gets treated unfairly. Doesn’t make it true. I would suggest you play more than just one class. Maybe it’ll help dry your tears.



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  • How in the blazing bejesus does [i]ahamkara[/i] buff nova bomb? Lmfao nobody uses that since it got nerfed. Damage resistance? Super refund? Please don't make me laugh. Underpowered is underpowered no matter how you try to justify "buff through exotics " especially when the exotics provide insignificant "buffs" that doesn't make the ability any more viable than without the exotic. If astrocyte was that great then why isn't the crucible inundated with blinking warlocks? I can bet you it'll be inundated with blinking hunters though. You think that because blink and other warlock abilities were specific to warlocks it would be unfair yet, hunters have literally existed since vanilla D1. They have had unfair advantages from the very beginning. If they didn't then the destiny population wouldn't be nearly 2/3 hunter. It would be a near even distribution of all 3 classes.



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  • Modificato da Bore: 8/20/2022 8:24:49 PM
    [quote]How in the blazing bejesus does [i]ahamkara[/i] buff nova bomb? Lmfao nobody uses that since it got nerfed. Damage resistance? Super refund? Please don't make me laugh. Underpowered is underpowered no matter how you try to justify "buff through exotics " especially when the exotics provide insignificant "buffs" that doesn't make the ability any more viable than without the exotic. If astrocyte was that great then why isn't the crucible inundated with blinking warlocks? I can bet you it'll be inundated with blinking hunters though. You think that because blink and other warlock abilities were specific to warlocks it would be unfair yet, hunters have literally existed since vanilla D1. They have had unfair advantages from the very beginning. If they didn't then the destiny population wouldn't be nearly 2/3 hunter. It would be a near even distribution of all 3 classes.[/quote] Young Ahamkara’s Spine buffs tripmines. There’s multiple exotics with Ahamkara in the name. I mistakenly presumed you would have picked up on me mentioning tripmines multiple times. Prior to solar 3.0, tripmines were lackluster to say the least. They were good with an exotic, which would have left them underwhelming when added to the other classes. Which is partly the reason why they got buffed. And no, I’m honestly expecting blink to be more niche than anything else. Stompees is still one of the most used exotics and you can’t really use them with blink. All classes have existed since D1. Sorry, but no class has any significant advantages over the others. Again, I suggest playing the other classes. Hunter population also isn’t anywhere near 2/3. It’s almost always in the upper 30% range with warlocks being close behind. In fact warlocks were more popular at the time of witch queens launch. [url=]Graph released by Bungie around Guardian Games 2022[/url]



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