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8/18/2022 3:08:07 AM
Don't you have blink for void? Use void.



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  • Modificato da ACROCANTHUS: 8/18/2022 8:59:42 PM
    Not really a good argument. Oh you like arc but want blink? Well then don't play arc. You are giving a bad solution. There is no reason blink can't be on stormcaller. Especially with Ionic blink and the ball lightning dash also on the subclass, which makes blink fit into the subclass' kit well.



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  • Absolutely no good player uses blink. It's super predictable.



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  • K If you don't like it don't use it. It being an option hurts you how?



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  • Modificato da Necrogen: 8/18/2022 9:25:35 PM
    [quote]Not really a good argument. Oh you like arc but want blink? Well then don't play arc. You are giving a bad solution. There is no reason blink can't be on stormcaller. Especially with Ionic blink and the ball lightning dash also on the subclass, which makes blink fit into the subclass' kit well.[/quote] It's not a good argument? It's a non-issue that has bad positions.. No one worth their salt uses blink in pvp. You're married to your jump, your trajectory is predictable, all it takes is a player with more than two brain cells to turn around and just shoot you. Who cares that blink is on ark hunter? If blank was so popular, people would be abusing it and void 3.0. but they weren't. People are choosing to complain for the sake of complaining.



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  • That is a lot of subjective opinion about the viability of blink. If you don't like it, good for you, I don't care, but I do like it. Also note, blink is being buffed this season. I'm fine with hunter having blink, I'd just also like to have it on the warlock arc class because I enjoy the jump and there is no reason to not give it to warlocks too. I'm not complaining, I'm making the point that arc warlock should also have blink because it makes sense with the class' abilities that are centered around teleportation. Seriously, tell me one real reason why blink should not be on arc warlock.



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  • Modificato da Necrogen: 8/18/2022 9:35:39 PM
    [quote]That is a lot of subjective opinion about the viability of blink. If you don't like it, good for you, I don't care, but I do like it. Also note, blink is being buffed this season.[/quote] I gave 0 subjective reasoning as to why blink isnt a good choice. [quote]I'm fine with hunter having blink, I'd just also like to have it on the warlock arc class because I enjoy the jump and there is no reason to not give it to warlocks too.[/quote] Play it on void then Blink wasnt used a lot in void. Arc will be no different. No need to bring it up as an argument. [quote]I'm not complaining, I'm making the point that arc warlock should also have blink because it makes sense with the class' abilities that are centered around teleportation.[/quote] [quote]Seriously, tell me one real reason why blink should not be on arc warlock. [/quote] I just told you, any player with two braincells in pvp will turn to you/turn around and snipe you if you blink in their view/ behind them. Being married to your jump isnt a good evasion tactic.



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  • Thats not a good reason. Plenty of people use blink to great effect. Blink is being buffed this season Just because you think it's a bad jump doesn't mean everyone does. I use blink even in PvE because I find the jump enjoyable, you seem to only be using "it will be bad in PvP" as a reason, which is not a valid one. Blink being an option doesn't force anyone to use it and it doesn't cost anything to make make blink an option on arc warlock. Give an actual reason why blink doesn't belong on arc warlock.



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  • Modificato da Necrogen: 8/18/2022 9:51:02 PM
    [quote]Thats not a good reason. [/quote] No, you just don't like it. [quote]Plenty of people use blink to great effect.[/quote] Yea, all 5 of you do 🙄. [quote]Blink is being buffed this season[/quote] Blink was buffed with an exotic before all this and people [i]still[/i] didnt care for it. [quote]Just because you think it's a bad jump doesn't mean everyone does.[/quote] Yea no kidding. The community however speaks volumes. Blink isnt great. Even top players dont use it. [quote]I use blink even in PvE because I find the jump enjoyable, you seem to only be using "it will be bad in PvP" as a reason, which is not a valid one.[/quote] Thats nice you like it. It doesnt mean its good. [quote]Blink being an option doesn't force anyone to use it and it doesn't cost anything to make make blink an option on arc warlock.[/quote] Blink on void didn't get much traction even with an exotic. Just because its on arc now for hunters users cry about it. [quote]Give an actual reason why blink doesn't belong on arc warlock.[/quote] I never said it doesnt belong on warlock. Im telling you to stop worrying about it. Blink will be more or less the same and it still wont be widely used. The community will forget about it in like 2 weeks because they found something else to cry about. If blink was [i]so good[/i] it wouldve been abused. It wasnt. People used top tree dawn because...hear me out...[i][b]controlling your in air movement is better than being married to your jump.[/b][/i] Please continue to be unsatisfied with the answers you're given. Please, respond back and ask for a reason that satiates you. I cant wait.



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  • Modificato da ACROCANTHUS: 8/18/2022 9:52:26 PM
    You still haven't given any good reason at all why they should not add blink to arc warlock. It would be almost effortless to give the people that do like blink more options. There is nothing negative about that.



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  • [quote]You still haven't given any good reason at all why they should not add blink to arc warlock.[/quote] Fancy that, its almost as if my argument was why its bad. [quote]It would be almost effortless to give the people that do like blink more options.[/quote] And yet when the xommunity was given was underused. People know strafe jump is the best warlock jump. People know in air dashing was meta. Blink doesnt hold a candle. [quote]There is nothing negative about that.[/quote] Are you...making up your own conversation here? We are ships passing in the night here. Im saying blink is bad. You're asking me why it shouldn't be on warlock. I'm saying it shouldnt be a thing. Nevermind whom it belongs to.



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  • Blink should be added to arc warlock as well as arcstrider. It is in the game removing it will help no one and be a net negative. Adding blink to arc warlock, will hurt no one, yet give an option to people who like it. It being bad is not objective. It is your opinion. You are free to have the opinion, but stop pretending it is fact. You thinking the jump is bad is not a reason to erase it from the game. I'm done with this conversation.



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  • Modificato da Necrogen: 8/18/2022 10:14:28 PM
    [quote]Blink should be added to arc warlock as well as arcstrider. It is in the game removing it will help no one and be a net negative.[/quote] Write a letter to your congressman and the better Business bureau. [quote]Adding blink to arc warlock, will hurt no one, yet give an option to people who like it.[/quote] I think also keeping it off the table for ark warlock doesn't hurt anybody except everyone complaining about it for some reason. Again, it wasn't important when it was on void but the second hunters get it people complain why warlocks don't get it? [quote]It being bad is not objective.It is your opinion.[/quote] Yeah no kidding me saying it's bad is an opinion. In practice it shows how underwhelming and underused it is because of the performance. Therefore saying that it's bad is also a fact.... It's almost like if you base an opinion off of data, it becomes a reliable source or something.... If blink was [b][i]so[/i][/b] good, it would be abused with void. It isn't so.....? [quote]You are free to have the opinion, but stop pretending it is fact.[/quote] Oh thank God that I have your permission to express my opinion. I did not say my opinion was fact. I am basing my opinion off the performance of the skill. It is widely underused for a good reason. If it was good in void then people would use it more often. People typically don't because....? [quote]You thinking the jump is bad is not a reason to erase it from the game. [/quote] And you coming up with a reason why it should be on ark warlock apparently is in a good enough reason either. [quote]I'm done with this conversation.[/quote] Oh thank God I was afraid you were going to repeat yourself one more time. Take care.



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  • Take care, with a head that big, you're sure to bump it into a lot of things.



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  • You know what they say about big heads? [spoiler]big ears and eyes to see and hear BS.[/spoiler]



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  • Well then you must have quite a view in the mirror.



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  • That's how mirrors work. Thanks.



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  • You're welcome.



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  • [quote]You're welcome.[/quote] 💋



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  • <3



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  • I'm out of emojis to use



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  • Lmao - sure dude. I’ll just be pigeonholed into running the same subclass for 7 years or switch to hunter because I’ve perfected the movement. Honestly will prob run Arc Hunter and Sixth Coyote moving forward. Such a joke.



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