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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
5/25/2022 2:36:05 PM

Warlock solar 3.0 is underwhelming

My biggest thing I didn’t agree with when I first looked at the 3.0 version and what I noticed right away was 2 aspects got wasted, and making Phoenix dive a class ability was a little eh, icarus dash and heat rises go hand in hand together, separating the 2 and making them their each own aspect wasn’t great in my opinion, they should have kept those 2 together under 1 aspect (heat rises) and adding Phoenix dive to that would have been fantastic ( all mobility together) and thus leaving a slot available for a new aspect that would add more to the 3.0 version, the class ability again if they wanted to create 3rd new one cool but having just the 2 rifts (healing and empowering) is just fine with me



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  • User error? Maybe even skill issue



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  • I understand why they separated icarus from heat rises because it would have been too much in one aspect.



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    1 Rispondi
    • Has there still not been a Bungie response to this? Personally haven't touched solar since day 1 of 3.0. Hoping they do something for it, miss 2.0 so much =\



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    • Modificato da LØNE WØLF: 5/29/2022 2:42:38 AM
      Yeah my favourite Titan Solar melee (bottom tree) is just gone. Poof. That was the one single melee that really gave the feeling of power in my Titan. Incinerating multiple enemies with one solid punch, that then heals you and creates a sun spot that boosts all cooldowns and increases your damage output… The other absolutely great Titan melee, the most indicative of a Titan, was the bottom tree arc melee that, with every successful kill, continuously reloads the charged melee, increases its lunge range and damage. They got rid of it because of all the flashing animations, due to some people that have sensory issues, only to release void 3.0 with ENDLESS amounts of flashy animations…wonder what those with sensory issues felt about all that…



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    • Too much emphasis on Scorch/Ignite mechanic like its a big thing. When ignite is almost pointless and forgettable in actual battle. [u]PVE[/u] Its impossible to play the game normally using one grenade or a melee snap to activate the ignite. You have to combo two abilities together or use super. The requirement is too steep for a core mechanic. Its hard to find a place for ignite use, because it comes too late(enemies dead/dying) or too hard to activate. [u]PVP[/u] The fragments are mediocre for pvp. 90% feels like useless filler. Funny how everything is Scorch/Ignite related and somehow the other melee ability "Celestial Fire" has zero scorch. Overall a huge letdown for warlock solar 3.0.



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    • Bungie killed bottom tree dawn, there is nothing left of it. No super extension on kills, no solar explosions. Well lost its identity, it lost the over shield grenades and bungie gave the other perks to every other class. 2 aspects being separated is probably the laziest thing I’ve ever seen, bungie really couldn’t come up with a new aspect? The insane cool down on phoenix dive is also a joke and Ive already returned to rift as its far more useful.



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      6 Risposte
      • I want you to take a second and see this thread, read the room and see how insane some of you sound.



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        1 Rispondi
        • lol warlock still has icarus dash and heat rises and they STILL complain because they cant have phoenix dive and icarus at the same time. Just go play wormhusk hunter if you want to dodge that bad. solar 3.0 is fine you just cant cope without a game that plays itself for you



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          2 Risposte
          • Honesty phoenix dive might have been better as a melee slam ability. Warlocks have no alternative melees while titans and hunters do.



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            2 Risposte
            • Here’s a fun tip, it’s literally better in most content. Sky burners procs dawn chorus now, this leads to an amazing scorch build, scorch can charge your now enhanced nades.Kills with sky burners will charge your rift via recovery stacks. It also procs explosive wellmaker which can give abilities, health, max intellect, and a damage buff, and charged with light.



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            • Really? I’ve really been having fun with the new warlock builds.



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              2 Risposte
              • Just play hunter at this point, destiny should be all hunters, delete the other two classes. Hunters have only had the upper hand for like 90 seasons in a row since d1



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                5 Risposte
                • Heat rises should proc with a precision kill while airborne, not wasting a frag. They should have done it that way, and made eating a frag to proc it an aspect. Otherwise im loving everything else



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                • I'm just going to disagree. I love it.



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