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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Roland: 3/24/2022 1:22:00 PM

Fan Fiction: Last Light

Hello everyone! My first post on these forums. I wanted to express my love of Destiny in some way, shape, or form. I, however, am no artist nor am I an animator and thus I set myself to do the only thing I am capable of, WRITING! I hope everyone enjoys is and I plan to both continue it AND make additions/improvements as time goes on based on improvements in my own skill and on criticism provided by others. I would also welcome others adding their own writings based on my work to this thread. Please enjoy!



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  • BRAVO!! BRAVO!! 👏 Wonderful writing! I loved it!



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  • Modificato da Roland: 3/24/2022 1:18:51 PM
    Part 1 My shell is shattered, my cracked... I'm dying. How could the traveller let me be born like this? I thought to myself, floating as best I could in my state. My kind were meant to be perfect, to find our destined partners and raise them to greatness and yet here I am, born malformed and damaged and sent to die in these cold lands far from the Travellers light. I never found my partner, and in my condition I was easy prey for the Hive. It's a miracle I survived this long everything considered, but all good things must come to an end I suppose I thought to myself as my strength began to fade and I fell to the cold, frozen ground. This is it then is it? This is how I die? Partnerless and having never accomplished anything? Did the Traveller make me as some sort of cosmic joke known only to them? Well I hope you're laughing. I thought, my mind and light slowly fading away into the abyss of death. But then I felt it, no, I SAW it. A faint light, in the distance. It was far but not too far. I feel as though is I had hands I could reach out and grab it. Is this it? After all this time, Is that you, partner? I thought. No, this is NOT how it will end for me! I declare as I summon the last of my strength to rise once more and move towards the light. I travel for what feels like an eternity before I come upon an old bunker, damaged but in better shape than it has any right to be. I go inside, pass several markings that mark this place as a Warmind bunker. I had no idea this bunker was here, though I suppose that's the point of having hidden bunkers all over the place. I wonder what it was used for, maybe some relay point for information? I don't know. I go deeper and deeper into the bunker until I enter a hallway with strange pods lining the sides of a walkway. Moving down the walkway, I take a peek inside some of the pods. People, frozen in time. From this, the final piece clicks into place as to what this bunker was for. It was more than likely some sort of a facility designed to preserve select individuals for future use, what that use could be I do not know but knowing how Rasputin thought, perhaps they were meant to be used to re-start humanity as it were. I push these thoughts to the side for now as I feel I am close to that faint light I saw. I move, further and further down the walkway, feeling my strength begin to leave me with every meter, every inch I travel but I will not fall here, not when I'm so close. But then I stopped, at the end of the walkway, infront of a pod with the faint number of one-nine-nine-four faintly visible from beneath the frost I can feel it, the light and warmth of what I've been searching for for so long, my partner at last. I peer into the pod to get a look at my future partner. A young man, maybe in his early to mid twenties lay sleeping within. Pale skin, dark hair, and a scar across his right eye. Some might describe him as handsome, but human taste eludes me so I'm not too sure if he is or not. I perform a quick scan of him, discerning his condition and registering his biological and mental data within me. I detect a faint pulse, he's alive! If only barely but it's fading, he's dying, slowly. Not now, not when I'm so close! I could try waiting for him to die and revive him, but I don't think I'll last that long myself, no I need to act and I need to act NOW. But what can I do? I barely have the strength to keep myself functioning, let alone my partner, I don't even have a shell. And with that thought, it hit me. I don't have a shell but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I steel myself for now I know what I must do. My first and last act for my partner. He may never know who I am and I may not know who he is but I know this, I will not fail them! I begin the process of waking him, it'll take time, time I do not have but it must be done. After I initiate the process I close my eye and picture myself and my partner and only use. Then slowly, I merge the two images in my mind. My mind begins to fail me, I can scarcely recall my own name or my home but that doesn't matter now, all that does is him, he must survive, he must live and if he does then I know, this'll all be worth it. I begin to fade away, but just before I disappear for good I see it, I see his eyes open and a light shine forth and with a feeling of relief and joy, I fade into darkness, content that I may be gone, but my partner will live. No, a new lightbearer will live.



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    8 Risposte
    • Modificato da Roland: 3/24/2022 1:18:33 PM
      Trying to figure out how to post everything. Sorry for any confusion.



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