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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
1/24/2022 10:13:41 PM

In-game saved loadouts would be a HUGE quality of life change and time-saver for Destiny 2

Bungie, PLEASE add an official in-game loadout system to Destiny 2. Lots of MMOs have them, and they make life so much easier. Having to constantly change individual pieces of armor, change their ornament, change their mods, change their shader; all to do it again in like 15-20 minutes is really annoying. Having the option to save like 5-10 loadouts for each character that can "screenshot" your equipped armor (with mods, ornaments, and shaders equipped) and maybe even weapons if the player chooses, would save so much time and would be an INSANE quality of life update for Destiny 2. I am sure many people would love this and dont understand why this game has skipped the idea for so long :(



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  • use DIM and D2armorpicker



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    1 Rispondi
    • If you use the littlelight app you can set up loadouts on your phone and they'll change over instantly, I've got 4 set up on my titan right now 2 for pvp and 2 for pve. Mostly use them for pvp, since I'll see what map is coming and then just switch between them if it's a particularly close quarters map or longer range.



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    • Division 2 has a better transmog system and a god tier loadout system. Bungie should base a loadout system similar to division 2’s loadout system



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    • They don’t want you to save time. They want you to spend as much time as possible in the game.



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      10 Risposte
      • And that is why they won't. It's a timesaver. Just like with upgrade cores, why have us go to the tower to spend materials on something (that shouldn't require planetary materials anyway, but their reasoning why is also the same) instead of just spending the materials wherever we are? Because it adds play time to their stats. Bungie is all about making you take as much time as possible just running back and for and changing loadouts so it looks like people are playing more than they really are. Sure, you can say it's not that much longer, but with how many people are playing and how much you have to do it, it adds up excessively fast. Same with materials and why everything gives such minuscule amounts in each destination.



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      • 1
        Couldn’t agree more.



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      • I just use DIM to create loadouts When I'm in orbit I apply loadouts with the App Also, i don't really change loadouts and ornaments every 15 mins. Maybe once or twice a session



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        9 Risposte
        • I mean, you can kind of do it already with the Alexa Ghost Skill. But that requires you using the Amazon Alexa app.



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        • I believe they said they added more loadout saving capabilities in their API for mods (and maybe more?). If true then at least it shows they know people want this capability, so maybe someday we will get this in-game. In the meantime we have to wait and rely on 3rd party apps implementing it. Not ideal by any means, but I guess it's better than nothing.



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        • Good idea it would be useful for both the pve an pvp sides of the game



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          5 Risposte
          • Seriously. The majority of my time in game is spent setting up my mods, weapons, and armor. I can't believe a game like this doesn't have loadouts.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Bungie has made it known via their own actions if it can be done on a Application it wont be implemented ingame. Proof: The Bounty Board, it was meant to be a ingame tab like eververse but was changed into a feature on the Bungie application. DiM and Ishtar both have the ability to save loadouts and bungie recognizes these applications despite them being 3rd party and because of that this wont ever happen. Plus what happens when a item for a loadout is missing in your inventory or deleted? It would have to be removed from the loadout, alot of issues can happen especially with this games poor coding.



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            • Modificato da Lord Argonar: 1/26/2022 12:55:51 AM
              I hate to be that guy, but you're wasting your time, this community or at least a (VERY vocal) portion, doesn't care to see the game evolve, they only wish to shut down anyone who dares criticizes or offer ideas to bungie that would help the game...However that is a great idea and it would indeed be a fantastic feature 🙂



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              2 Risposte
              • Great idea, but I think that if it's not in the game by now, either bungie does not know how to implement/does not need to do it since apps like DIM do it already or the engine cannot handle it.



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                3 Risposte
                • Bungie: We hear you! Here are some more useless sparrows, ghosts, projections, ships, emotes and currency. Enjoy!



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                  2 Risposte
                  • Waste of time to implement. It's already in the API and it's already a thing in DIM.



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                    3 Risposte
                    • I’m always a fan of QoL, when they have substance.



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                    • I honestly just use my alexa ghost



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                    • People be like “just use DIM” and miss the point entirely.



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                      4 Risposte
                      • Probably break the paper thin servers, implementing a tool like that.



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                      • Why can’t you just have these “load outs” sitting in your character inventory? Armour & Weaponry (there’s 10 slots for each piece) Give them a unique/recognisable style & shader So you can equip them within seconds & be ready to go! You can’t be needing more than 3-4 full ‘builds’ for any one thing Most of the end game locks gear anyway - so that’s needing preparation before hand



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                        4 Risposte
                        • Modificato da Yamabushi999i: 1/25/2022 10:12:34 PM
                          How Bungie have not implemented this most basic and essential element of functionality and got away with it is beyond me. It should have shipped late with Armor 2.0 at the latest. It should be in there not just for inventory and mod loadouts but have been there for the UO overhaul. But absolutely foundational functionality and QoL has been low down on budget priority. For example, we finally got basics such as a firing range which was game-paid by players with Bright Dust and a mountain of others. And no sooner had we paid for it then it was deleted from us and been absent for the ENTIRE BL year. QoL and basic essential functions are relegated to the bottom of the heap.



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                        • Modificato da Xero: 1/25/2022 8:25:42 PM
                          Is it a good idea? Yes. Can it be done...? Well....maybe. (I don't think so, given the Game Engine) This request is essentially asking "the game" to store memory of a specific arrangement of armor and weapons (items) on a constant basis. But it's also asking for Mods and Ornaments, and Shaders from the armor piece itself. It all adds up, memory wise, I'd think. Think of each component as an individual piece that'll require some form of memory to accomplish holding it together. A gun? Sure, we see that in the vault and everywhere else. Specific perks. One mod, and a Masterwork "level", with the orb generation being ON/OFF if said gun is Masterworked fully. Armor? Ehhh, that sounds like a bad case of indigestion for the system as it is. The two categories (weapon vs armor) are apples to oranges in comparison. Probably not as easy as it sounds, but again, a good idea. I've seen moments where when loading my character, it'll show either base character armor before switching the icons back to its current "appearance". Ever see an Exotic with an ornament "lose" it's yellow background until you leave and return to the screen? Rarely happens, but I take that as a sign that the system is struggling. Maybe the updates planned for Armor down the road will free up some memory to do that? Here's hoping, anyways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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                        • Just integrate DIM in cooperation officially with bungie



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                          5 Risposte
                          • Actual good suggestion, and look at the comments.



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                          • Saved loadouts coming soon to Eververse ! For just 500 silver you can save one loadout. You can buy as many loadouts as you want. You welcome. - bungie



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