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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da PhantomSoldier: 10/16/2021 6:03:37 PM

Crucible is not my skill level...

I am a returning player. I noticed this when I was doing the daily Crucible bounties. I load into a normal, casual Control match expecting a good, fun game. Instead, I am matched against players who should literally be in Trials, with quick snipes, insane aim, like what? This has happened before and the matchmaking doesn't learn from its mistakes. It's insanely annoying, all I'm trying to do is get some weekly challenges done! [spoiler]also make the stasis breakout faster so we have a chance to retaliate[/spoiler]



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  • Modificato da Phoenix, Kell of House Sun: 10/16/2021 3:28:56 AM
    Sbmm(skill based) isn't being used right now They changed it to cbmm(connection based) My tips take or leave em I suggest making a crucible orientated build My titan build I put all melee charging orientated mods on. Using dunemarchers and top tree solar for shoulder charge. This can come in handy in many situations. I try and use it just to kill one and get a edge on another who would normally outshoot me just from them having more time to hit me In fact I was doing trials the other week, flanked and hit one, killed all three just from the damage chain But no matter what try and find what u think is best for ur play style, u might want a mobility exotic if u use shotguns, and weapon readiness if u find u don't often use abilities. Max out whatever Stat is orientated towards that and also being a titan ur gonna want to max it as well if possible. There is a charged with light mod that gives plus 20 Do not put mods towards ur super. U waste a slot for a mod to enhance ur gun play for a ability u get two maybe three times a match I'll switch my armor over to my crucible set if u see it before I play next go ahead And I noticed u have double primaries. I did this back in arrivals and it's not bad but I suggest getting used to a special. Snipers are hard to get good at but pay off Shotguns are good for most maps and I suggest a slug but thats just personal preference I love, absolutely love grenade launchers. If u do use free hand grip while in crucible, and if u have Salvo I suggest using the mod that allows u too load two shots(can't remember the name) and vorpal, just honestly how little times chain reaction is going to get u multiple kills is so little it's not worth it. But the great thing in my opinion is u can practice in pve The major aspect to it is being able to set up angle shots, which u don't need to be in crucible to prsctice.the others u need to have fast reactions with however with grenade launchers u can kill those who aren't in sight of u. It's so easy to pick off those who try and take corners to recover, and it's great at combating shotgunners. U hit the edge of the door way, it either smacks them in the face killing them or (as long as u detonate at the right time)blows near them. They mostly coming running out towards u and u can pick them off Sorry for the wall of text lol



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    • It's not just you, buddy. I played Crucible tons in D1 and through Curse of Osiris. It was a blast and totally addicting. WIn or lose - most every game felt fun and "fair", and I could mess around with guns and loadouts and leave every game with a smile on my face. After returning about a month ago, to me it feels like Crucible is night-and-day different from D1 and early D2. I struggle to get a 0.5 K/D in most games, whereas before I was slightly above 1.0 K/D (which is fine for me), and have many games where I can barely even get a kill. The skill level of the people I play against just is WAY higher than before. Granted, I am probably a little older and slower than I was, but I think the main thing is that [u]the people who are playing crucible are just better than they were (and better than me)[/u]. Bad players like me really get crushed without SBMM. I am not here to "get gud" or try to make a career out of gaming. I get off work, I find a shiny new gun, and I want to hop into crucible and play a few games and try to kill people with it. I just want tot have fun. That is not possible anymore. [u]Something is wrong when the Competitive gaming modes (Glory/Elimination), which is where "sweat" belongs, are actually more relaxing that Quick Play[/u]. That's not right, and Bungie is turning off a large (most?) segment of their customer base from casual PVP. Am I generalizing? Yes - but I think I am not far off. Until SBMM returns, average and below-average players will just get beat up in Crucible. I recommend sticking with Elimination - at least you have a fair chance.



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      • Modificato da WulfPak666: 10/16/2021 4:10:20 PM
        Nope problem, no problem at all. You see, Destiny is such an easy game to do good in that Bungie literally gives you insta win guns just for showing up. Heck skill is just a word and has no meaning whatsoever in this game outside of people who use the most cheesey -blam!- guns in the game and think it makes them "skilled" when the game does half the work for them. So much bullet magnetism and aim assist you'd swear you were use Perfect Aim or whatever Cheats are out there now! Do you want to shotgun butt aren't sure if you can? Use Chaperone. It's quite literally impossible to miss and it can kill anyone instantly from basically SMG range. Do you want to use a fusion? Pick up any rapid fire and you'll be golden. Do you want to guns that are forgiving as heck, easy to use and are good at any range? Grab a Handcannon. It's so easy to use that you'll swear you're a skilled player and the thought of being killed by any other primary will make you swear the other guy is cheating. Or is you want to lay back and be chill, slap on a pulse relaxing. Next time, we'll discuss all the 1hk ability spam you can do or you can just pick the easiest class in the game for pvp. [spoiler]you know which class it is 😉[/spoiler]



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        1 Rispondi
        • So funny, because I’ve had the same thought in some random Control matches. They should be in Comp, why are they doing basic Crucible. But it is what it is. 😅



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