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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
10/30/2020 6:52:26 AM

Destiny Pentober Day 29

Day 29: Despair There are worst times that Parth suffered through and one of them was seeing that glimmer of hope being taken away. One of them was as most important before the fall of the Last City during the Red War and the fall of the Crow's Nest Clan. The day before the fall of the Last City. It was another one of those days when Parth would return to the Clan's home. Seeing his brothers/sisters-in-arms having their own fun from hurting each other to some gambling. Even some drinking here and there while impressing some women they brought home - or men as some of the Guardians are in a same sex relationship. You would think does Parth have a lover? There is. His lover was right in front of him when he sat on a stool after a hard day's work with the Vanguard, assisting on some New Lights with a couple of veterans who asked for Parth. Tara. She was one of the waitresses who is in charge of the bar today. Thankfully the alcohol was shut down because it was daytime. The drinking falls until later tonight at eight o'clock as the rules abide by. She took notice on Parth and gave him a smile. Out of all women, Tara was the One for Parth out of all the women he'd dated and slept with. This was to be more purest maiden until the other night they hung out at her place. And why he worked harder today because this might be that time to put a ring on her finger. Not here though because it would make the folks here in the bar go stir crazy and he'd rather not have that. Tara approached while wiping the top of the bar and noticed the cuts Parth had on his face. "Ash, did you push yourself again?" she asked. "I keep telling you to not push yourself like this." Tara started to wipe some of the blood of Parth's face. It made Parth grab her wrist gently and placed the handkerchief on the bar so everyone can see her doing her job. "No need to worry about me," he replied in a calm tone. "Hell, you know I'm a tough as hell Guardian whose trying to impress the New Lights." Tara pouted and tells his Ghost, "Dusk, just be sure that you are keeping this crazy man in check." Dusk popped out and agreed, "Aren't I always? Just annoying that this guy will do his own thing." Parth glared towards his Ghost. He changed his expression when he turned back towards Tara. "Listen, are ya free tonight?" Tara smiled and whispered, "Wanna meet at the usual spot later tonight? That is, if you aren't working your tail off as usual for no reason?" Parth whispered back, "Nope. Dress as great as you can be and I'll try to do the same." After that little conversation, with Tara winking and off to take another order, Parth and Ghost decided to head into the spot where Mercurius was calling for him for some time to kill when the Exo noticed. Time passed until later tonight and Parth and Dusk were waiting at the usual spot where they and Tara would hang out and gaze at the Last City with their lights and later on with the stars at the outside of the City as long as Fallen don't get in the way. Parth was acting nervous when he was looking at himself. Dusk was telling his Guardian to not worry since Tara loves him no matter what he wears. Didn't take long until Tara whistled for the boys to look at her and Parth was just stunned of how beautiful she looks and Dusk reminded him that he says that no matter what she wears. Both Parth and Tara gave each other a hug and Dusk excused himself to leave the couple alone. They were talking to each other at how beautiful they looked before they sat at the edge of the skyscraper to see the lights of the Last City like they were the stars. Tara rested herself on Parth's arms, sighing in relaxation knowing that her lover was right beside her. An hour later, after talking between each other, Parth told Tara if she doesn't mind a little Sparrow ride which she tells him not to go too fast as she couldn't get used to being in one. He agreed and they both went outside for a ride. All the way to where there is no sigh of lighting and only the stars are shining. Even to the little cottage he rented out which she would visit once in a while to sleep in and just hang out. Before they went inside, Parth showed Tara the Summer Triangle which is was beautiful. Parth then tells her, "You know how long we've been together, right?" Tara was thinking over and answered, "Ever since you stopped those nasty Taken, right? It was the first time we met. You know, with whatshisname?" "Oryx," Parth corrected. "It's mainly annoying that the Taken are still around without their leader, but it ain't stopping us, right?" "But of course. As ling as you don't do too much and you get yourself killed. With or without Dusk, that is." Parth shrugs but he didn't care once he held her hands. He kneeled down on one knee and say the words he was about to say, "It has been a long while since we started to see each other which is good enough for me to ask you this. Tara Gillespie. Would you take this," holding the ring in front after taking it out if his shirt pocket, "and be my wife?" Tara was just speechless for a minute. Her eyes were starting to tear up. "If you don't want to, that's okay. I mean, I won't be home the most and well, sure you do worry but thankfully I can count on Dusk as long as he doesn't get his hardass killed..." "No, Ash," she interrupts as she took the ring. "I do." She was crying which she admitted that they were tears of joy. "I will be your wife. Also, Tara Parth does have a nice ring to it." With that answer, Parth had slipped the ring on Tara's ring finger and they pressed their lips, sealing their kiss that they are now soon-to-be-husband/wife until the wedding which they need to plan on the next day when he returns tomorrow. It was an amazing night that they were looking at some of the shooting stars falling. they were gazing until they went into the cottage to sleep the rest of the night. Until the next day... same time around when the Red War had begun. When Parth was returning from a mission on his own, he and Dusk were just cruising through the skies until their was trouble. They saw that Cabal ships were flying in and the Traveler was sealed by some strange device. The Last City is important, but Parth's first important task was to see his fiancé who was still in the cottage. It was her day off which she says that she will stay for the day waiting and they would go to a wedding planner. But when they arrived, the cottage was nearly destroyed and there were Legionaries destroying the cottage. It enraged Parth as he jumped out of the ship while Dusk was warning him not to. He killed all the Legionaries till they were more then dead. He busted through the doors as this cottage was on fire. He yelled out for Tara if she was okay while the fire was spreading. He found her, but she wasn't looking too good. He was in a panic. He pushed through even to feel the fire burn him alive and all he had on his mind was to see Tara out of here. They made it out, but Tara wasn't looking to good. She was bleeding in plenty of places and she might've huffed in some smoke. This wasn't happening. Parth could not let this happen. He tried many ways from CPR to asking the Traveler to make Tara wake up. But nothing. He was begging Tara to not die after he'd just proposed. This was one of the worst times to ever come across of. It took a while until Tara had some time to open her eyes with little air she had and Parth was ecstatic to see her alive. Asking her not to push herself until he can find someone to aid her. But... Tara held her hand and give a smile while crying. Her hand was on Parth's cheek and said her final words, "Ash, don't worry too much. Heck, you're still you. Find yourself some peace. Don't be too rash even if you lost everything. Just know... I love you and all the times... we've... had." She was gasping and losing more blood as she coughed a little more blood. "I love you... Ash Parth." And just that, Tara has died in Ash Parth's arms. Mainly with a smile on her face. Dusk arrived. He gasped to see Tara die in Parth's arms. Parth laid his fiancé down with her hands resting on top of her heart. He would bury her later when he comes back. For now, he was in his most furious mood. He wanted blood. Cabal blood when he looked at the armor and this new Legion, the Red Legion, had burned down this cottage that they were going to live at. They were about to plan a wedding today. He would look forward to see her in a beautiful wedding dress and they would possibly have a child or two. But no. This Red Legion took it all away the day after he proposed. With rage, it was all he had when he ran into the Last City that was being destroyed. To check on the survivors. To see the Crow's Nest. Right before it all went to hell. It was all the sorrow and burden he carried when he took off the wedding ring from Tara's finger and wore it like a pendent. Swearing that he will kill every last Cabal even if he dies again and again. Despair was worse with a love of his life to the day when the Light was stolen by Dominus Ghaul as he did with the woman he proposed. And in later days, he will walk the path of destruction, asking for redemption which is always out of reach when the love of his life was gone from this world.



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