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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
10/22/2020 6:34:21 AM

Destiny Pentober Day 21

Day 21: Boss Fight Ash Parth was given an order to handle a Nightfall at the EDZ to deal with the Cabal but also some of the Fallen who are fighting against each other. The objective was to go and handle the Red Legion's last defense as they are warring thinner and thinner. Whoever this new leader is, this space rhino is sure bringing the last caches of ammunition and the Fallen are moving in on gathering what the Cabal are storing. It wasn't a request as the Vanguard told him which it will be rewarded as Parth demanded. It will be an assigned Fireteam as Zavala made of not only Parth but also a couple of Titans which one of them was familiar to Parth. It was that Titan who won the Ramen Eating Contest the other day. It was the human woman named Natalia who was surprised and gloated towards him of coming second but it was better for Parth to ignore. The other Titan was already giving Parth a glare as he held a Falling Guillotine and a Mountaintop, telling Parth to leave this to the professionals and stay in the back like all the other Hunters. That, Parth ignored too. Parth might just amuse himself and let them die and respawn when the timer was at zero that even Dusk agreed on. Hell, he was looking for some fun while picking up bounties and holding an Izanagi's Burden and a Summoner to handle Centurions from what he heard while giving it Anti-Barrier. Even playing Shadowshot as this was his preferred to handle and give teamwork. But he changed it to the Quiver to gloat and Invisible Smoke Bomb himself from time to time. Even not using the Falling Guillotine as the smug Titan was using and used a 21% Delirium for the Captains. All was needed for the mission as this was a Master diffculty situation as Zavala mentioned. With that, Parth, Netalia and the other Titan calling himself NASA have deployed to the Strike. They arrived at the EDZ and they were in front of Firebase Hades and the mission begins. Thankfully as playful as Natalia looks like, she had the Unstoppable Rounds to deal with the Unstoppable Incendiors and Parth in return used his Vortex Grenade with the Overload Mod to deal with the Overload Captain - when he hates those things - which it helped the team a lot and both Parth and Netalia used their LMGs to clear some of the enemies. In the meantime, NASA only hid and Mountaintopped the others with his own volition. When being debriefed, Parth went to the generators to get the doors to open while seeing the two Titans at the doors which reinforcements were pouring out. While sniping to get some of the stragglers to cover them, Natalia was struggling a little bit while seeing the other just paying like a "professional" when hiding on top. How Parth hates these kinds of Guardians. Then again, Parth was using a sniper to help provide cover which he was trying to keep Natalia protected from the War Beasts but it seems she was doing okay with the Astral Horizon shotgun while punching them, including heading upwards to Ballistic Slam the rest. Shouting victory for the effort. Parth had got to hand it to Natalia, she was holding on her own even in these tough situations. The doors opened and Parth managed to catch up but held back when a couple more of Unstoppable Incendiors ambushed the Titans and killed them off. This was a tough situation and the best way was to get Natalia as she is the one with the Unstoppable Rounds. He did promise himself not to revive them and let them respawn but he was liking more of Natalia's determination more then hearing NASA curse Parth off for not reviving him. When he revived Natalia while invisible, he'd got them both invisible again and retreat for cover so that she would use Unstoppable Rounds them both and Parth Honed Shot one of them while Natalia takes care of the other one and continues what she can do to provide help. So far it was just one more room before they deal with the last of the Red Legions defense and the one leading them. On the way, NASA respawned and cursed Parth out while he was going ahead, not needing their help as "failed to provide teamwork" as his ego was getting to them. Parth could hear Natalia whistle and said, "It's a lil' weird that no one likes the infamous Ash Parth like that guy, right?" Parth chuckled and replied, "I get that a lot. I ignore their kind the least 'cause I have no interest to 'em. I just wish Zavala get's their matchmaking straight and not deal with them. They aren't as great as the people I've tagged along with back in the old days. I mean, I say that since ya seem like a New Light." Natalia giggle a bit, which surprised Parth, as they were exchanging some words when shooting some of the remaining Fallen Nasa failed to apprehend. As they made it to the final room where the remaining Red Legion and the Cabal leader, Valus Mar'rix, who was an Incendior along with some more Incendiors and others which were the last line of defense to the three Guardians. Or two of them as they noticed NASA was nowhere to be seen. Natalia was starting to wonder and asked Parth what happened. All he can tell is that he chickened out after they both didn't "back him up" while knowing a little bit about each other. Adding that he sees this here and there a few times in regular Strikes. Digressing, he tells her that she was gonna have to follow what he wants her to do and she agreed. To start off, he notices that there are some terminals that he would need to hack after killing the Psions who were in charge of a unbreakable shield Valus Mar'rix was being protected by. They needed to deal with the two Unstoppable Incendiors first which Natalia was determined to kill them off and Parth was providing backup with as much Honed Edges of his Izanagi's Burden as he could and handled them all. When they were gone, Natalia was about to go and Thundercrash the Psions so Parth can run to the first terminal and made his way to the second by smoking and dodging and smoking and then killed off the second Psion and have Dusk hack the second terminal and the unbreakable shield on Valus Mar'rix was down and Parth started to land some headshots, Honed Edge included, to deal some good damage until halfway to his vitals, a couple Barrier Colossus' dropped on and the unbreakable shield was up again. Even a couple more Psions locked the terminals again for Dusk to hack again. Parth and Natalia regrouped in the back. Natalia asked what to do next seeing that Parth was the wisest of the two and Parth planned that they would have to do the same and deal with the Barrier Colossus one at a time which thankfully Natalia pulled out her own Summoner to break the barrier with Anti-Barrier Rounds as soon as they pull them up. It worked like a charm and turned out reinforcement was pouring in and Natalia told Parth that she will distract them after she killed the other Barrier Colossus with her Thundercrash. Knowing what she does, Parth will not let her death be in vein and make some time as sparingly as possible with the ol' smoke and dodge trick while killing off the oncoming reinforcements pouring in and even the Psions so that Dusk can hack one of them with the force running thin. It was working as Natalia came back up and Ballistic Slammed the other Psion and they got the second terminal hacked. The unbreakable shield was down and Parth and Natalia rained down hell and he was down. Zavala called and checked if anyone was alright and Parth replied that the mission was complete. Zavala sounded proud and ordered them to return home for their rewards. All that did was put a smile on Ash Parth's face and Natalia was cheering like a high school girl in a prep rally in victory for her first Nightfall clear which Parth was proud of her by patting on top of her head, telling her good job. Natalia acted smug on their way out that he should be more proud of her after the Ramen Eating Contest but as that popped up, he ignores her before they pulled their Ghosts out and made their way back home. Overall, to Ash Parth, that was a mission accomplished.



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