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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
4/20/2020 1:15:22 AM

READ THIS. SERIOUSLY. Trials can be Re-worked Bungie!

Ok, read this post bungie please! And maybe reply that would be nice :) love the game! To everyone else, Trials is beautiful, the setup is amazing, yes it is, shh. The problem is token farmers, flawless farmers etc. No one can get their light house who doesnt have at least a 1.3 KD. Not kda. [i]Bungie is all like, oh boy our intentions were so good but oh my god players just found a way to sabotage it.[/i] You know how [b]survial is based off glory points[/b](99% sure) doesnt matter if the dude with 0 has lead, still gonna match against sweats? Trials can be the same but different, by different i mean a league ranking system, this ranking system can include higher pinnacle drops, more gear drops, more item drops, the higher you go up the ranks, the more stuff you get ( surprise! Nightfalls aren't better now!) lets say there is 5 ranks, im not good with names so il just do numbers.... [b]hear me out alright[/b]? Tier 1 -average player in the crucible Tier 2 the guys usually on top of crucible Tier 3 survival players 3500+ Tier 4 survival 5500 and the occasional current flawless Tier 5 the players with god rolls, sweat team sweat games all day, i play professional, im a god and i farm flawless because i like seeing my numbers go up, the drops? Meh who cares im alright with the setup i have. Tier 6 (top 1 %) ya. The dudes with 3.5kd and up THIS COULD POTENTIALLY ALSO STOP HEAVY METAS FROM REACHING HIGHER UP IN THE RANKS. Ah but so many tiers, not worth it. Boom, new emblems, different gear sets tier 4/5 and new gear set tier 6 maybe even shaders! You want to farm losses so you can fight scrubs? You can only drop 1 tier a week. Which means it takes you 5 weeks of losing to fight scrubs Carry players now can help people go up in tiers so that people get emblems, which is great, but its only once, then eventually the guys who got carried will be back to their spots as normal in time. Same armor etc drops, once a week. [b]So the carry system remains in place[/b] [b][i]And so does the challange[/i][/b] Make the sub tiers just like heroic fabled etc but new names if you want. People can go flawless! The emblems in tiers can track specific to their tier. (Ie) heroic rank - 20 flawless 3000 kills 400 wins. Same player new rank. Fabled rank 2 flawless 400 kills 40 wins Mythic 0 20 kills 10 wins. ... [i][b][u]i have more but i would like bungie to reach out to me simply because i would be so happy if they did[/u][/b][/i]. [b]FINALLY[/b] Leaving matches do not deduct points, but multiple offenses will result in suspension from trials. The ranking system is amazing, it seperates streamers skill levels for their viewers, allows more team play, basically rids paid solicitating carries, i mean all the power to them but its a heck of alot harder. Yes, people will still not play just to carry, maybe there will be 100 of them, but the more they win, the more they cant do it anymore, or they have to stop for the week. And if they still take advantage of it, well. I bet it will be alot less of them. Heck u could revamp the entire flawless seal or add an entirely new one TrulySublime. Just here to play for fun, please upvote! Its a good system, and if you hate it, still upvote because you are the 1 out of 20. I would love to hear the replies, ill watch every single one, and reply as well.



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  • Its pretty simple the game needs a ranking system like starcraft 2



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    1 Rispondi
    • [quote]Ok, read this post bungie please! And maybe reply that would be nice :) love the game! To everyone else, Trials is beautiful, the setup is amazing, yes it is, shh. The problem is token farmers, flawless farmers etc. No one can get their light house who doesnt have at least a 1.3 KD. Not kda. [i]Bungie is all like, oh boy our intentions were so good but oh my god players just found a way to sabotage it.[/i] You know how [b]survial is based off glory points[/b](99% sure) doesnt matter if the dude with 0 has lead, still gonna match against sweats? Trials can be the same but different, by different i mean a league ranking system, this ranking system can include higher pinnacle drops, more gear drops, more item drops, the higher you go up the ranks, the more stuff you get ( surprise! Nightfalls aren't better now!) lets say there is 5 ranks, im not good with names so il just do numbers.... [b]hear me out alright[/b]? Tier 1 -average player in the crucible Tier 2 the guys usually on top of crucible Tier 3 survival players 3500+ Tier 4 survival 5500 and the occasional current flawless Tier 5 the players with god rolls, sweat team sweat games all day, i play professional, im a god and i farm flawless because i like seeing my numbers go up, the drops? Meh who cares im alright with the setup i have. Tier 6 (top 1 %) ya. The dudes with 3.5kd and up THIS COULD POTENTIALLY ALSO STOP HEAVY METAS FROM REACHING HIGHER UP IN THE RANKS. Ah but so many tiers, not worth it. Boom, new emblems, different gear sets tier 4/5 and new gear set tier 6 maybe even shaders! You want to farm losses so you can fight scrubs? You can only drop 1 tier a week. Which means it takes you 5 weeks of losing to fight scrubs Carry players now can help people go up in tiers so that people get emblems, which is great, but its only once, then eventually the guys who got carried will be back to their spots as normal in time. Same armor etc drops, once a week. [b]So the carry system remains in place[/b] [b][i]And so does the challange[/i][/b] Make the sub tiers just like heroic fabled etc but new names if you want. People can go flawless! The emblems in tiers can track specific to their tier. (Ie) heroic rank - 20 flawless 3000 kills 400 wins. Same player new rank. Fabled rank 2 flawless 400 kills 40 wins Mythic 0 20 kills 10 wins. ... [i][b][u]i have more but i would like bungie to reach out to me simply because i would be so happy if they did[/u][/b][/i]. [b]FINALLY[/b] Leaving matches do not deduct points, but multiple offenses will result in suspension from trials. The ranking system is amazing, it seperates streamers skill levels for their viewers, allows more team play, basically rids paid solicitating carries, i mean all the power to them but its a heck of alot harder. Yes, people will still not play just to carry, maybe there will be 100 of them, but the more they win, the more they cant do it anymore, or they have to stop for the week. And if they still take advantage of it, well. I bet it will be alot less of them. Heck u could revamp the entire flawless seal or add an entirely new one TrulySublime. Just here to play for fun, please upvote! Its a good system, and if you hate it, still upvote because you are the 1 out of 20. I would love to hear the replies, ill watch every single one, and reply as well.[/quote] yeah and wait until those “3.5 kd and up guys” match with your flawless game just because they wanted to have a laugh.



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      2 Risposte
      • Modificato da TrulySublime: 4/21/2020 1:20:05 AM
        And guys, i speak for both sides, but it would nice to have a "LETS GOOO WE WONNNN." from both sides, i think this could balance trials abit more. As well as people will gain more respect against the people they match against, because if its done right, every game is effort, and every game could feel like a good matchup. The rank system needs to be locked based off tier though. Ie. Tier 1 (1,2,3) tier 2 (1,2,3,4) tier 3 (1,2,3,4) tier 4 (1,2,3,4,5) tier 5 (1,2,3,4,5) tier 6 (1,2,3,4,5,6) And of course. #1 spot temporary emblem for the time they are #1 . Unlocked in collections but restricted use. I can keep adding ideas. Anyone who challenges idea i will gladly give a solution.



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      • you put more thought into this post than bungie did into bringing back trials.



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        5 Risposte
        • Modificato da dre: 4/20/2020 5:40:43 AM
          Trials is fine. Me and my friends all re got this game to play it



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          2 Risposte
          • Ill be taking a look evwry once and awhile, thanks for all your opinions!



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          • 1
            Comp is totally washed up ever since they started giving out points. Wins can get u close to 200+ points in the lower bracket lol. When it first came out the playlist was brutal. Any player can get 3500+ with some time and dedication. Trials formula is fine more or less. This was the exact same in d1 and people seem to love that game more than their first Child. Just the loot system needs a major rework.



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            1 Rispondi
            • How about add a solo matchmaking option like in comp so I can play. Haven’t been able to play trials even one time. No lfg, the app and clans don’t help.



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              4 Risposte
              • Im off for the night! See ya tomorrow



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              • Thanks for all the comments everyone!



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              • Even if there are better rewards in trials, I STILL wouldn’t try it. My stats are some of the lowest in the game, so no trials team would accept me anyway. I always felt a huge amount of grief and guilt over my lost comp games, and it carries over week over week. And I can’t tell you how often (especially in comp) I get xbox messages from either the enemy team or even my own about me being bad. I’m not going to pay for a carry and am DEFIANTLY not dumb enough to give my password to someone who could easily abuse it. I couldn’t handle it anyway if I caused each and every loss my teammates sat through over and over again. I would really like god rolled trials loot and the sparrow, but trails will NEVER have a place for someone like me. It’s better for everyone I stay out, and I know I have no place there. Even loot won’t bring me into it. This is for the better.



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                1 Rispondi
                • Upvote please! Its very beneficial



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                  2 Risposte
                  • Trials is a curse upon this game



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                    4 Risposte
                    • I will get a petition signed!



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                        • Thanks for all the likes everyone! So much appreciated!



                          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                        • um cool



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