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11/16/2019 6:27:36 AM
Which game's PvP is balanced? And as for Cammy Cakes, AFAIK he himself uses snipers and can't use primaries that well so his opinion doesn't matter and he can go play a proper competitive game if he's that competitive. Destiny is for casuals and even Fortnite is more competitive than Destiny.



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  • I mean that’s a rhetorical question because how do you define balance? Without making this sound like I’m defending Cammy, he says in the video above how he loved the double primary system the most. You can watch if you’re curious. What game would you say is the most balanced then if you think Fortnite, the game that values building over actual gun fights, is more balanced?



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  • Modificato da Robotyze: 11/16/2019 6:51:11 AM
    Well that wasn't a rhetorical question. I actually want to know so that I can see what makes that game balanced and where Destiny lacks. And Destiny was never about skill anyway, it's always about builds. And even when Trials of Osiris was there people were using guns like Thorn, TLW, Hawksaw, Hawkmoon, etc which gave cheap kills. D2Y1 with dual primaries was all about team shooting and though there was team work involved but it didn't showcase any individual skill. And about Fortnite, I have never played it but it's huge on the e-sports scene and is ranked among the likes of CSGO, Rainbow 6 Siege, etc. And I never said that it's balanced because I really don't know and that's why I want to know.



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  • Sorry for misinterpreting the question then. Honestly I agree with your stance that the game is about builds over skill, but that doesn’t mean that builds don’t require skill to use. As much as something is “cheesy” or a “crutch” there is a level of play involved that is different in each build. I find it odd that Bungie chose to make the easier builds the most effective, thus making the skill ceiling seem as if anyone can pick up and play. Whether this was their intention or not to cater to casuals, I don’t know, but it’s interesting to gauge the community to see where they think the Crucible should go. As for Fortnite, Siege and other eSport games, I really only have experience in Siege so I can’t give a full perspective. One thing they have over Destiny in terms of balance is a skill ceiling as you can always improve in those games. Destiny is all about using the same build, while those other games are wildly dependant on the situation. Sure you can make the argument that Destiny can or has had that before, but it’s hard when wall hacks and snipers are so prevalent.



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  • Well it definitely was their intention to make it easy for attracting masses because if they make it too tough then people will just play something else where they can win. Cammy says that there were guns which were high skill and high reward type and so the general public wasn't using them. So which guns exactly is he talking about because there are some guns like that even now like Redrix. And for talking about whether we want PvP to be balanced we need to define [u]balance[/u]. That's why I asked you which game is balanced so that we can compare. If not then at least let's first define [u]balance[/u].



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  • [quote]I mean that’s a rhetorical question because how do you define balance? Without making this sound like I’m defending Cammy, he says in the video above how he loved the double primary system the most. You can watch if you’re curious. What game would you say is the most balanced then if you think Fortnite, the game that values building over actual gun fights, is more balanced?[/quote] Double primaries almost destroyed the game. What’s better, a game Cammy likes, or a game a lot of players like?



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  • Not saying it was something I liked, but it’s interesting to see Cammy say he preferred that game. While you say it destroyed it, that was his favorite version of the game.



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  • [quote]Not saying it was something I liked, but it’s interesting to see Cammy say he preferred that game. While you say it destroyed it, that was his favorite version of the game.[/quote] There is no doubt that the crucible population plummeted during D2Y1, and it didn’t recover (sort of) until after Forsaken got rid of double primary.



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