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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/15/2019 12:33:18 AM

Serious Crucible Discussion- Balanced or Chaotic?

Crucible should be Chaotic


Crucible should be Balanced


Link is to a video Cammycakes made which is the premise for why this post exists. He’s a veteran PvP player who’s recently expressed his disinterest in playing Crucible seriously. Give it a watch if you’re interested. To me and a lot of other people, there exist crutches in the game that make it very unfair to those not using one. There will always exist metas, yes, but where the game is heading now there seems no possible way for any serious game modes like Trials to be a success, and that’s simply because of the lack of a skill ceiling. The best loadouts are the easiest, hence why I use the term chaotic. I’m no fortune teller; everyone has their opinion and are more than capable of screaming it on the forums. You may love where the Crucible is at right now, and that’s fine. Instead of this post being a whining match, I’d like to gauge some answers so we can make it clear to Bungie. What do [b]you[/b] want out of the Crucible in its foreseeable future. Do you want everything to be powerful? Or do you want a balanced experience? Please vote because I’m curious as to where the player base’s head is at.



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