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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da WildSyde: 10/22/2019 3:24:34 PM

Stop putting all this time into creating eververse cosmetics and fix the damn game

D2 has been unstable as all hell since day 1 of release. There have been massive problems with people having the game crash, constantly being DCed from the servers, etc. These problems have persisted for 2 years now with seemingly no attempt from the devs to address or fix them. It gets rather old after the 5th time you've been put on cooldown for Gambit this week because your horrible P2P pvp combined with the still unaddressed instability drop you from about 1 out of every 3 matches. Learn from Ubisoft, instead of putting out more content that will inevitably cause even more problems, take a season to do your own version of R6: Siege's Operation Health and just spend time fixing the issues with the game instead of just piling more and more problems on top of existing problems. EDIT: To address all the fanboys saying “it’s not D2, it’s your crap internet”, no, no it’s not. If it was a problem with my internet, these problems would occur on other games... except they don’t. This is a problem EXCLUSIVE to D2 which means it’s not my internet, it’s the trash netcode and instability of the game. Same thing with the frequent CTDs, it’s a problem exclusive to D2. Massive amounts of other players have reported these issues so it’s hard to believe that all these people have bad internet.



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  • Let me know what error codes you are seeing and I will pass along your report. You can also check out our [url=]network guide[/url] to see if you can diagnose any issues with your network.



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    118 Risposte
    • Works fine for me. Might be your modems security fighting D2. My friend gets kick from matches all the time because his modem just disagrees with D2.



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    • I'm sorry but when you said learn from Ubisoft I just couldn't stop laughing.



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      1 Rispondi



        Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

      • Ubisoft doesn’t have only one game in there arsenal. Bungie can’t do what they did with Siege. I bet it is your internet. Other games don’t use the same requirements, so if you have a shred of stability issues, you’ll have problems.



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      • I'd imagine eververse has it's own department in the studio and a dedicated team to create content for the store. So my point is, the department is doing their job by making good looking cosmetic items for purchase which has little to nothing to do with the team/department responsible for core gameplay experience.



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      • I hand-built my entire home network my Hardware is Netgear Nighthawk level every single device connected with 7A Lan lines I have every cable physically insulated and RF shielded inside shielded conduit. Every IP address on my network is manual. I get an anteater three times in a row if I'm in the tower.



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        2 Risposte
        • I'm having fun.



          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

        • Idk I never have these issues



          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

        • Weird I don't have these problems...



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          2 Risposte
          • Yeah. It’s definitely Season of the Error Codes. I’ve been pulled to the start screen several times since Shadowkeep launched. I’ve gotten every error code imaginable.



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          • Yeah, they should totally learn from the way Ubisoft let The Division 2 die within 3 months of launch.....



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            1 Rispondi
            • I'm not a huge fanboy of destiny, I use to play it at least 12 hours a day, but I quit playing it all the time since season of the drifter, but I have the one of the fastest modem Xfinity has the (Arris SURFBoard SB8200) and I have not been kicked from the game more than 3 times and i've had the game since launch. It's gotta be your internet not being able to run the game that well, sorry but that's the truth.



              Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

            • [quote]This is a problem EXCLUSIVE to D2 which means it’s not my internet, it’s the trash netcode and instability of the game. Same thing with the frequent CTDs, it’s a problem exclusive to D2.[/quote] it's exclusive to D2 because of the P2P system. which requires [b]your[/b] internet to be good, which, apparently, yours isn't. even if Bungie goes to dedicated servers, its no guarantee it will fix your issue. all of your issues are on your end, whether you choose to admit it or not, its the truth. maybe stop playing on WiFi? hard wire your console/PC. there isn't "massive amounts of people" reporting these issues.



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              2 Risposte
              • Are you playing on console or pc?



                Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

              • I miss strike loot please bring it back



                Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

              • If you are being dropped from a gambit match. It is for sure 2 reasons. Your wifi from mcdonalds is terrible or you live in a 3rd world shit hole AND bungies p2p system is dogshit and at this point in the game, we should have dedicated servers. Not potatoes. But the idiots will never change this at bungie studios, cause people play this game regularly, even with all these annoying net issues. I am one of them. But I pay almost $120 a month on internet so connecting to bungie studios and pinging mcdonalds in hong kong works ok at best sometimes for me. But sometimes, SOMETIMES, I do matchmake with people within 1000 miles and the game plays more smoothly.



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                1 Rispondi
                • Modificato da SnakeEyes: 10/23/2019 6:31:09 PM
                  Shut up please!



                  Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                • It’s definitely a problem with your internet I’ve had almost no issues on my almost 3 years on D2. Maybe a weasel or baboon once a every 6 months.



                  Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                • Art design team handles things like Eververs cosmetics, not multiplayer netcode troubleshooting.



                  Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                • I don't know what you are talking about. You are the first person I ever heared of complaining about performance issues SINCE RELEASE. I guess, you forgot to check your own devices? Mostly the problem is there, not at bungie. But I guess, you have a too big ego to aknowlegde that... If it is not the connection, it is the platform you are playing on. And if it is not the platform, THEN it is the game itself.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • Definitely your shit internet. It may just happen in d2, but it's because of your internet. I'm veeeery rarely disconnected. Hell my application has closed more times in borderlands 3 way more times than I've been disconnected from an error in d2.



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                  • I’ve always defended eververse but I will admit they clearly put too much time and resources into it. Eververse on its own is fine, it’s just the fact that eververse is refreshed every season while better devils has been in the game since the beta that leaves a bad taste un my mouth.



                    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                    24 Risposte
                    • No, it's the servers. Ignore all the it's your connection crap. The second possible reason is you're being ddosed. 1. Appear offline, this does wonders. Watch how good your connection gets then, hardly a problem. 2. Very important here, get a VPN! It'll secure your connection so you are less likely to get knocked off the internet, because they can't see you to get a lock on you. (More advanced ddosers get around this, somehow...)



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                      5 Risposte
                      • You do know, the team that makes the cosmetics, has nothing to do with the up keep of the game right? Or are you just shit posting to jump on the bandwagon of hating on the store?



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                        3 Risposte
                        • I very rarely have connection issues of any kind, and that may be due to me playing on a relatively expensive PC. Are you having these issues on XBone or pc? Just interested, I have no real suggestions either way lol.



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