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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Cheebruger: 9/15/2019 9:16:18 PM

The many issues with OEM

How OEM functions: When an OEM user is shot, the person who shot will be marked. If the OEM user kills the marked player, they get a damage boost, instantly get ~70 health, trigger health Regen, and will generate an 100 hitpoint overshield. Edit: I said that the marked player would receive extra damage, which is just wrong. Now to counter every argument in support of OEM. "Hunters get wallhacks, why shouldn't titans?" Truesight is limited to one subclass, spectral blades, and is incredibly rigid in its activation. You need to get a headshot kill while crouched. Meaning you don't activate it unless you get a kill, OEM is not restricted to that. Plus, it goes away when you shoot, OEM obviously isn't restricted to that. Meaning that when you're in a gunfight against someone who's peak shotting, truesight doesn't gain an advantage, but with OEM, you can know exactly when your opponent is peaking, which is borderline unfair. Truesight is only realistically practical when using one shot precision weapons, so either a sniper, or a slug shotty. It literally doesn't work if you're running a regular shotty, a fusion, decide to jump, or aren't crouched. Plus, it's getting nerfed into the ground to last only 3 seconds in shadowkeep. OEM wallhacks are significantly more forgiving and generally better. "It only really helps if you're getting kills, plus you can just avoid challenging if they've got an overshield" No. The wallhacks and the bit of extra damage can guarantee you gunfights if you're smart enough. Plus, you realistically can't avoid a gunfight with someone all the time. I don't know if you guys realize this, the game has objectives, that are time based. You need to keep people off zones, you need to keep people off heavy, or bombs in countdown, or off of chokepoints, you know, the things that win matches? "Titans don't have any other competitive options!" Yes, because Lion Rampants, Dunemarchers, Anteus, bottom tree striker, burning maul, supressor nades, bubble getting huge buffs going into shadowkeep, absolutely nothing competitive. "Nerfing it will hurt PvE" For those of you who do actually use OEM in PvE, it's not an issue there. And that's unfortunate, but the thing is broken in the crucible sandbox. You have other options to turn to, it wouldn't hurt the PvE sandbox that much, and it would significantly benefit the PvP sandbox, making the game better overall. "Other Titan exotics are worthless!" Yeah, some are. I pointed out some pretty decent ones, but this is an issue that needs to be addressed as well. TL;DR This thing needs a huge nerf, or a rework. Anything less and this issue isn't going away.



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  • tbh, they might be referring to the foetracer, when they say hunter gets wall hacks. but, that's only if you tag them with a round.



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  • I dream of the day that all Hunters are deleted and removed from this franchise.



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    4 Risposte
    • People who defend OEM or bottom tree striker are the same people who defend Erentil and say it’s perfectly balanced.



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      15 Risposte
      • Sorry bud OEM got its nerf so I have to downvote... no more nerfs just buffs



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        3 Risposte
        • Tbh Synthoceps is stronger and better than OEM. If I can do this kind of damage 3-6 times in match I’ll stick with synthoceps. OEM is great and all but it’s no where near as fun as synthoceps.



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        • Who TF uses OEM in pve? That's what i wanna know



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          1 Rispondi
          • What's One Eyed Mask?



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            4 Risposte
            • Yes - the MANY issues with OEM. Just say it straight. It’s broken as fûck for the crucible



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            • Thankfully almost all people using oem are trashcans.



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            • Also why is no one talking about the exotic helmet for titans that give unlimited shoulder charge? They just run bam kill and the exotic give full melee again. So easy to be a titan.



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              2 Risposte
              • I swear, Hunters will never be happy until PvP is 100% Hunters



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                1 Rispondi
                • Lingua:


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                  1 Rispondi
                  • I said this in another reply but just looking through this thread it’s crazy how every single person defending OEM either doesn’t play comp or doesn’t play crucible at all and yet think they know a thing about the state of OEM. Arguing about OEM with people who hardly even play pvp is like arguing about traffic laws with a middle schooler who has never driven a car. It’s like talking to a brick wall. I don’t want to sound like an elitist, tryhard, gatekeeper etc but I’ll be 100% honest, idk why people with 3> days in crucible and 2100> glory think they know everything about what is balanced and what isn’t.



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                    4 Risposte
                    • If you are aware of a super, you can either challenge it or run from it. If you are aware that you have been market by OEM just wait for the thing to go away , engage and kill. I play titan and im also pick my fights if i see a titan with over shield. Just play smart is not a big deal. The sandbox allows certain things to be better/good/op whatever for the sake of everything not being stale and perfectly balance. i hate how mobile hunters are in pvp. Overall the best class but rather to call for a nerf i rather have both warlock and titan improved. sorry i dont believe nerfs are ever going to be nothing other than a lazy solution for whatever -blam!- players cry about. last season i played a lot as a hunter (the shotgun and lunas howl meta) , this time ive been playing more titan than anything. Indeed playing hunter is stil a better option. give it a rest OEM is ok



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                      2 Risposte
                      • Modificato da Dullahan: 9/16/2019 2:55:54 PM
                        I'm reminded of the whole "Wormhusk starts health regen with a dodge and that's not fair," thing that led to a MAJOR nerf, only to have Bungie release OEM; Wormhusk roid-raging. Haha Don't let the downvotes bug you; they don't want to acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Wormhusk nerf



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                        2 Risposte
                        • Already said this in another thread but Ill just paste it here: Only this game would have something that punishes you for shooting someone. Yesterday I was playing comp. One on one engagement with an OEM titan with revoker recluse. Im around 20m away from him and see him in his scope so I slide across the lane and hit him with one spare rations headshot to flinch him off of sniping me as I slid from cover to cover. I was then in cover but shooting him that one time meant I was marked and the engagement was already lost. If I peeked any angle at all he would very easily just snipe me since he could see me through the wall and know exactly when I would expose myself. Trying to flinch him off of that shot would be pointless since he can kill me in the exact same frame that I show myself when I would have to acquire the target and then shoot. So I made the split second decision to stay in cover, marked for vengeance. Figured the best thing to do would be run away until the mark goes away. But he pushed me the instant I got into cover and again, knew exactly where I was so trying to get away was utterly pointless. I was fighting a losing battle from the beginning because I chose to shoot my opponent in a shooting game. If you think that should exist then you are obviously biased. OEM is a plague to the crucible.



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                          54 Risposte
                          • Modificato da Kiryu: 9/16/2019 5:31:44 PM
                            OEM is just better Foetracer. So as a person who swaps between all classes frequently, I can support and counter your points. !. You're forgetting that Khepri's sting and Foetracer exist. FT works for all subclasses and gives the same marking as OEM. Truesight is vastly superior to this marking. KS just throw a smoke at your feet boom, wallhacks without being shot. I'm pretty sure warlocks have a helmet that marks as well. 2. Other than the tracking (which every class has) OEM doesn't help except for the 7ish seconds after a kill. Even then the shield isn't that strong and can be taken out easily. A headshot from a HC or pulse burst is enough to get rid of it. 3. I use ashen wake and burning maul and can still do better than OEM bottom tree strikers. The exotic does not make the player. I personally think AW is one of the stronger exotics we have. Also Peregrine is a thing. 4. I seriously don't know why people would ever use OEM in pve 5. Dunemarchers, Ashen Wake, Synthocepts, Hallowfire Heart, Peregrine, Skullfort, Saint-14, Alpha Lupi, Lion rampant, Mask of the Quiet One, Mk.44, and Eternal Warrior are all very good but are overlooked because of OEM. I think the health and over shield should be removed and put on the mask of the quiet one. then OEM would be on par with FT and Eye of another world (or whatever that helmet is called) then MOTQO would be viable in pve and pvp.



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                            6 Risposte
                            • Lol I’m using my Titan now It’s disgusting.



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                            • Burning Maul is absolute trash in Crucible, so idk what that was about. Everything else is fine tho



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                              6 Risposte
                              • Here is a great argument. [i][b][u]EVERYONE HAS WALLHACKS[/u][/b][/i]. Or did all you smarty pants forget about the bow with wallhack? That shows everyone in your sights and not just one person? Cry me a ducking river. Every one of you could counter OEM. OEM is a joke. Titans have much better set ups but you meta drones don’t see it.



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                                9 Risposte
                                • I agree it needs its wall hacks taken away if the target goes behind cover then the titan has 1.5 seconds to require the target otherwise he loses the perk vengeance. If the titan kills the target that shot him he only gains a 100 health back of and a max over shield of 25 health.



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                                • I saw take off the overshield or make it smaller. Or on the other hands cut the time down to 6 seconds on tracking to be in line with hunters. One of these two options would help without crippling it. But in reality, they need to buff alot of exotics.



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                                  2 Risposte
                                  • I think the best option would be to remove the health and shield and bump the damage boost from 5% to 20%. Fits more in line with the lore of the exotic and it becomes a semi skilled exotic to use properly.



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                                    2 Risposte
                                    • Ugh... All these complaints about one eyed mask. I’m very sure everyone that you have already won this battle... Dmg and cozmo have replied on these posts before (which is exactly why they have not replied on any of these recently. They don’t reply on posts like this made for the same complaint more then I believe, twice?). It basically means that you already got your freaking wish. Why post this so much when you have already secured victory? Putting this post up hundreds of times is NOT going to make the update come out faster... Go throw a freaking party on the beach with your friends and eat a freaking cake stylized as the one eyed mask and celebrate for gods sakes, and for the love of god, stop posting requests for a nerf when it’s ALREADY guaranteed to freaking happen. Jeez. Titans are about to become the worst class for pvp. No real useful exotics will take its place. All it’s supers and abilities will be worthless for pvp with the upcoming super nerfs. Bubble isn’t going to do (insert profanity here) in pvp, as it can be easily avoided by staying away from it and letting it run out. I would like to see virtually ANY titan actually get to legend using only its class in shadowkeep. My best guess is that hunters will be targeted next from something they have in game. Point is, you already won. RIP titans in pvp.



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                                      2 Risposte
                                      • Funny, One eyed mask is so over powered and yet Hunters remain top dog 🤔. [spoiler][/spoiler]



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                                        8 Risposte
                                        • hunters also have foetracer exotic which has wallhacks and increased damage to lower health enemies. used it to get to 2100 this season



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