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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Lost Sols: 5/28/2019 8:34:37 PM

Dear all the people making sh*t comments to people who want a more friendly solo experience...

It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant. Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down. What it does mean is -better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams. -more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons. -more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge. If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage. Thanks.
#destiny2 #DTC



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  • I can only see positives from this.



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  • Destiny is the only series I've ever played where I literally have to find other players to group up with outside of the actual game. I've always found this to be ridiculous and inconvenient. Optional matchmaking for every single pve activity affects no one that doesn't want to use it. Easy, normal and hard modes should be in all pve activity. Everything from story missions to raids. Sometimes people are in the mood for a challenge, sometimes they just want to relax and blow through content while feeling powerful and badass. Everyone has a different style of play and skill level and these tiers cater to all of them and at the same time nothing is sacrificed. The higher the challenge, the greater the rewards and loot.



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  • I got a bunch of shit to do solo. I'm currently on a hunt for a boss pulse rifle. Strikes, nf farm, dreaming city, forges, pvp(rumble) and a few other minor things... these are all solo content. All give endgame gear. Against popular opinions, this game has a well balanced of group/solo content. You all need to quit trying to change the formula to better yourselves only.



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  • I have read all of your post. I agree with a vast majority of what you have posted except raids. Imo I believe that should stay as how it is.



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  • Here’s my issue with more solo content that equates to the same rewards as team based. Under no circumstances will Bungie be able to create a solo experience that is as intense and dependency based as, let’s say, a raid. For endgame content to be equally as challenging for a solo player as it is a team...we would hear nothing but complaining that the activities are too hard...which leads Bungie to reduce the difficulty...again promoting people to go for easy loot. Destiny was touted as an online multiplayer game. I play mostly solo but I have no problem jumping into a team to complete the endgame activities such as raids. You have to work with others to acquire the best gear. It’s great the way it is.



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    4 Risposte
    • Your not going to make much head way with your post. People like me have been trying for more solo stuff but it's close to impossible. Also to those who think a raid could not be soloed apprently you never played Destiny 1 where warlocks were the only class that could solo a raid because they had the only subclass that brings them back to life. Also if bungie would stop with the mechanics BS and just give us a boss with like 8 million or so health for raids instead of all this mechanic BS the game would be alittle better. Because 6 people with the strongest guns could not do anything against this idea if the bosses had ridculous amounts of health.



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      3 Risposte
      • Your point is spot on... some many neckbeard basement dwellers responding typically, lmao... you guys never disappoint.



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      • Well put.I am sick of going into quick play and getting a shit kicking from fire teams that should,be playing competitive and letting normal people play and have fun while they learn the wonder a lot are sick of the crucible.



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        3 Risposte
        • Elitist neckbeards infect this community. That why everything in this game is an endless grind.



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          21 Risposte
          • It's hilarious how all the solo guys call the people who like the harder activities "elitest neckbeards" that's like me saying all the solo whiners in here are just bad players. Not technically true is it, still funny though.



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          • The most ironic thing about Destiny 2 is that there are certain parts where they literally force you to play solo, which is rather annoying when you're in a fireteam and you have to leave the group just to go check out what the creepy Nine rep has to say. It's like Bungie go out of their way to do everything bass-ackwards and counter-intuitively. Bungie literally do things that no other game developer would think to do, generally because it's already known to be a bad idea (eg. not using dedicated servers).



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          • Once, i took a dump sooooo big that it rose up above the water line.



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            1 Rispondi
            • If you are very skilful: Solo players can get Luna & Recluse. Nightfall’s can be soloed. Same as Zero Hour, Whisper, Thorn. The only thing that can’t be soloed are raids. I am not that good, I used to play solo and used to think like you but because I really wanted to do Nightfalls and Raids and some quest I used this app and also joined a clan. There are some very nice guardians, and playing with others is so different than playing solo. It can be lots of fun plus one can learn so much. Think sports, it is very different solo sports like martial arts or boxing to team sports like basketball or football. Team needs communication, different rolls, strategy, etc. Team activities are not just about shooting adds. It is a complete different dimension. Give it a try you will be surprised, or just become better and then you can solo most things.



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              2 Risposte
              • Destiny 1 Year 1 was incredibly solo friendly. Or better. Destiny 1 Year 1 in House of Wolves. At the time you had plenty of enjoyable solo content: patrols (whatever hardcore raiders said that they OH NO they had to enter patrol to get mats) gave you useful mats that you could use to raise your weapons and armor, strikes gave you ascendant materials that you used to raise your weapons and armor, the nightfall was meaningful. Whatever you always ran content while you were waiting for people to come online and to ask you to complete Checkpoint This for This One Raid or Checkpoint That to get That Weapon in That Other Raid. PVP was full of people, running Iron Banner was meaningful. All the things you did mattered. There was actually an economy and there ware many sinks. Dropping and Maxing a Vision of Confluence was something that mattered. There is a reason why people hated to lose Fatebringer and they just went and tried to drop Imago Loop from that one strike in The Taken King. Then The Taken King came, and nobody expected for Oryx to take all the awesome endgame away and to restrict the endgame to ONE RAID, to inject shit sparrows and ghost shells in nightfalls just because people HAD TO PLAY THE ONE RAID. It has been downhill from there, with Bungie sometimes getting the clue (keeping TTK weapons compatible with Rise of Iron for instance) and then forgetting it again and again and again.



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              • I play solo and multiplayer and I have no problem with either .. sometimes players wanna get on and play on their own .. this is not just a multiplayer game it's universal .. if it was only multiplayer then a solo player wouldnt be able to go to patrol on their own or solo a nightfall .. so I agree with ya dude having more solo options only helps the game it doesn't take away multiplayer options ... Solo play doesn't hurt the game



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                3 Risposte
                • Since D2 90% of my time playing the game has been solo. The more the game creates group content that soloists can join/complete and be on their merry way will ensure the games success.



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                • I’m not a solo player, but seriously dude take my upvote. I was once upon a time and I know how frustrating that can be.



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                • Maybe go play cod? Destiny is an mmo. I don't hate solo activities but I do hate dumbasses advocating for single player content in a game that they KNOW is meant for multi-player.



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                  30 Risposte
                  • Raids do not need match making. All the raids pretty much need communication to get through each part of the raid. The destiny app reddit and handful of other apps have lfg if you want to do NF, raids, or dungeons. This a mmo looter shooter. Its design to play with other people. If you are not able to or dont like to play with other people that isnt bungies fault. They dont have to design a game taylored to just solo players. Not sorry for saying this but you should find games you can play solo if thats how you want to play. Not complain about them needing to accommodate to your specific playing style.



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                  • People will always -blam!- about getting better or find a group. The one who do, have no true clue about skill.



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                  • 0
                    Alternatively, get good.



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                    • 2
                      Guardian,Archon Of Light
                      Guardian,Archon Of Light

                      Thank You Cayde, I will never forget!!! - vecchio

                      Bungie isn't talented enough to balance content differently for different skill levels or fireteam sizes. So they just dumb down the encounter for everyone. So thats why hardcore twitch clans react so defensive when you bring up the topic of solo-small fireteam freindly content, because they know Bungie.



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                      2 Risposte
                      • I’m happy to play in teams, but there are times when I just want to play on my own, the division does a good job of scaling content to accommodate players, it would be nice to see more like that from bungie.



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                      • It's more hilarious that you think bungie is capable of that.



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                      • Solo players are the only reason this game still has a player-base.



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                      • Those people who tell solo player to leave the game would likely later complain that there aren't enough player for good pvp/gambit matchmaking when they get stomped by much better hardcore player.



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