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5/20/2019 10:09:13 PM
Bye! Most rational ppl here that aren’t part of the screaming neckbeard circus realize this is part of the natural ebb and flow of a live game. Sad to see some stuff go, but Orpheus was on top for 2 and a half years, and was the only viable option for pve Nightstalker. Whisper was undisputed king of the mountain for over a year. Time to turn the page. These metas were becoming increasingly boring.



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  • It only seems natural because Bunghole does it non-stop. I've never played a game that gets turned upside down like this so often.



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  • Riddle me this, why would Bungie bring back a gun that caused issues in D1 and had to be nerfed? Did they forget? Did they think they would get a different result by doing the exact same thing?



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  • [quote]Bye! Most rational ppl here that aren’t part of the screaming neckbeard circus realize this is part of the natural ebb and flow of a live game. Sad to see some stuff go, but Orpheus was on top for 2 and a half years, and was the only viable option for pve Nightstalker. Whisper was undisputed king of the mountain for over a year. Time to turn the page. These metas were becoming increasingly boring.[/quote] ...Except Whisper wasn’t was just the most popular, and the weapon most people knew was good. It wasn’t the best for DPS assuming you had a normal raid set up. It was the best for solo players if you didn’t have access to an auto reloading abilities. Orpheus is still going to be the most used exotic for Nightstalker. No one is gonna start looking at Gravition Forfeit and say “Hm, all of a sudden this exotic looks useful!”. Orpheus will still be the most used Nightstalker exotic because what else will people use with it? Gemini? Sealed Ahamkara Graps? Foetracer? None of them seem like a useful option to switch to. A pointless nerf. The reason why so many people are pissed is because we’ve been down this road before and it’s the same road that lead to D2 Y1. D2 Y1, in case you forgot, was the most hated version of Destiny in Destiny history. A large portion of the playerbase left within a month or so, and those that remained absolutely hated this version of Destiny. People don’t want to go back, and a TWAB full of nothing but nerfs to every fan favourite exotic whether they were good or bad got nerfed and for what? To make the game a bit more challenging? The game is a cake walk without these exotics, these exotics just made things fun. So these fan favourite exotics got nerfed for a pointless reason. Why wouldn’t people be pissed. These metas May have been boring for you but for most other people they were still pretty fun.



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  • [quote] Orpheus was on top for 2 and a half years, and was the only viable option for pve Nightstalker.[/quote] Kinda the point. You do realize, you’ve just openly admitted now their are NO viable options for a PVE nighstalker. So, the company, in all its wisdom, would rather see no valuable gear for a given class than one that everybody used. Your logic now makes clear why you’re defending the move. (And I’ve never run a hunter a day in my life so the passing of Orpheus won’t lose me a minute’s sleep. I can agree with what you said, and actually use that as a reason why this move is completely inept)



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  • Modificato da puppyk1sses: 5/21/2019 10:37:39 AM
    To further my point, they couldn’t EVER release a Nightstalker exotic that would be used if Orpheus weren’t nerfed. When are you ever going to give up infinite super AND bonkers orb generation for something else? They were too good. If they make the hard cap on super refund >50%, they’re still a fine exotic and you can rely on your teammates for the other 50% as intended. Same can be said with any other item that refunds super energy. Make them all the same. Take the weird RNG element of Shards/Ursa and make them consistent. Hard cap of 50-60% super refund. You do that, and Shards/Ursa actually got buffed.



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  • How do you know have you seen what the new exotics and pinnacle weapons are next season or future buffs. No you dont you want to dwell on the moment and run this into the ground like beating a dead horse. We get it most of you are not happy you cant cheese things anymore you have to work with a group and you are upset. Well it happens it's a game please get over it or move on. This is not the end of the world the sky is not falling it's a video game ffs. If your joy is gone then this is not the game for you anymore. I'm sorry but I assume the majority that plays is adults and I am sitting here thinking wtf is wrong with these people. This is not life if you get that upset over a game please and I mean this please go seek help.



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  • YES!!!!!!!



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