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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
4/22/2019 5:55:17 PM

State of Crucible

Okay, I’m a pretty hardcore player and I’ll admit that. I play everything consistently; More PvE then PvP still. Bungie, you have DESTROYED Crucible. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been destroyed for a long time, but now...WOW! I’m a little above average on the Crucible, and I’m okay with that. I’ve gotten my Luna and my Recluse, but I will say that it has been the most unsatisfying PvP experience (especially since Revelry) of my life. Infinite grenades, are you kidding me!? I will NEVER be that guy that just spams grenades. I want to practice shooting to get a little better so I can go for Not Forgotten. If you like this then good for you, but you’re part of the small minority. The worst part about this though, Bungie is doing it on purpose. Enhancement Cores is one thing because it doesn’t hurt the integrity of the game, but destroying an entire game mode (which like I said has been bad for awhile) is an unforgivable gaming act. The grenade this isn’t going away till the event is over, and then we still have to deal with this stale meta because Bungie said and I quote “we have plans to fix crucible, but we will not be fixing it or even addressing it until late this year”. I’ve supported you for long periods of time Bungie, and I can’t keep doing it. You guys literally make me look like an unintelligent heathen for supporting you.



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  • [quote]Okay, I’m a pretty hardcore player and I’ll admit that. I play everything consistently; More PvE then PvP still.[/quote] here we go... This is promising............ [quote] Bungie, you have DESTROYED Crucible. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been destroyed for a long time, but now...WOW![/quote] I don't know what's worse, the drama or you playing "everything consistently" as an "hardcore player" and thinking it's "been destroyed for a long time" [quote] I’m a little above average on the Crucible, and I’m okay with that. I’ve gotten my Luna and my Recluse, but I will say that it has been the most unsatisfying PvP experience (especially since Revelry) of my life. Infinite grenades, are you kidding me!? I will NEVER be that guy that just spams grenades. I want to practice shooting to get a little better so I can go for Not Forgotten. [/quote] Yada Yada Yada " I'm better than most" Yada Yada Yada more drama [quote] If you like this then good for you, but you’re part of the small minority. The worst part about this though, Bungie is doing it on purpose.[/quote] Where did you get those numbers? Because on destiny tracker they still are the same as before... So you're probably wrong about the "small minority". [quote] but destroying an entire game mode (which like I said has been bad for awhile) is an unforgivable gaming act. [/quote] Drama much? Chill. It's 3 weeks. And it isn't destroyed. [quote] Bungie said and I quote “we have plans to fix crucible, but we will not be fixing it or even addressing it until late this year”.[/quote] When did they say this? Can you link it here?



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