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postato inizialmente in: Iron Banner 6v6 is being postponed
4/10/2018 4:28:33 PM
Lol bungle, you are so incompetent. In a SEQUEL, you down grade the pvp, and then can't even get it to work properly when you try to restore what we had in destiny 1. You've only had 4 years to figure it out FFS! What a joke!



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  • You make it sound like they had completely failed, while they are merely having issues changing the system without breaking rest of the game. Its a bloody normal issue in gaming development and doesn't show any incompetence, Just shows how short patience nolifes have when their game aint working as fast and how they want. They didnt announce its not coming at all they are merely apologizing and saying ITS COMING LATER, Jesus christ people.



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  • [quote]You make it sound like they had completely failed, while they are merely having issues changing the system without breaking rest of the game. Its a bloody normal issue in gaming development and doesn't show any incompetence, Just shows how short patience nolifes have when their game aint working as fast and how they want. They didnt announce its not coming at all they are merely apologizing and saying ITS COMING LATER, Jesus christ people.[/quote] Unless there was a map called "kek"...



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  • Lol



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  • This is not an excuse. As a programmer I promise you it does not take this long to fix such remedial issues. I do not care how large the system is. I work on fleets upon fleets of cloud services for vehicles and I promise that's more complicated than this by far. If this is complicated for Bungie. They need to reinvent their approach to the software development life cycle. What a joke.



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  • You are no programmer then, Changing one thing can have infnite effects on the rest of the system that take time to check and perfect. This is why even the most perfected programs still have bugs and problems, because human mind is the one doing the checking, there is no guarantee you check and fix every error that has passed. With people up bungies throat 24/7 and them practically being forced to get this stuff out soon as possible its no wonder they have bugs in the updates that need to be fixed, And the fact that the game has to be taken down for maintenance for every fix. So they can only do this once a week or then the playerbase will whine about the game being down. So practically either you are a carbage programmer, or not programmer at all.



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  • LMFAO poor child. If their systems entwining PVP are so ingrained with sooooo many other systems in the game they need to look into separation of concept and do it properly. Carbage programmer? I don't know what that is. But I guess I'm a "Carbage" programmer. I'm sure you meant Garbage. No matter. Keep defending them. The only Garbage I smell here is the inability to harmoniously implement 2 more characters per team (taking months to do this) and some weird kid trying to defend that....



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  • Stopped reading at the moment "LMFAO poor child", Definetly not a programmer.



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  • Whatever floats your boat. Kiddo. 😂😂



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  • Such absolute focus on calling someone kid, Something you want to tell about yourself perhaps? Anyway all these childish remarks are not very strong pillars for your legitimacy.



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  • Especially if you're gonna "stop reading" idiot.



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  • Go cry.



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  • really making those scores for your legitimacy here. Keep going. I'm sure you will feel better when you get it all out of your system.



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  • The fun thing about you is you claim to have an understanding of the word "legitimacy" without any idea of the application of the word used towards me. You claim I'm "not a programmer" yet draw that conclusion based on?? What? Me being mean to you? Yup. Me being mean to you == me not being a programmer or garbage programmer. Nice logic there kiddo. So cute. Nice to see you're getting so angry. That's giving me a lot of pleasure. So yeah. I'll keep diminishing my legitimacy. 😂😂😂😭



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  • Keep going, just empty that system. then take a nap you will feel all better.



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  • Do you know the muffin man?



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  • Thats it keep going.



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  • Just woke up from my nap. Still ready to troll you. :)



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  • Oh trolling now is it? Whata poor escape ticket.



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  • You're my b*tch. Bow down before me.



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  • Modificato da NutcasE: 4/11/2018 6:08:00 AM
    Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. First he is a programmer then edgy kid the a troller and now. Not even bloody sure what you are trying to be now. Severe case of social disability.



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  • Don't know what a "progranner" is. You ma bitch doe. 😉😘



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  • Ah smartass phase it is. Time to log it.



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  • You got owned.



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  • Dude, shut up, 6 7 months for a poor sandbox update that did nothing to the current Meta and now they "by accident" found this problem? The -blam!- were they doing when they included 6v6 on the roadmap? Smelling each others assess? It's clear they don't have the man power on the live team now (the rest working on d3) or just plain stupid and incompetent for a AAA developer.



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  • Nope.



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